Zin Jaeger

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 Zin Jaeger
Chief of Mischief
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Whatever.
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Before you stands a mid-lander hyur that appears to be
around his early thirties. He stands tall amongst the
highest of mid-landers, almost rivaling the bigger
humanoid races. He has some muscles, but his slim
structured body makes it clear that his dominant
physical attributes lie within speed and agility. As with
many hyurs, Zin has dark sapphire eyes, healthy
sun-kissed skin, slightly keen ears and a sharp nose.
His hair is short, roughed, shiny, white, and some
have made claims that it smells nice too
(like minty apples almost).

Zin is a pirate.

He likes to plunder booty.

Plunder, Zin. Plunder.

~Alothia Starkwood


Zin strikes you as a calm but very light hearted person.
Yet there is a hint of great discipline shining through the
cracks of his gentle nature. He carries himself with
self-respect and care for himself. His back is straightened,
his walk is certain, and his eyes openly say:
"Yep, I'm looking at you."


This is an extract from when Zin first began his journey;

"Daddy has to leave you now, my children," Zin spoke
softly. The little ones gazed to their father as he
conversed to them. Although the message was emotionally
harsh, the children kept their poker faces straight. Zin
pointed to his head. "I might be gone from here,
physically and logically, but I'll always be here,
in your hearts." He then pointed to his chest and
smiled warmly. The tiny eyes followed his lips, paying
attention to his every word. Their faces conveyed
indifference, but they still watched him talk.

"Sarah. You're the oldest. Take care of your step-brother,
Billy," Zin looked to both of them. He then paused for a
moment before uttering: "Uh, I forget which of you is
Sarah and who's Billy, but I'm sure you'll figure it out.
You've always been bright children."

The father looked at the clock on the wall: "Now, Consuela
the maid will be here to feed you twice a day, but other
than that... you two are on your own. Further more,
since you two are only step siblings, I'll reckon you'll
both get bored at some point and decide to boink each other
and that's fine." Zin folded his fingers firmly to illustrate
the point of sexual connection. He then continued with
his instructions: "There won't be guaranteed dysfunctional
offsprings as a result. With that said, any questions...?"
The father glanced at his loved ones with an arched eyebrow.

He was only met with a blank stare that most people would
consider an akward silence, but this atmosphere was normal
for this family. Zin then shrugged. "That's what I like about
you two. You're good listeners and never mock my unique
concerns. Here, have some sugar." Zin drizzled a few flakes
into the fish-bowl. Sarah and Billy, the gold-fishes, swam to
the surface to eat eagerly.

"Well, I'm off to learn how to punch things more efficiently,"
Zin went out the door and slammed it behind him. "Later bitchiz!"

