Khyran Oisin

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 Khyran Oisin
Original art by AeolianMode
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Place of Birth Limsa Lominsa
Nameday 12/1 (Age: 26)
Marital Status Single (Romantic Asexual)
Occupation Herbalist
Pronunciation KHY-ruhn Osh-EEN

Basic Info


To live, you must give your life away.

Khy is a skeletal, ragged man with a sharp, beak-like nose and an eye-patch. He's as helpful as he is suspicious, equal parts neurotic and nonchalant, and completely unconcerned with his own safety. He carries no weapons and wears no armor. He has a habit of lurking, eavesdropping, and generally knowing too much, but he has yet to do anything obviously sinister. He is self-sacrificing to a fault, though blunt and awkward. No one is entirely sure where he's come from or where he's been. He tends to watch and listen, like some sort of sickly carrion bird.


Height: 5'6

Weight:80-90 LBS

Complexion: Sallow

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Particular Traits: Supposively suffers from an eating disorder.

Voice: Gentle, middle-pitched, more air than voice

Clothing Style: Practical, favors white and black.

He has an angular, bony face framed by long, dark hair that has grown past his shoulderblades. He has a hooked nose, thin lips, and a deep-set brown eye. His teeth are crooked and there's a gap between his front incisors. He has a short, trim goatee and a stubble-darkened jaw.

He is about 5'6" and nearly corpselike in weight. If he is picked up, he can be estimated to weigh 90 pounds. His white robes are too big for him, threadbare and dirty. His skin is sallow and pale, his single eye often bloodshot. His fingernails seem to have been chewed to stubs. He often feels a few degrees colder than what is normal for people. He usually smells like sweat, dirt, grass, and blood.

He isn't exactly a handsome man; his attractiveness would be in the eye of the beholder. Still, his expression is usually soft and pleasant, and he's so withered he looks more like a homeless puppy than a threatening street rat. If he carries weapons, they must be expertly concealed, for there is absolutely no sign of such things on his person.


More often than not, he stands in a slouch and moves slowly. His joints often pop when he moves. He seems incapable of running very long, as the attempt leaves him winded and breathless to the point of collapse. When he walks, its usually with his head bowed and his arms folded behind his back. When he's seated, he fidgets, tapping his fingers, playing with strings or swaying to some unheard beat.

He tends to avoid eye contact with people, and keeps his head down. It may appear as though he is not paying attention to anyone or anything, but when asked questions, he is often startlingly accurate, and he is known to bluntly point things out about people that others would have barely noticed. If he is observed closely, one can assume he is actually watching people like a hawk out of the corner of his eye. He is paying very, very close attention. It may be difficult to slip anything past him.



  • Gardening
  • Poetry
  • Singing


  • Autumn
  • Honey
  • Sunsets
  • Moogles
  • Silence
  • Nature
  • Tea
  • Discussing Philosophy


  • Crowds
  • Socializing
  • Snakes
  • Darkness
  • Small talk
  • Spicy food


  • Failure
  • Divine Punishment
  • Being a burden
  • Being useless


  • Color:Purple
  • Food:Honey
  • Drinks:Tea
  • Scent: Freshly fallen autumn leaves.
  • Place: Lakes.


  • To redeem himself


Khyran believes in the Twelve and is extremely devout. However, if one listens in on his verbal prayers, they might find them slightly alarming. He often prays things like, "Break my body to build them up. Pour my life into their cup. And in all things, wrench from me my aether, and cast it into the Void." It seems as though the man is spiritually motivated to right some sort of wrong.


Chaotic Good



He's meek, patient, blunt, honest, and self-sacrificing. His giving nature seems to be born of some sort of internal issue, and he's stubbornly set in his self-destructive ways.


The very first thing someone is likely to notice about Khyran is that he is self-sacrificing. Even when his life is being actively threatened, he will stare at the threat with a gentle smile and a pleasant question. If he is offered something for free, he refuses in exchange for providing services. He always seems to be looking for someone to help and something to be doing with himself. If he must do something for the sake of his own survival, it is often with reluctance and guilt. He has absolutely no regard for his own well-being, and this seems to play into every part of who he is. He simply does not know fear.

