Alabaster Requiem

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Character Name

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Alabaster Requiem - a man who has come from the distant lands of Doma. He has left his home on the heel of losing his original Master in Doma, and having no family and no clan of which he can return to, has followed the changing tides that saw the refugees moving towards Eorzean soil.

Bringing his laws he lived and served by, he seeks a new life within Eorzea - either alongside a new, and stronger master, or by his own personage - seeking to live his life by his 'code.'


Appearance & Personality

Glass-lips.png Appearance & Personality

Nature & Demeanor

Nature & Demeanor

Demeanor: He will seem quiet at first as his eyes assess you. He tries to gain perspective on who you are - if you are one who he should hold as a 'Leader', 'Master', or a 'fellow' and 'friend.'

Nature: He has a strong sense of Loyalty. A lifetime of Subservience has instilled a sense of obedience, as well as staying loyal to one master.

Habits: He has a habit of displacement - that is to say, he looks to place the power of decision making in the hands of others. Whether this is in the COde itself, or in the hands of his Master, it doesn't necessarily matter. This will cause him to pause and think when presented with a situation that might reflect upon his Code - and that itself will cause him to pause frequently.

Notable Features

Notable Features

Common Appearance: The name 'Alabaster' is two-fold derived from the trifecta of his hair, eyes, and Umbral Rings that surround his eyes - all of which have a signature White color.

The blackened scales help identify him as a Xaela, of the Warriors-Clan, and as you approach him - you will get an aura of confidence in regards to his convictions.

He stands tall as many of his kin are prone to do, and carries himself with a straight posture. His arms are always kept free of any restraints, such as armor or heavy metals, however his chest is protected by a thick black leather chestpiece.

Scars & Markings: Three dots above the top-left eyebrow.

Voice: When it comes to speaking, he speaks in a steady and confident tone. Each word is chosen and pronunced with a sense of purpose behind it, ensuring that the meaning of his own words is not obscured.

Clothing: Black leather chest piece, with arms bare from the middle of the upper arm all the way to the tips of the fingers, save the scales that are natural born. A metallic left-shoulderguard is the heaviest piece of armor appearant on him, and likewise, he wears long black boots and a pair of black pants as well.




  • Strong personalities
  • Meditation, introspection
  • Natural elements
  • A mild interest in combat


  • Making decisions
  • Senseless slaughter
  • Dishonorable actions
  • Fried meals


  • Laws
  • A natural affinity to Conjurers
  • Strong, Herbal teas
  • Grilled/Baked meals including veggies and meats.


Talk about character prejudices


Glass-sword.png Abilities



Multiple styles and Elements.

Fire/Ifrit - He gains augmented claws (Slashing), his horns glow with red aether, his feet gain a faint red glow. His combat style becomes a five-pronged style that utilizes head, hands, and legs.

Wind/Garuda - Once more the horns are covered in grind wind, but his hands are sheened in a similar white gale. It is a caster stance, that focuses on staying at a distance and sending 'wind' style attacks at the enemies. Small wings on the back grant movement, but not full flight.

Earth/Titan - A single, bright glowing stone at the center of his chest grants protection from physical attacks, but is vulnerable to direct assaults. Further, his fists are covered in yellow cracks, and seem to be a mix between purple flesh and brown earth. It is more akin to a 'gauntlet' than an actual weapon, focusing on defense and protecting the 'heart.'



If you have his true name, you have power over him.

While his combat style as an Evoker is multi-faceted, it has the weakness of being 'locked in', once combat has started - he will be stuck in that phase, and can not freely change between them. Locking down this phase, or likewise breaking it, leaves him (notably) weaker.

Physically, outside of Evoking, he is actually substandard - average in most ways save the use of aether.


He is defined as being an 'Evoker.' He summons the elementals and primals of the area to serve as his weapons, thus his proficiency is not kept to 'hand to hand' or likewise 'ranged' or 'books' - rahter, by integrating it into his body, he can change the way he specializes.

People & Places

Glass-people.png People & Places
Romantic Attraction Attraction Platonic Love Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

Relations (NPC)

Relations (NPC)
Alabaster Requiem ( ) - Descriptor
Something : Details about the character

Relations (PC)

Relations (PC)
Tsagaan Gashuudaj ( ) - Another
title :Basic



Common Rumors

  • TBD
  • TBD

Rare Rumors

PC Rumors

  • This
  • this twoo


Glass-hourglass.png History
As a young child, Alabaster Requiem was born of Two Xaela. Within their clan, the Xaela are given two names. The first name - which is your true name. Only those whom you trust may recieve this name. Often reserved for the one you will be married to, or likewise to be reserved for friends you trust with far more than your life. To receive the true name is to be given power over the man.

The second, a name born and derived from his True Name, as well as his past and Personage. 'Alabaster Requiem.' A man whom mourns for his parents, taken away from him at a young age.

After his parents were gone, he was taken into the care of a rich family. However, he was not to be one of their own - rather, his existance was made to be one to be subservient. Serve your Master with your utmost loyalty. Live to die for your Master. Fight and do as we say. Follow your orders. Such an existance was not a bad one - so long as he did well, he was likewise treated well.

It was not until the Domans attempted to rise up against their Garlean occupation, that he saw the first loss of his Master. Fighting to the best of his abilities on the front lines, he did his best to stand along his master and fight to the bitter end. However, in the end, his life was to continue on - continuing the legacy of 'Alabaster Requiem.'

Following a suggestion of a fellow soldier, he found himself boarding a boat for Eorzea. Eyes unsure and unknowing, he let the ship take him to a new start - to find direction in his life, to find what he believes he seeks. A life filled with the honor and pride of his laws, and a life serving another.


Glass-pictureframe.png Art

OOC Information

Glass-heartlock.png OOC Information

Hard Limits

Hard Limits
Permanent Mutilation is up to the discrepancy of myself as a writer. You are free to 'attempt to chop my arm off', but I will not RP being armless (unless I choose to do so) and may deflect/reduce the attack into something non-lethal.

There are certain caveats of my character that I take seriously. His 'true name' will only be known to you if he has told you, or someone he trusts has told you the name (and that will be handled in RP.) - To say the least, if it has not been done IC, you DO NOT KNOW his true name.

Metagaming in a fight is a huge no-no, and my default if someone can not balance their Freeform is to go to Dice.

Hooks & RP Favorites

Hooks & RP Favorites
My favorite is a good fight! But I want to focus on character building; this character will be unlikely to challenge, but will be fast to accept a challenge. I want to focus on the dynamic between this character and other characters, and possibly work on adding in the people he served and garlemald later on! Personal connections from the past, or current connections, are all welcome!

External Links

External Links

This template was originally created by Evaleigh. Free free to use but please give credit!