Ochuchu Ochu

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Ochuchu Ochu
Gender Female
Race Lalafell
Clan Plainsfolk
Citizenship Ul'dah
Nameday 14, Astral 3rd Moon
Age 29
Marital Status Single
Occupation Freelance Thug/Bounty Hunter
Height 3'2"
Patron Azeyma, the Warden

Ochuchu Ochu is a Plainsfolk lalafell born to the streets of Ul'Dah. Taken in by the Syndicate, the criminal organization was her only family until she left after a violent altercation with her peers. She now acts as diminutive muscle for the Ebonbrand while she puzzles out Machinistry with the aid of an aethertransformer stolen during her departure from the crime ring.

Note: Onini Nini's profile was used as a template, and while under construction some information from her profile may still be present.

Server: Balmung


Appearance & Personality

Glass-lips.png Appearance & Personality

Nature & Demeanor

Nature & Demeanor

Demeanor: Ochuchu is considered by many to be rather crude. She sports a rough, confrontational personality among those not part of her circle of friends, and even with the people she cares about she still wields an occasionally abrasive wit. She is hot blooded and impulsive, prone to gambling, brawls, and fiery affairs, but once someone has won her loyalty she'll blast her way through whatever trouble may come to be by their side.

Nature: This former criminal is a fighter and a tinkerer, but more so the former rather than the later. Due to the fact that almost everything good in her life was won through physical conflict she gets a not entirely wholesome thrill from fighting, and will choose violence before diplomacy almost every time. Since being armed with a stolen aethertransformer bye the Syndicate, and eventually stealing it for herself when she left them, her curiosity has been sparked to learn more about this art, and she is frequently tinkering away or reading from reference texts when she thinks no one can see her.

Habits: Ochuchu is an irrepressible flirt and womanizer when even the slightest bit drunk, and often times when not drunk at all, as well as an inveterate gambler, most especially with Triple Triad. With her intellectual side only recently awakened she is loathe to make her technical aspirations public, but will occasional begin tinkering with her aethertransformer and carbine in public if she is feeling particularly safe and relaxed.

Notable Features

Notable Features

Common Appearance: While Ochuchu doesn't obsess over her appearance, she does her best to maintain it while living a life on the move. She is generally clean, though sometimes smelling of bars or blood depending on the preceeding day, and wears just a hint of color to her lips and lashes as a gesture of femininity.

Scars & Markings: Her back is a crisscross hash of barely visible lash scars, a relic from a childhood of thievery and punishment, and her dainty nose is very slightly crooked as a testament to being broken, perhaps repeatedly, in brawls. She also has a very light smattering of freckles across her cheeks, and her nose is, like many lalafell, several shades darker than the rest of her skin. Other than that, she is almost entirely without lasting blemish, as she tends to heal quickly and cleanly.

Voice: This Plainsfolk's voice, despite being rather melodic, is wielded as a weapon far more often than it is lifted in song. Her dialect is peppered with scathing curses and saucy profanity at almost all times, the only exceptions being when she is either glowingly happy or possessed by such a cold fury she can barely speak at all.

Clothing: Ochuchu is a rather practical sort, and favors evasion over protection, so her garb is usually fairly lightweight and comprised of cloth and leather with almost no metal reinforcement. The only exception is her gloves, which are heavily reinforced with metal and etched with lightning-aspected crystal to make them a potent weapon in a brawl.

Common Gear:

Carbine: Ochuchu's trusty firearm. While she has a tendency to trade up whenever she finds a weapon of higher caliber (caliber here referring to quality OR size), whatever her current weapon of the moment may be it is never far from her hand.

Aethertransformer: Stolen first from an Ishgardian manufactory and then from the Syndicate, Ochuchu's aethertransformer looks like any other such device, at least on the outside. Inside it is a mishmash of scrounged components and experimental modifications, a result of Ochuchu's maintenance of the device and desire to learn the principles it is constructed on. Also has a Triple Triad deck holder welded to the side.

Bolt Knuckles: The built-in brass knuckles of Ochuchu's gloves have been etched with lightning-aspected crystal and linked to the electrical generation of her aethertransformer, giving them a potent kick that can, if necessary, be dialed up well into the lethal range.

