Deirdre Ta'ea

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PLEASE NOTE: This Wiki is constantly changing and updating. Last update made: July 25th, 2013. Review at your own risk, this wiki does contain spoilers that are for OOC purposes only.

Garlemald Flag.jpg Deirdre Ta'ea
"Know only this… this life is not worth squandering. Make it yours, make it more. Love so immensely, care so tenderly, breathe so deeply and see keenly. Do not let it slip through your fingers as I have, you will only find regret. Love… and never cease. Never stop wondering how tall the sky is."
Gender Female
Race Elezen
Clan Wildwood
Citizenship Garlean
Religion Menphina, the Lover
Age 28
Nameday 3rd Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon, 1549
Height/Weight 5 fulms 10 ilms, 140 ponz
Occupation Freelancer
Server Balmung

Deirdre Ta'ea is a stunning Wildwood Elezen specializing in archery and the use of concealed, deadly weapons, most often daggers. While beautiful, lithe and agile she is by no means innocent. Cold, calculated and deadly she comes off to many people as unstable, which is indeed the correct assumption. Though she is highly misunderstood, and can be calm and warm under the right circumstances. She is prone to be more violent towards others because of her difficult past, and is often unpredictable with moods. After many cycles past the Battle of Cartenau, Deirdre has left her employment of a brothel called The Pearl, and is now wandering the lands of Eorzea once again, reuniting with friends from the past and forging new relationships.



Given Name: Deirdre Ta'ea '[Dear-Dray Tah-Eh]': Her first name comes from an old tale of a woman who dies of a broken heart. Her last name comes from a long line of blacksmiths, her father's line, even though she has no talent for the craft and is the last of the name's lineage.
Aliases/Nicknames: Snow: The codename Deirdre has been given on missions in her past, some know her only by this nickname and nothing else. This name was also used as her alias within the Pearl, and was the only name given to her patrons. Deir: The shortened version of her full name, this is used by close friends only and she will disapprove if used by strangers or people she does not trust.
Current Residence: None permanent, roaming.
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Follower of Menphina, the Lover
IC Journal Pre-Arr:
Current IC Journal: <-- *Last Entry: May 1st, 2013*


Height: 5 fulms, 10 ilms - for an Elezen she is fairly short helping her blend among the Hyur races, but stand out uniquely for her own kin. She usually stands slightly shorter than a tall male Midlander.
Weight: 140 ponz - Thin-boned yet curvy, she has a round bottom and a handful of breast. She has lost a little of her previously built muscle over the last few cycles, arms and legs a little thinner but holding some of their previous strength.
Body: Even though she is very thin-framed Deirdre is by no means skinny. Round hips, perky chest and toned muscles, she is flexible and lithe. While more power resides in her legs from training and a gap remains between her thighs, her skill in archery also allows her arms a decent bulk of muscle. Despite having children, her stomach remains flat and toned due to her obsession with exercise and power. Her single, subtle structural flaw is improperly healed ribs on her left side, causing a bump in naked flesh, only noticeable by a keen eye, or intimate interactions.
Complexion: Pale, smooth, flawless skin shimmers in the light and glows in the dark. Deirdre is notorious for keeping her skin perfect, going to great lengths to rid herself of scars from her profession as a warrior, one would never tell by her skin of her profession. The only marks she bears are her beauty mark below her right eye and a diamond-shaped burn mark on the bottom of her right foot, a Garlean brand.
Face: Thin, fine features and accented high cheekbones give Deirdre a very fair look. Sharp, icy-blue eyes are more than attentive, her vision keener than the average, rimmed with thick, heavy black eyelashes. Her nose is tiny, her chin is narrow and small, plump lips full and pouted, making her appear younger than her cycles.
Hair: Azure strands weave and twist wildly when loose, hair as untamed as the woman. Her hair is usually only down when she is comfortable, or during an intimate moment. Otherwise, she keeps the long, unyielding locks of hair bound tightly on top of her head or braided, so it stays out of her way as she fights. Even still, her hair finds ways to escape the bonds and flirt about her cheeks. When wet, strands will curl all about thickly. Deirdre has not cut her hair in many, many cycles, making it uncontrollably lengthy. Secretly, she enjoys brushing and braiding her hair, and considers it a very intimate action if another does it for her.
Fashion: Preferring more revealing clothes than most, Deirdre often sticks with high boots, tiny skirts and low-cut shirts for her normal dress, anything to draw attention to her curvaceous form. When in battle she dons more frequently tight leathers over her chest and arms, tight armoured leather boots. When needed, she will don simple clothes to blend in. If alone and relaxing, she is most often found wearing underwear and a loose, baggy shirt, or occasionally a loose cotton dress.


Voice: Smooth and seductive, her words are enunciated particularly, her speech holding a light touch of Northern accent.
Demeanor: Towards other people Deirdre will often come about as rude and hostile. She is very protective and tends not to allow people close to her. She will often remain silent but attentive, usually coming off as offensive. To people she knows, Deirdre is less guarded but tends to be more on the icy side. Yet, when people get to know her and she opens up, Deirdre becomes an entirely different person. When this happens she is very docile and shy, and when truly relaxed and comfortable she is a happy woman, smiling more often. Though, this takes an immense amount of patience and time, as it is not something that comes naturally to her, unlike her icy mask.
Quirks: Deirdre is used to always having a knife on her, and if permitted one she will clutch on to it and refuse to let go. She is ambidextrous with weapons, but will only ever write with her right hand. Deirdre gets grumpier in the heat, and more docile in the cold. She will bite on her lower lip when aroused, thinking, or holding something back. She is racist towards Duskwight Elezen and Lalafell, and has no problem making that known. She is also very visual, and will believe what he eyes see over most anything.
Intelligence: Deirdre is fairly uneducated in basic schooling, as she never received a formal education. Any knowledge she possesses she learned either on her travels, from particular missions or undercover roles. She excels more in street and battlefield knowledge and knows little beyond the basics of crafts or literature, over what she needs to survive. She can speak, write and read Eorzean well, but there are often occasions she uses incorrect words, or simply ignores or pass off comments if she does not understand the words being used. She has a particularly difficult time understanding individuals with heavy accents or slang. She has no patience for scholar studies, seeing them as less important than the skill of battle. More recently Deirdre has become obsessed with books, and has a secret love for tomes in the categories of history and religion. Though she will not readily admit this, she adores diving in to vast tomes of unknown information, but sometimes will require help with Eorzean words she does not recognize.



  • Style:Deirdre is a very offensive fighter and prefers quick, deadly attacks than slower, stronger ones. She will usually hit for something vital quickly, and in failing that trying to flurry her opponents in to submission. Though her tactics vary with the opponent, she is very observatory and will adapt herself to the situation. With her skills in archery though she is the opposite, preferring to be as far away as possible when she fires, with her angle, position, or velocity mattering little.
  • Specialization:Ranged attacks with a bow and arrow from great or close distances, close up encounters with a lightweight dagger never longer than her forearm, range with a spear (and only one with some kind of cross-guard), light forms of magic usually in the element of ice and distraction/diversion methods.
  • Strengths: Extremely close combat or surprise attacks, using her looks to her advantage people usually do not see her coming or as much of a threat, this gives her the upper hand only assisted by her adaptability and cunning. She is also excellent with intensely ranged attacks, assisted by the keen eyes of her kin and a finely tuned longbow.
  • Weaknesses: Deirdre is very weak against heavily armoured attackers with big weapons, though she will try to use her speed to counter this. She is durable, but not overly so, so one or two big hits could end most of her ability to fight. Her ears are also one of her weaknesses, she does not have good hearing to begin with unless she truly focuses on listening, but even still she relies more on her eyes. It is also easy to put Deir in a blooded frenzy, making her more careless than usual, she is not hard to rile up in most situations, which is why she is easily provoked and ends up attacking people randomly.
  • Armour: Her armour varies on her state, but most often she is clad in leathers and usually nothing heavier than scale. She prefers high leather boots with a minimal amount of plating or cloth strapped in leather guarding. Her gloves are usually thin and tight, a tiny bit of metal plating hidden underneath to guard her wrists and forearms from damage.