Sirah Narani

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Revision as of 16:34, 28 October 2018 by Pheli Calar (talk | contribs)
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Sirah Sirah 3.png
Personal Info
Real Name: Sirah Narani.
Known Aliases: Sirah, Sisi, Fluff, Starry, Night Flower (by Z'raith only)
Race: Miqo'te.
Age: 19
Eye Color: Magenta
Hair Color: Silver
Occupation: Chef
Marital Status: Seeing Someone / Open Relationship (?)
Orientation: Straight.
Known Relatives: Narani Clan (Eradicated.)
Deity: Menphina


"Seekers? Keepers? There is but small differences between the tribes and clans. If we were to set aside petty squabbles and debacles of bloodlines, we could be a family as one; united under both Menphina and Azeyma. One kin. One heart."

- Sami Narani, Matron to the Narani Clan -


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Sirah was the last-born of her already very small clan. Her unique freckle pattern and dark skin brought her Matron to believe she was blessed by Menphina Herself, an idea that was ingrained on the young keeper since she was born. Despite the path offered to her as Matron when she grew of age, Sira struck out on her own to spread the love of Menphina in any way she could to as many people as she could. She developed a knack for cooking; this in itself earned her many curious compatriots, as well as her unusual freckle pattern.

Unbeknownst to her, after she left her clan, it was eliminated completely by a band of Coeurlclaws; believing that the small tribe doing as they would and not following proper Clan laws would bring misfortune upon the entirety of the Keeper kinfolk. Sirah to this day does not know what has happened to them, nor does she know that she and her elder sister are the sole survivors of her clan. Personality-wise, Sirah is horrifically naive, but is still learning about the ways of the world. Her innocence about things has both worked in her favor and against. Still, she heard of her current place of employment through a pamphlet on a notary board, and now resides as Chef at The Moon's Rest. She cooks there a few days a week, and does some adventuring and learning of the world on her days off.

Notable Characteristics:
Sirah sports a very unique set of freckles that mirror the night sky over Eorzea exactly.
There is a curious crescent-moon shaped marking on her hip. Rumor has it that it waxes and wanes much like the moon itself, though this is merely rumour at this time.
She absolutely loves the color Colibri Pink. She is seen almost always in the color from head to toe.
Her tail is obscenely long, stretching near five fulms in length, and is very fluffy. It smells of baked sweets and flowers.


Sirah is the epitome of sweet and caring. She tries to befriend people and learn from them. This has gained her many attentions, and in some cases, a lover or two. She tries her best to cater to peoples wonts and needs as best she can, and if she cannot, she offers advice.

((More to come...))


Colibri Pink
Cute animals
Her friends.
Learning new things.


Mean people
Overly hot or cold climes
SOverly bright places


Making friends


Amiable - This has helped the young keeper greatly; people are more apt to warm up to her quickly.
Very Agile.
Scotopia - Sirah can see VERY well in low or no light areas.


Physical combat.
Larger opponents.


To make people happy.
Learning new things.
To make new friends!

On the matter of Sirah's freckles and their connection to Menphina, Sirah is blessed by the Goddess with a few small abilities. One of which is to have an uncanny knack to make friends; and it offers her some defensive abilities as well. When in danger, Sirah can give off a radial burst of ice-aspected aether to knock would-be aggresors away, but only if she fears for her life. Sirah's other abilities with this gift are unknown; more information will follow.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors -
"Place Rumor here " — Rumormonger.



Romantic Relationship
Romantic Interest
Best Friend
Trusted Friend
Lost contact
[Z'raith Tia]

Raith was enamoured by the sight of Sirah's freckles, and a friendship and more developed between them. Sirah has a deep affection and attraction for the Seeker, usually staying close to him if he is nearby.

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Player Note
IC actions and moods do not reflect OOC actions and moods. Please keep this in mind when interacting with my characters. Please to not bleed the two together, I will have no hesitation in removing my character from the RP.
Personal RP Limits
No death without permission, not excess gore without permission. Mainly, ASK before you do something to my character; I'm normally laid back but I do have some limits.
■ Communication is cool!

RP with Sirah

Potential Plot Hooks
Cooking or talking about cooking!
Walkups. Sirah is pretty sociable around people she feels comfortable with!

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Wiki Mash User:Abelia Kir Armiger.

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.