Suppression Cuffs: An unfinished prototype of Ochuchu's own creation, these devices are intended to make the live capture of magic users simpler to carry out. Intended to work on the same principles as the aethertransformer, these cuffs will channel the aether of the captured individual into a disruptive and painful shock whenever they attempt to make use of it. The lalafell tinkerer has no idea if they'll work yet.




  • Women, especially those interested in lalafell.
  • Technology of all kinds, though most especially those technologies she can puzzle out and turn to her own purposes.
  • Fighting of any kind, both as a participant and as a spectator.


  • Ironically, she's not fond of the dark, and will often experience extreme paranoia as a result.
  • Overly happy or perky individuals, it makes her nervous being around them, and often suspect them, for being kind to someone of her background.
  • Being asked if she's alright for the tenth time in just one eve or morn.
  • Bugs, bugs and more bugs. She's just not fond of them at all.
  • Spicy food
  • Cold weather, as pretty as she think it is, she's not fond of the cold.
  • The Conjurer's Guild


  • * Indulging is her three main luxuries, smoke/hookah, sweet wine and good food.
  • Occult, and anything dealing with Magicks.
  • Sex. She is very much sexually open, unless she finds a person that's the apple of her eye.
  • Reading tomes and romance novels.


Considering her background, she's still fairly open minded of most, however she's very self conscious of her curves, or lack of there off rather unlike the other races. She often gets huffy if she's standing next to a shapely woman of any race, especially if they flaunt it openly, and often will try to one up their display no matter how futile it may seem. It's a rather comical sight. The one big exception in truth would be Elezens, she often things the majority are pompous asses, and given to her experiences with her Stepfather, who was a Duskwight, her wariness of the towering Wood Dwellers is well founded, in her opinion.


Glass-sword.png Abilities



Due to her criminal history, Ochuchu is very well acquainted with the seedier side of life and can navigate the underworld of almost any city with ease. Because of this, she is well capable of getting ahold of almost any substance, component, or object regardless of the legality of its sale and possession. With Syndicate training first as a beggar and pickpocket and then as an enforcer, she is also well prepared for combat and life on the streets.



  • While possessing a fairly strong aetherial signature, Ochuchu has neither the training nor the temperament to turn it to magical purposes.
  • Ochuchu's enjoyment of combat means that she's quick to choose violence and slow to flee, despite odds or danger.
  • Her history as a member of a criminal organization has filled her with a distrust for figures in a position of legal power, and that distrust is generally returned for the same reasons.


Ochuchu is a fiend in combat, not the least because she gets a near-sexual thrill from a hard fight. In a life or death fight she prefers a mobile, evasive style built around the use of firearms and supporting gadgetry, but when partaking in a 'friendly' conflict she loves throwing herself into the fray with nothing but her metal-plated fists.

People & Places

Glass-people.png People & Places
Romantic Attraction Attraction Platonic Love Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

Relations (NPC)

Relations (NPC)
The Syndicate ( ) - Criminal Organization
Relationship :

Relations (PC)

Relations (PC)



Common Rumors

Rare Rumors

  • To be filled in.

PC Rumors

  • To be filled in.


Glass-hourglass.png History
To be filled in.

OOC Information

Glass-heartlock.png OOC Information

Hard Limits

Hard Limits
I'm pretty open to all sorts of RP, just hit me up with a tell!


* Just walk up and say hello! I don't bite! ♥
  • Whenever Nini is thinking of something perverted, the tips of her ears turn rosy.
  • Nini is an insomniac, a chronic one at that. Typically her restlessness comes from the constant voices she hears over her shoulders, whispering sweet devilries in her ear.
  • Because of her fear and paranoia of the dark, she sleeps with the lights on.
  • It is highly advised not to wake Nini will in a fit of a nightmare, else you risk being burned.. or eviscerated.
  • Stands taller than most female Dunesfolk, but only by a little over an inch.
  • You wouldn't have guessed it, but Nini's favorite novel genre is Romance, something she finds herself seeking and craving in her desolute single life.
  • Beware, if you have horns, Nini will more than likely lick at some point in your horny life. ( Pun so bad. )