A'zaza Skywright

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"Only the foolish brand dangerous research forbidden - just because they are too feeble-minded to actually understand them."
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Hear ye, hear ye! The daughter of sir Skywright, part of Ul'dahn's nobility and owner of an airship company, is a fine and noble lady of the most stellar character - at least this is what her parents think. Little do they know that their precious little girl evolved into a more sinister than noble woman, leaving no remedy untried to achieve her goals and acquire forbidden knowledge.
Ah, yes, forbidden knowledge. One could say she is almost obsessed with it after she first stumbled upon the experiments of the man that has been her mentor ever since. A'zaza is not fascinated by it just because it is forbidden and she wants to be rebellious but because something that people are too afraid of to research must be amazing!
Power? She does not want it.
Wealth? Her father is a rich noble.
The one thing that motivates her the most is knowledge itself - to know more than others, to learn about the true nature of things others have no access to. She is not careless, though, and does all of her researches in secret while avoiding to lose herself when it comes to dangerous topics like the void. A'zaza knows about the dangers when dealing with these subjects and she also knows she could lose her sanity as a result but that does not scare her. To be clueless is what truly scares her.
Be prepared, forbidden secrets of this world!


The Void: "That idiot did not manage to summon another Voidsent even after all this time. Guess I have to look elsewhere for information."
Sharlayan's secrets: "This will be tough but I have time."
Black magic: "I should become a Black Mage myself, first."
The Undead: "No clue at the moment but maybe I could try to study "living" examples."
Magitek: "I have to find a Garlean I can ask about this someday."
Other matters people try to hide: "Maybe I will stumble over something interesting."


None: There are none yet.


None: There are none yet.


A'zaza's parents are not really her biological parents - they are Midlanders, after all, and A'zaza is clearly not a Hyur. She was adopted - because they could not have own children - when she was too little to remember anything and there is nothing known about her real parents. Unlike others who would want to know who they are A'zaza does not care and never spared a thought about them - her family are the Skywrights who raised her with great care. A'zaza herself is not sure if she keeps everything secret from them because she doesn not want to be found out or because she does not want to disappoint them. They may not be her real parents but she still loves them like they were.
Her childhood as a noble's daughter was quite peaceful and she had everything normal kids could ever wish for. Her own big room, a garden to play around in, a library and all the other facilities of their mansion while the servants of the house did everything she wanted - even if she could be a bit cruel towards them sometimes but if her parents appeared she was the kind little daughter they always knew. She was an expert in being an innocent lamb when her parents were around and they rarely scolded her. Maybe they should have scolded her a bit more often - it could have prevented her from becoming the sinister woman she is now.

One day, she was only 14 at the time, she was the only one who discovered an unusual book in the library - although it was hard to spot - and pulled it. Not to her surprise, a hidden entrance opened up which kind of disappointed her.
Really? Who is still using such an old trick?
After entering a secret laboratory she caught an Elezen man in his act of performing a dark ritual - summoning a Voidsent for an experiment. He was quite shocked when he saw A'zaza and even thought about killing her to shut her up - before A'zaza stopped him on the spot with a lie. She claimed that she already had someone waiting in the library to call for the guards if something should happen to A'zaza - an easy to see through lie because if that would be case then why didn't the servant come down here instead of A'zaza? The man was too shocked, though, and did not think about this possibility. He was already prepared to meet his maker and was even more surprised when A'zaza did not rat him out but instead wanted to be his student. She was absolutely fascinated by this strange creature he summoned and was it even more after looking around the man's laboratory. All these strange drawings, instruments and the all around atmosphere captured her immediately. It took some time to convince him but he eventually gave in and accepted her as his student - under the condition that she kept quit about it but that was obvious for her.
This was the beginning of her researcher career and the two of them became the first "Seekers of the Forbidden", the name she would give her group in the future.
Of course, she also nagged him to change the book to a less conspicious one.


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As the offspring of a noble house it should be obvious that she is always trying to look as refined as possible. A nicely cut (and hella expensive) dress, finely braid hair and smooth skin are natural for her. Of course, her boots and gloves are of equal quality. And that is almost it. She does not have clothings like pants and shirts and always wears long dresses, even in the summer, although she has a secondary outfit of a black mage (which I still have to get in the game, so there is no image of that yet) that she uses when she needs to conceal her identity or to interact with the other Seekers of the Forbidden. The only kind of clothing she likes are the ones that cover her whole body (except her head when she appears as a noble) and she is really picky about her appearance but not in a narcissistic way.