He does, however, know anxiety- for he is nervous in crowds and social gatherings. To him, socializing with strangers is like pulling teeth. He prefers watching people from corners or meeting with individuals one-on-one. When speaking to individuals, he is more of a listener. He's honest, patient, and meek. Some would find him a good friend because he does not sugar-coat what he thinks is the truth. If he sees a problem, he brings it up. If he thinks someone is doing poorly, he tries to help by shining the light on their mistakes. Above all, he wants people to be better, live fully, and feel unburdened by the aches and pains of the world.

However, some people would find him to be too blunt and his honesty brutal. Because he does not care much for himself, he is bleak and stubbornly set in his ways, making him difficult to love. He does not do well in groups, for he is socially neurotic and has difficulty with sticking his foot in his mouth. When he makes the rare attempt to fit in or contribute to light conversation, he typically makes a fool of himself.


At his best, he makes for pleasant, helpful company and an unbiased listening ear. At his worst, he's depressing and stubbornly set in his ways, making him infuriating to those who care about him. On top of everything, he's tight-lipped about anything in regards to his history, and the way he just stares and watches people can make him a dreadfully suspicious and enigmatic man. Still, he doesn't appear to be the sort of person capable of doing harm even if he wanted to.

Psychological Analysis

  • ISFJ.
  • Restricting-Type Anorexia
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Depression

Abilities and Skills


  • A nice singing voice
  • A way with plants


  • N/A. Khyran is a pacifist.


  • As a White Mage, Khyran uses his conjuration abilities to tap into his own life force, expending it for the healing benefits of others.


  • Herbalism

Family and Relationships






Vi Lindon : He met her on the road. She gave him some food and much-needed company, despite the fact that it's difficult for him to admit that he needed either.




Trigger Warning: This character's history deals with heavy, graphic themes. Because of the nature of his design, his history in detail will not be listed on this wiki. For those curious, RP with him. He may eventually tell your character what he did.

From what little can be gleaned from this enigmatic man, he was born in Limsa Lominsa to an uneventful life and a very average family. He doesn't like to talk about it, and absolutely refuses to go back to his home town. No one is entirely sure why, but it can be assumed he's gotten in to some trouble with the law. Perhaps big trouble.

He never stays in one place for very long. However, he tends to roam around Gridainia, offering services to travelers he meets on the road as a healer and alchemist. He never works for money, instead bartering his services for morsels of food if it can be provided. Beyond this, the man remains generally mysterious.

Music Themes

Main Instrumental Inspiration Track:

Instrumental Compilation (credits inside):

Original Composition:

Fitting Lyrics: Radical Face, a Pound of Flesh.

'My feet plow on, from night to dawn

My empty belly and my body aches

Ain't hard to take

Next to the weight I carry in my chest

A pound of flesh

Could never tip the scale that I made

I should have stayed

But I was never wise.

I hear your voices in the wind that cuts the night.

And I pray to whatever is listening things will be alright.'

More Fitting Lyrics: Koda, Staying

'As winter takes me now

Of cold and clammy skin

A barren empty womb

As I am born again

It’s pulling at my hair

And crawling all within

A gentle beating heart

Is swept away by sin

The monster in your head

Won’t surface again

Be still my child

Wash away the sin'


"That Khyran is still around? I thought he'd have shriveled up and blown away by now."

"A strange man in white gave me an entire week's salary while I was starving in the gutter. As I was about to thank him, he disappeared."

"You wanna know about that Oisin? He ain't welcome in this tavern no more. Kept starin', askin' people personal questions and creepin' 'em out. Don't trust him."

Player Rumors

Note: This section is editable by anyone. Just keep in mind that the rumors here may be both true or false.


Name Etymology

Irish. Khyran is a variation of Kieran, which means "dark." Oisin means "little deer."

These meanings were unintentional when the character's name was decided upon.

About the Player

I'm Aeolian, an artist. I make graphics for a sporting goods company full time. When I'm not RPing in my spare time, I'm drawing or working on my graphic novel Age of Mortality at I live somewhere in the American South with my husband and two cats, Chai Tea and Total Biscuit.

Other Notes

Always IC and looking for RP. Feel free to visit my Tumblr to ask me for my skype if you want to arrange something.