Magdelena Delacroix

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Ishgard.jpg Magdelena Delacroix
The Valkyrie of Coerthas
Gender Female
Race Elezen
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Ishgardian
Age 35 (HY)
Guardian Halone, the Fury
Namesday 29th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon


Through every generation of the human race there has been a constant war, a war with fear. Those who have the courage to conquer it are made free and those who are conquered by it are made to suffer until they have the courage to defeat it, or death takes them. —Alexander the Great

♦ General

Current Status: Currently the elf sports a deeply-colored contusion on her left cheek, down near the corner of her mouth. In addition, the skin of her forehead and between her eyes, down to the bridge of her nose is healthy bruised shade. A thin split also adorns the bridge of her nose.

Height: 6'2

Weight: 170 Lbs

Complexion: Fair to pale

Hair: Raven black with royal purple highlights

Eyes: A predatory gold

Particular Traits: Void-black eyeliner accentuates her exotic almond shaped eyes. High cheekbones coupled with a sharp widow's peak offer the elf a haughty, and regal appearance. A light scar paints her left cheek near the outer corner of her eye to the edge of her lips.

Voice: Regal, Slightly husky though feminine

Clothing Style: Prefers armor, though casual dress is that of typical Ishgardian Nobility

Talents: The elf has a certain knack for the Ishgardian arts. Her talent with a lance is remarkable, as is her grasp of the Dragoon style of combat. She has indeed mastered the airborn combat, able to wield the lance effortlessly in midair. She has been known to perch on mountain peaks and roof tops only to leap to great heights, then allowing gravity to take her into a controlled free-fall onto her target, lance first. This act of 'flight' earned her the nickname of Valkyrie. She is able to achieve such a feat by channeling the aether in near perfection.

♦ Appearance

The woman bares a commanding presence. Her frame is lean and athletic, though retains subtle feminine curvature. Pin-straight, raven tresses were hacked short, violet tinged bangs covering her eyes just so, affording the Dragoon a predatory appearance. Her face was angular, her cheekbones perched high; a true elezen high-born indeed. Long, slender ears jut out sharply from her silken hair, both adorned with a mythrite cuff. Tucked beneath her armor or clothing at all times is a rarely seen mythrite chain. The links of the chain were miniscule, though tightly linked (exquisite craftsmanship indeed)and between her breasts hung the tooth of a dragon. Multiple small, fading scars are found on her frame, indicating her life upon the field of battle. Upon the small of her back, a scar spans from her right ribcage to her left hip, appearing as claw marks. Upon the elf's back were tattooed a pair of wings resembling that of a Valkyrie. The tattoo was ornate, and done with perfection in shades of black and gray; the wings seem to sprout from her scapulae. The bottom tine of her tattoo was disrupted, marred by the claw-like scar. The pads of her hands are worn from the years of abuse, wrapped around the shaft of a lance. A mythrite ring hugs her right index finger, baring the crest of House Delacroix. Around her ankle, the elf wears a delicate silver chain. Her legs are long, with strong thighs and calves.

♦ Behavior

  • A closet stress-smoker.
  • Painfully proper in both mannerism and speech
  • The elf is very much a guardian, her sense of self revolves around protecting others
  • Can be blunt and down right rude. However, she'll always twist it in the most verbose manner possible
  • While not quick to anger, when her temper does rise it's volcanic

Not all are capable of defending themselves. It is my duty to shield the meek, This is why I sought to join the Dragoon Order.


She is a master of the lance, able to swing the long weapon with ease.

Currently the elf is training with a doublt handed sword. She is learning the skills of her father.

★ Recent RP events ★

The events unfold before my eyes, clouded in a crimson haze. The snow whips about my fallen face, stinging my cheeks and chilling me to my core. I have fallen, laying prostrate on the ground, unable to get up. The weight upon my back is coupled with an intense pain in the small of my back and left shoulder. The clatter of battle seems far away, it is as though cotton has been stuffed in my ears. I cannot escape the incessant ringing. The bodies of my dead and dying comrades have been strewn haphazardly across the courtyard. I cannot help them. At the far corner, the massive beast unfurls his wings as he tears gleefully at the body clad in spiked mail. Isaac. No.