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One thing is clear - it's not easy being one of her subordinates. She always orders the ones working under her around, does not treat them with respect and is not exactly the nicest person although she does not physically abuse them, so that is something. How she acts around people depends on the people she is around. If they are just commonfolk like workers, farmers and the like she can be pretty arrogant and nasty, showing no sign of being friendly towards them. More important people like other nobles, government officials, leaders and so on, on the other hand, are treated much better and she can be quite the wolf in sheep's clothing - she had a lot of etiquette lessons, after all. She does not have a problem to suck up to people that are higher in authority than her and she is quite comfortable with the life that being in high-society provides her. People between that are treated normally and it depends on the person - she can be quite friendly if she likes someone and is not shy at all (there are even moments when she feels lonely and would not mind company but as always, she would not admit it). A'zaza also has no problems to work together with not so legal individuals if it can help her achieve her goals.
She can be quite morbid and does not value the lives of other beings, no matter if sentient or not. Someone else dying would not faze her one bit and she would actually chuckle a bit if it was someone she considered a fool. Her being obsessed with forbidden research was covered enough already but it's not the only thing she can be obsessed about. Her documents always absolutely HAVE to be in the correct order and like she placed them, otherwise she could become furious and kick the person responsible out for a short time. A'zaza does not only have a bad side, of course. She may not care about her servants but she actually does care about the other Seekers of the Forbidden and sees them as companions that share the same goal (except novices, those have to prove themselves first before getting a better treatment). Her parents are also quite important for her and she - although she would never admit it - would never want to openly disappoint them which is why she is so cautious about being secretive. All in all, it is quite hard to say if she is evil or just a little bit crazy. She would never consider herself being evil and would not want to be a "villain". A'zaza is just not empathetic and can not really put herself in other's shoes but she can still be someone fun to hang around with if they are a friend of her or just sympathetic in her eyes. So, no, she is not "a mean bitch" and actually has some cute sides - like her demeanor when Senor Cactuar is around or anything else she considers cute.


To research and technology (who would have thought that)
(Purple) dresses
Seeing people she dislikes die
Silly hats/glasses (she would not wear them herself, though)
Bad/Stupid/Dad jokes and dark humour
Brutal arena battles
Chocobo fledglings
Senor Cactuar (she really adores him and is always happy when he is around)


Research restraints
People that do not cover themselves
Lowly commonfolk that has the nerve to talk to her
Couples that are affectionate towards each other in front of her (she is just jealous, though)
Primitive tribes and barbarians
Goody two-shoes


Internally rages if she sees someone who shows too much skin
Always wears full clothing, no matter the circumstances (would even do that on the beach)
You can see that she genuinely laughs when she snorts while doing so (which sounds pretty silly)
If something is just TOO funny for her there is the small possibility for her to get the giggles and have a laughing fit
Does either something stupid or mean when someone tries to flirt with her (and never had a relationship before)
Likes to use servants as chairs (or tables)
Sometimes pets someone if she is belittling them
Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unknown
A'zaza angry.jpg
Person Name, relationship. () - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Sir Skywright (first name not specified), adoptive father. () - Nobleman and airship company owner
Character's Thoughts: "I am still father's little girl in his eyes. Some things never change."
They have a warm-hearted relationship.
Lady Skywright (first name not specified), adoptive mother. () - Noblewoman
Character's Thoughts: "I should not worry mother - I could not bear to ashame her."
They have a warm-hearted relationship.
(Gets a name soon), mentor. () - Researcher
Character's Thoughts: "It is hard to tell how I could manage to endure this foolish man all this time. Well, as long as he is useful he can continue to teach me."
Their relationship is very hard to tell by others - sometimes it seems like they hate each other but there actually emerged some kind of bond between them that is hard to break.


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Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"I heard she is not interested in continuing her parents legacy. What are they gonna do after growing too old?"
"Sorry, she's so often around high-society or in her mansion that I don't know much about her - doesn't seem like she wants to be around us "common people" from the looks of it."
"She comes by to watch our Chocobos sometimes. Seems like she took quite a liking to them."
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"I heard she cuts her servants salaries when she gets angry. Would be horrible if that's true!"
"I can't stand that bitch. Just wanted to be nice and say hello - and all I got was 'Stay away, peasant - your smell insults my nose!'"
"I saw her with a friend of hers once and it sounded like they had a lot of fun. Her laugh was also kinda cute."
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"I heard from another servant there was a happenstance when she was 14 where she disappeared for some hours and didn't want to say where she went."
"There was a man who died and I swear: I saw her chuckling by herself after looking at him! That woman has no tact whatsoever."
"She asked me if I was a Garlean because of my looks and it seemed like she was eager to talk to me before I said No. I still think that was pretty fishy but what's that to me?"


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
I am open to a lot of things (except stuff like rape) and not really sure what to say here, sorry. I'm not really familiar with the lore yet and I think it's easier to make stories in a world that I made myself but I'll still try my best and hope you have an understanding for it. If you want to have some kind of connection to her just ask me and please don't be scared off by her personality. I won't try to be as mean as possible and will try to watch out to not overdo it with her nastiness - except you want it like that, hah. Well, there is nothing much left to talk about, so that's that.
Maybe we will run into each other anytime soon.

Header A'zaza.jpg
Name - A'zaza Skywright
Gender - Female
Race - Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun
Age - 21
Name Day - 18.04
Deity - Rhalgr

Alias: (I'm not really creative with that, so help me out if you want)
Citizenship: Ul'dahn
Occupation: Noblewoman/Researcher
Main class: Thaumaturge (trying to become a Black Mage)
Belongs to: Skywright noble house/Seeker of the Forbidden
Orientation: Straight
Marital status: Single
Hair color: Purple
Eye color: Light green
Complexion: More on the lighter side
Marks or tattoos: Only the marks on her face
Alignment: You could say between neutral evil and neutral
Key Items: nothing for now
Favorite Color: Purple
Template made by User:Abelia Kir Armiger and free for use!