Abeodan Silverbrand

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 Abeodan Silverbrand
Abeodan 2-1.png
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Silver Bazaar
Age 19
Marital Status Single
Occupation Botanist
Height/Weight 5' 6" / 142 lbs
Diety Nophica

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Basic Info


The Markets


Being Touched
Being Cold
Sour things


Weapon: A pair of old, simple, hora
Vice(s): Collecting old and run down magitech
Favorite Food: Antelope Stew
Favorite Drink: Orange Juice
Favorite Color: Violet

Appearance & Personality

Abeodan isn't among the smallest or the most frail of the Hyur. Sure, there could be volumes written on how the child could afford to grow a few inches. And sure, on a good day he can weave through a crowd with all the lithely apptitude of a Noscean cat. But the latter mainly stems from his own puglists's training, his frame a definite remnant of that. And the former, he hopes, is still fixable in time. Boys don't stop growing just because they're out of their teens, right?
Born with dark hair and light, browning eyes, Abeodan kept the second and then took to coloring his head with every assortment of rainment dyes he could cobble together from his garden. For a long time the weeks and days were filled with variations of shocks of color split through his hair, from orange to blue to amethyst as he seemed incapable of making up his mind. Now, though, it seems to've reseted on a pale pink, a color he mirrors in at least an accent of most of his clothes. Every span or so, there might be a change. A week of violet or a few days of gold. But those never quite last, anymore, and they're as far and few between as getting a gigantoad to smile. He resembles his mother most, in facial features, but retains his father's midlander blood in both both his height and the late man's paler skin tone, both made more prominent than they should've been by the presence of crippling illnesses at an early age while growing up in Little Ala Mhigo.
Abeodan isn't unfriendly, per se, but he doesn't really land on the 'nice' scale. He's your marksman's target for the world's unruly teen, moving out of his teen years and toward the persona of every other rebel delinquit. Exciteable, confident, and quick to offend, Abbie isn't looking to reform a country or start a war, but he loves a civillian riot just as much as anyone who is. The kid just wants to be happy and have a good time breaking bottles, and he hasn't quite learned the consequences of it yet. Likewise, he hasn't learned the consequences of a quick mouth and a sharp tongue, either. Clouts over the head have proven to do very little to reform his attitude.
But outside of Little Ala Mhigo, the majority of people that know Abeodan by name, haven't really seen that side of him. The main reason for that of course is that he hardly leaves his Ul'dahn planting shop, and most of those he sees daily are merely customers. They, by some grace of the divine, only see the half of him dedicated to his plants. While often rude or blunt with his boots kicked up on the front desk, on the days he isn't stationed there it isn't uncommon to see the child swept up in his work in the gardens, tender-handed among the flowers and deaf to the rest of the world. A quiet boy with quiet passions and a green thumb the size of Ul'dah. The flowers are the only place he'll keep quiet. Flowers, anyway, are more important than social rebellion, or revelry.







Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Ah, he hangs around the markets in Ul'dah, a lot. Sometimes I'd see him heading south of the city, but that was quite a while back..." -- Ul'dah Resident
"He talks about nothing but fighting and he knows nothing but plants. But he's been that way since his mother brought him here." -- Little Ala Mhigan Refugee
"Its nice to know at least some of the refugees are managing honest work. Especially the youthful." -- Ul'dah Resident
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Kid that small shouldn't have such a pension for starting fights is all I say. Once saw him right hook a guy just for elbowin' him wrong" -- Taverngoer
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Yeah his brother's death was probably tragic for him, but its nothing we don't see here every damn day, as things are. Kid's got no excuse to go acting like he is. Isn't Gundobald supposed to be hitting these kids into shape? Gods know I can't... the pain..." -- Little Ala Mhigan Refugee
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Poor Standing
Gevalle Silverbrand : Mother
Ziv'ir Ashal : Newly Met. Nice house. Slow on the uptake of directions.



Template by Bancroft Gairn
Theme Song: Trouble Hunters, This is Our Science
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