Z'zhumii umi

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 Z'zhumii Umi
Z'zhumii Umi
"Companion" for hire - Ul'dah Dancing Girl - Pious follower of Azeyma
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Unknown
Citizenship resident of Ul'Dah
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Who is Z'zhumii Umi?


Z'zhumii Umi, or Umi as she prefers to go by by both friend and client, is a Sunseeker Miqo'te that seems to have taken her people's love for the sun Goddess a little too much to heart.

A young woman, somewhere in her 20's at a glance, Umi has carved out a small living and home in the deserts of Thanalan- traveling from the city of Ul'dah to its prosperous surrounding towns in search of work and wonder. Umi's skin is tanned from long hours spent bathing in the sun's glorious rays, and her hair is kept a shimmering blonde by a constant use of lemon juice, making her a rather typical looking Sunseeker Miqo'te female.


As if taking the title of Sunseeker a little too much to heart, Umi has attempted to completely submerge her life in Azeyma's warm glow. She can easily be spotted in a crowed, despite her short stature, by the glaringly bright yellows of her clothing. A favorite flower can be guessed quite easily- Sunflowers! Blackeyed Susans are a close second, however. The bindi on her brow, while without little golden points to represent glittering rays, is indeed meant to represent Azeyma's official symbol. In short- Umi could easily be classified as that annoying fangirl, but for a Goddess instead of a boy band.


Umi was not always so chipper and full of sunshine, however. Prior to her move to the cities and towns of Thanalan, Umi had been a part of one of the many migratory tribes that relied on tradition. The rise and fall of Nunhs and Tias was not a terribly interesting show, and the patriarchal governing of her tribe was not exactly in stride of Umi's will- in short, it just wasn't her jive.

Now she travels alone, or in small caravans with the protection of marauding adventurers, from city to town to ply her trade as both dancer and companion.


Other Notes

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