It is as if time has slowed to a crawl, a peculiar sensation. An enraged cry causes me to turn my head. Illizier. My brother raises his enormous zweihander, the blade dripping with the blood of his foe. Our father's precious blade. He charges the glittering cerulean monster that rends his twin's corpse asunder. The dragon releases Isaac's body, casting it aside as a rag doll. The screech of steel against talon jars me from my state. Time picks up, and the sounds of this Hell come rushing at me. The adrenaline courses through my veins suddenly and with renewed vigor. The drake atop me opens his maw for the killing blow to my neck. The bastard does not get the chance to end my life. The concealed knife is torn from my hip. I turn and scream savagely as I thrust the blade into the drake's open maw, goring it through. The blade protrudes from the back of the creature's skull, its blood gushing down my arm.

I push the corpse from atop me, turning my attention back to my brother. Illizier is locked in combat with the scaled brute, sweat pours down his strained features. He swings the greatsword in a powerful downward arc, opening a deep wound in his foe's shoulder. I do not wait. The sound of my armor scrapes against the stone as I get to my feet; mid run I stoop to grab my lance that lay several meters from me. 75 meters. 55 meters. 40 meters. My greaves thunder against the stone as I ready my deadly weapon. Illizier's swing leaves him wide open. I cannot close the gap fast enough to parry the beast's retaliation.

He cannot block the dragon's spiked tail, his cry sounds though the air as the wicked protrusions pierce his flesh through. His blade falls to the snow covered cobblestone with a final, resounding noise. My brother's eyes glaze as death consumes him. 20 meters. 10 meters. My muscles burn as I launch myself into the air. My body twists automatically, mid flight and I tilt my lance down. My pain, my rage, and the blood of my family is poured into my connection to the Aether, it fuels my rapid descent. In this moment I am the Valkyrie, it is as if I am watching this scene through another's eyes. My lance is vengence in material form.

The drake shifts, desperately trying to avoid my strike in that final moment. In err, it relies on the limb my brother has wounded. The limb gives way. My lance plunges into the base of the foul creature's neck, slicing through sinew and separating vertebrae. The scaled body beneath me shudders as I push the lance forward until I can thrust it no further. Not but 4 handfuls of the shaft of my weapon protrude from the body as it collapses to the ground with a gutteral roar. I know not how long I remain astride the dragon's corpse, clinging to lance and staring down into the dead eyes of my brother. Suddenly I notice that my brother bares a wicked smile upon his face, an unsettling expression. His dead lips curl further, exposed a mouthful of serrated teeth and without warning an ungodly screech issues from his maw. The corpse of the dragon twists beneath me. I cannot move as the dead beast turns its head and opens its jaws. Closing swallow me whole...

My eyes dart open, I am covered in a cold sweat. The linens have been ripped from the bed. It is a dream. It is a dream I have lived, a dream of memories. But something is amiss. I sit up slowly, a hand placed to my forehead. Since my contact with the crystal, my dreams have been twisted. It becomes increasingly harder to separate reality from fiction. I do not know what I remember.



Elegant jewelry
An aged, fine wine and a roaring fire
The feeling of flight and a lance within her palm


Thin-skinned people
Hobnobbing in high society
Those who believe a fight solves everything



Favourite Food/Drink:
Favourite Place:

♦ Related Images


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💘 Crush 💗 Sexual Desire In love with 💑 In a relationship Family Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing


Lady Coraline Delacroix - Mother
Lord Vartayn Delacroix - Father (Deceased)
Isaac and Illizier Delacroix - Twin elder brothers (Deceased)

It is rumored that Lord Delacroix was murdered for his support of economic reform. Vartayn worked with House Hawke to bring stability to the Brume by changing the caste system. Due to the controversial nature of his affiliations, it was said he was poisoned by his own wife, Coraline.


Casmi Hawke – Old family friend
💑 Stroud Forscythe – A relationship of common understanding and circumstance. She finds solace in his presence.


Lynnette Dracht – Casmi Hawke's significant other. Magdelena is getting to know Lynn
L'Raha Nunh - Most certainly on her shit list

Enemies & Rivals


Player Character Rumours

♦ Footnotes


Theme song: