Julien Fortier

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Revision as of 23:24, 24 December 2015 by Amedee Delacroix (talk | contribs) (Player Character Rumours)
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Ishgard.jpg Julien Fortier
Ffxiv 11262015 202235.png
"If you love something, you have to let it do as it will."
Former Temple Knight
Gender Male
Race Wildwood Elezen
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Ishgard
Age 43
Guardians Halone, the Fury; Nald'thal, the Traders
Namesday First Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon
Marital Status Engaged


♦ General

Julien Fortier is a fiercely private man who tends towards few words. Much of his past is kept close to his chest; however, it may be pried out of him if he feels he can trust to whom he's speaking.

Since the Calamity, Julien has been a quiet, ever-present feature of Ul'dah. There are a few things that are known in general about him: he is a former Temple Knight of Ishgard, he has worked extensively as a merchant with a Duskwight woman named Sibyla who bears a striking resemblance to him, and he is engaged to Amedee Delacroix despite their constant fighting in public.

Julien is a former member of the Diabolos' Due, a notorious gambling ring based out of the Coffer and Coffin near Black Brush Station. He has been seen engaging in casual gambling in Ul'dah with anyone who will have him, and perhaps most notably with Vevekera Lelekera and his crew. He has also been seen dogging Sui Eclair and avoiding Tadzio Stormheart without much success. Lately, he keeps company with Tyo'li Tayuun, but the nature of this relationship is unclear, and he is extremely hush-hush about it.

Julien is perpetually harassed by the Brass Blades in the city due to excess public violence courtesy Delacroix.

♦ Appearance

Julien is a particularly tall Wildwood elezen with tanned skin and a mane of blond hair that curls without interference. There is nothing particularly kind about his features, often described as hawkish, severe, or predatory; the lines of age around his eyes and mouth do nothing to soften him. High cheekbones, a beaky nose, and a strong jaw contribute to an overall air of traditional masculinity, highlighted by golden eyes and broad shoulders. Years of sword-and-boardwork has given Julien an imposing figure; heavy muscle is tightly cut in spite of his age, causing him to often be mistaken as much younger than he is.

Julien tends towards cleanliness, keeping his jaw clean-shaven and his armor in excellent repair. He carries a belt with several pouches, one of which sometimes contains a fragrant pipe and another which holds an odd, enchanted die. His sword is well-used, as is his dented shield.

He often suffers from heavy bruising on visible skin, and his hands are rough with callouses. He wears a ring on his left ring finger.

♦ Behaviour

Julien is publicly unpleasant, quiet, and insulting. There is an element of aloof arrogance that often drives others away; however, those who endear themselves to him will find an entirely different man who suffers from extreme loneliness and distrust of others' motivations. Julien's superiority complex manifests as a need to take care of others and be a provider for those who need a rock to lean on. Or drugs.

Surrounded by people who only ever seem to be fighting, Julien is a man who tends towards the sidelines where he can observe and step in when necessary. He does not like to interfere with others' fights, and will often respond extremely negatively to the suggestion that he leash anyone at all. He will instigate fights for others, then step back to watch.

★ Recent RP events ★

Julien has been seen in mourning clothes in Ul'dah, dead-eyed, exhausted, and missing his usual arm-candy. Tyo'li Tayuun is close-at-hand, often in outlandish clothes and extremely cheerful; he's the only one who has managed to get a laugh out of him.
Some people say that he danced with, kissed, then shot a man between the eyes at the Black and White Ball.
Sui Eclair has suddenly developed a fear of Julien; they don't seem willing to talk about it, but Julien visibly misses her company.
Julien has been making a number of new elezen companions.



Watching fights between other people
Non-intravenous drugs
Amedee Delacroix
Shitting on people's dreams
Red ales
Gambling, major and minor
Chocobos and their husbandry


White-haired boys trying to recruit him for revolution.
Dravanians and heretics
Sappy-sweet submissive characters
Being touched casually
Being backed into a corner
Extremely cold weather
Being reminded of his wife
Being underestimated
Au Ra


Making people vulnerable
Interrogation and torture
Chocobo husbandry
Poetry writing
Victim blaming
Easing Amedee Delacroix's temper
Clever turns of phrase that tip odds in his favor


Favourite Food/Drink: Tomato-based pastas/red ale
Favourite Places: His apartments, The Final Prayer

♦ Related Images


💘 Crush 💗 Sexual Desire In love with 💑 In a relationship Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing


❤💑 Amedee Delacroix – Amedee is the only person Julien can stand for more than a few hours at a time. Hopelessly in love, Julien puts the needs and desires of his intended husband before all others.
💘 Tyo'li Tayuun – It's a business arrangement. Really. That's it.
Vevekera Lelekera – Veve is one of the few people Julien will proudly take up a sword for, even though they're relatively new friends. Who can say why?
Kersch Wasser – More than acquaintances, less than friends, but Julien takes them where he can get them. Despite the fact that they are often at odds, Julien enjoys his company more than most.
Sibyla Fortier – Julien's older daughter of two. He trusts her implicitly; after all, she's her father's daughter.
Varali Fortier – Julien's younger daughter of two.


Cerelaut Levesque – Also called Kitten by Julien, he is awfully pretty and pleasant to speak to. Julien hasn't decided quite what he thinks yet, but it's probably favorable.
Charleaux Fortier – Julien sees a lot of is wife in Charleaux...a great deal of her. It bothers him, and so does Charleaux's lack of emotion.
Jetei Kha – Despite their constant bickering, Julien doesn't actually think too poorly of Jetei. Their storied past has cooled in time spent not talking.

Enemies & Rivals

💗 Sui Eclair – Sweet, tiny, forbidden fruit. Julien's own apple of Eden.


Player Character Rumours

Feel free to edit in your own!
"He's the worst sort of person. May Halone show him no mercy; you know, they say he killed his own wife? What the fuck?" - Haleine Charbonneau
"Blondie's a welcome fuckin' change. From who? Idiots like you; fuck off." - Tyo'li Tayuun
"If you must know what I think, then truthfully I don't understand what he gets from other people referring to him as...Daddy. So. There. ...What's that look for?" - Sui Eclair
"Even the Traders themselves couldn't weigh his equal. I don't envy Thal in the least when this old man finally kicks the bucket." - Amedee Delacroix
"Such ruthless purpose is rare in a man. I would see him rend the Coerthas snow red." - Mithras Lescendres

♦ Footnotes

Lawful Evil - Julien adheres to his own morality and will cheerfully push it on others. Fiercely loyal to his friends and family, he will exploit much to make sure they're happy.
TV Tropes:
A Manipulative Bastard who utilizes Questionable Consent to his absolute advantage. He deals in debts, and characters who bargain with him will find themselves subjected to Exact Wordsbeing used to gain favors; much of the time, the debts must be worked off.
For combat, Julien is a major fan of the Bar Brawl, tending to Stroll Through The Chaos in an attempt To Win Without Fighting; however, if it gets beyond his control, he often indulges in the Hey You Haymaker, and if that fails, well, Throwing Your Shield Always Works.
In private, Julien engages with his intended in Romanticized Abuse characterized by Property Of Love; unfortunately for him, he is a Fatal Attractor.
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