Byrtwyb Ceignitarwyn

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Byrtwyb Ceignitarwyn
The "Axe Woman" of Limsa Lominsa
Strategist, Medical Trainee for the Maelstrom
Gender Female
Race Roegadyn
Clan Sea Wolf
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 25
Former Jobs Sells-axe, Pirate
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Basic Info

Byrtwyb Ceignitarwyn, also known as "Axe" or "Byrt" by her few friends, is a rather large Sea Wolf woman in all aspects, walking with a stride of confidence and command and a new tome at her side. She seems to have given up her history of piracy, typically donning Maelstrom attire, robes, or some sort of casual clothing as she studies her new craft.


Early Life

Byrtwyb was always a bit of a lanky child, but given her namesake she felt obligated to take up axe and train her heart out. Every day she picked the biggest axe she could find and practiced her swings. Eventually she began to hunt, chasing after small animals and making them her meals. As she grew so did her expertise with her axe and her love for a good fight. Her body became strong, nourished from the game she happily fought, eventually going toe to toe with creatures twice her size (and often coming on top with several serious injuries.)

The Challenge

As Byrtwyb came of age, she gave herself a challenge: find the largest nuisance animal and put it out of Limsa's misery before her perceived rivals at the Coral Tower could.

It wasn't long before word spread around of such a creature. An overgrown coeurl had managed to make its way to Lower La Noscea, marking its territory and causing chaos for the citizens of the area. Byrtwyb wasted no time, donning her armor and grabbing her axe. She made a mad dash towards the last known location of the beast. To her dismay she found only remnants of the beast's attack; animal carcasses, turned over wagons, torn vegetation, and luckily a faint set of tracks.

Scanning the area, she appeared to have gotten to the scene faster than the marauders of Limsa. She ran further, following the tracks through the territory until she came across a rocky clearing. Growls and screeches echoed off stone, dull thuds and high rings crashed through the air as she came to find a marauder already locked in combat with the ferocious beast. The coeurl's whiskers crackled, charging a paralyzing strike as the axe wielder charged into combat once more. In two swift motions the marauder found himself on the ground,his armor throwing up sparks as the coeurl left him unable to move and tossed him aside.

The beast approached the fallen Limsan, an inexperienced marauder in over his head and terrified out of his skull. With a sense of urgency, Byrtwyb leapt between the two, flourishing her battleaxe to attract the coeurl's attention. Without hesitation the coeurl struck,claws ringing against the blunt side of her axe as Byrtwyb parried the swipe.

For several minutes the two fought, Byrtwyb both landing and taking several powerful blows. Nearly worn, both combatants fight for dear life. In the end, a desperate swing caught the beast off guard mid pounce and slew it.

Piracy and Current Life

Word spread of Byrtwyb's victory, catching the attention of a passing pirate crew. They quickly offered her a spot on their crew. Intrigued by the idea of treasure and new fights, the young woman happily agreed and found her home at sea.

Once aboard, the roegadyn quickly found the crew to be a bit different from stories of pirates. The captain explained that their crew was not one to cause wanton death and violence. They raided ships for the fun of it, not to endanger lives and murder. They caused fights and stole loot from merchant ships, but every crew member resolved not to actually take the lives of their prospective profits.

Byrtwyb had held her doubts on this, thinking it was merely a show. However, it put her mind at ease to see their first raid go just as she was told. They boarded the merchant ship and dispatched the guards, leaving their unconscious bodies off to the side as the crew made off with several thousand gil worth of jewelry. She was home at last. Not judged for her looks, nor feared for her size. She fought hard and formed a kinship among her crew, each victory and bitter defeat bringing a balance to her life.

Her crew's rules often made them the target of other pirate ship's attacks and they were constantly boarded. Most times they could fend their attackers off, but one certain ship pushed Byrt. Her captain, a bronze-skinned highlander woman was locked in combat with one of the opposing crew. Out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of her captain being pierced through what she believed to be the chest by an attacker's sword. She saw red, bashing her opponent with the blunt side of her axe before spinning on her heels and raising the weapon high. Caught in her anger she brought the axe down, gruesomely splitting the attacker's skull in twain.

Time slowed, the ringing of steel on steel becoming faint to Byrtwyb as she realized what had just occurred. The attacking and defending crews stood shocked as the captain's assailant crumpled. Byrtwyb's crew had never actually taken a life. Yet there lie a man in a pool of blood. The attacking crew retreated, leaving their fallen member aboard the ship. Byrtwyb's crew remained silent over the next remaining days until they reached port. The young roegadyn woman snuck off the ship and never looked back. She made her life in Limsa as quiet as possible, taking contracts as an unknown mercenary. Since then she has enrolled in the Maelstrom as well as continuing her work as a sellsaxe.

Recently, with the untimely death of her captain reaching her ears, Byrtwyb has done some soul searching. The typically mouthy, muscular woman has taken up the mantle of an arcanist, urged by a newfound companion to learn the arts of healing. She has taken quickly to the art, surprising not only her mentor but herself as well. She has also found herself growing more comfortable with the idea of becoming more involved in the Maelstrom, offering her services to the grand company.


Byrtwyb is generally a kind, compassionate soul if not a bit mouthy and headstrong at times. As of late, she's been more interested in healing the wounds of her friends and companions, rather than starting physical fights. She's quick of wit, and plays off her time as a pirate as though nothing had happened. Expect a completely different woman should you threaten or be perceived as a threat to those she holds dear, however. She will stop at nothing to see her friends and loved ones safe, even going so far as to risk her life without hesitation.


(Former) Grey-Mane Pirates

(Former) Limsa Lominsa Sells-axes

The Maelstrom

Arcanist's Guild