N'taeyl Yhash

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 N'taeyl Yhash
Ffxiv 10082013 204327.png
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Unknown
Age 23
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Pronunciation: N'taeyl Yhash (N'tail Yash)

A young miqo'te with a seemingly permanent stern look and unwelcoming eyes, not a lot is openly known about her except that she's got an axe and an attitude. Despite the impression she may give, she isn't very aggressive and usually keeps her distance with people.

She has very few personal connections, though seems to be seen with N'exantra Tia commonly.

The first noticeable aspect of her appearance is her red hair, which she does little to upkeep as it seems to maintain itself acceptably. She is tall for a female miqo'te, coupled with a deeper voice than most. Her striking amber eyes perpetuate her intense look.

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From the Desk of Aislin Rivers

This will be OOC information until stated otherwise

Foreward: I have recently taken an interest in a Miqo'te woman I keep running into. She is the associate of a Roegadyn man named Rhylund and I find her behaviour somewhat intriguing. After initially sending me on my way, and quite rudely, she soon changed her tune and invited me to conduct my small interviews as I seek to understand the motivations behind various aspects of her character.

I first encountered N'taeyl Yhash outside the Coffer and Coffin in Thanalan where she was having a heated conversation. I observed this exchange out of idle curiosity. Upon closer examination, I came to the conclusion that her and her associate did not find my company to their liking.

A future encounter proved this not wholly true. Her Roegadyn employer had seemingly not made up his mind about me, but she had quite clearly made up her mind about everyone... and my analysis would suggest that she likes them not one bit.

Imagine my surprise when I caught her socializing in a non-business oriented capacity! I seized the opportunity and attempted a conversation, but was readily dismissed. Shortly after, she surprisingly agreed to allow me to conduct my interviews. The following are my notes during said interview, and my own unproven theories.

  • Age: 23

I was surprised to learn that she was so old. Typically such 'angst' ridden tendencies only appropriate themselves in far younger individuals.

  • Occupation: Mercenary

Her explanation is that she is 'good' at this line of work. I suspect she simply was not given the opportunity to explore more peaceful options.

  • Not inherently misanthropic. I believe she perpetuates her 'rudeness' to continue the belief that she is 'unlikeable'. In this way she returns control of others opinions to her own hands.
  • When asked about her past she seemed woe to talk about it. I suspect this is a subject that will take a fair amount of trust before she will reveal anymore on this.
  • Her companion seems not only to accept the fact that she is not sociable and far from nice with surprising ease. I would wager that their relationship stems far enough into her past, that he can overlook whatever experiences have rendered her so 'rude'.

I hope to add more to my notes as we continue our interviews, and when prepared, I will write a final report based on all I have learned.