Ranirus Crithalos

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Revision as of 15:46, 27 July 2016 by Ranirus (talk | contribs) (Relatives)
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 Ranirus (Ranirus Crithalos
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 24
Marital Status Single
Occupation Shaman,Healer,Prophet
Height/Weight 5'8, 150lb
Orientation Pansexual
  • Wyra Nimh (Distant Cousin) - Rahn'a (Little Brother, adopted)

Ranirus , Shaman and Self-proclaimed Prophet.

Basic Info


Food in General
Laying in Flowers
Non-Romantic Affection
Did I Mention Food?
Time to Himself


Speaking Too Often
Red Haired, Dark Skinned Hyur Women
Wasting Food
Getting Dirty
Having to Help Others
The Inevitability of Fate
Reading People TOO Well


Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral
Vice(s): Promiscuity, Stealing
Favorite Food: Rolanberry Topped Cake
Favorite Drink: Rolanberry Flavored Milk
Favorite Color: Light Brown/Black/White
Favorite Type of Clothing: Tight Fitting Leathers Around Torso, Loose Fitting Around Rest of Form
Favorite Activity: Goldcrafting

Appearance & Personality

Appearance: Ranirus is an averagely size male Miqo'te. Notably, his ears, tail and hair all are adorned with black leopard spots that contrast white fur. He has a very natural brown town skin, darker, but also less saturated than the orange tans of seekers. His only working eye is a cyan-green color, whereas the prosthetic he has in his right eye socket is made of pure gold with no markings upon its surface at all.
His jaw is very square, but averagely narrow. His nose is wider, with a very smooth bridge that sticks out from the top. Feline, in some manner, with its shape.
The Keeper's eyes are lined as well, with black hues, from sleep deprivation and his mouth is always set in a perpetual frown that mimics an upside down "v". Scars from someone dragging their blade across his face in attempts to write something remain over both sides of his jaw to his cheekbones. One scar beneath his right eye had been dragged over the large bridge of his nose. On his torso, he holds a large scar from a blade down his sternum, which veered off towards his left. And finally a burn scar remains on his left side, over his ribs and on the underside of his arm. It looks as if the flesh had not only been burns but also shredded in some likely explosion.
Ranirus, -personality. (WIP)




The following rumors are just that - rumors. Some may not be true. Feel free to add your own!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"That fellow's a bit shady lookin', but he seems to have quite the amount of gold on him. He'll probably end up robbed." - Ul'dahn Citizen
"I don't know where he gets his money, but I ain't askin' questions." - Streetwalker
"Yeah, he sits around on the roads and stuff, I've seen'em around! Grumpy man!" - Ul'dahn Orphan
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"I overheard he was a part of a gang.." -Travelling Merchant
"I've seen him cornered a few times, like.. he attracts that type of attention or something? I don't know. Kinda feel bad for him." -Unknown
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I could have sworn he had something to do with that explosion behind the Quicksand.. Fuckin' crazy Miqo'te.." -Beggar
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest      Platonic Love      Enigmatic Love      Sexual Interest      Good Standing      Neutral Standing      Poor Standing