Stehl Helmgarde

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 Stehl Helmgarde
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dah, former Ala Mhigan refugee
Age 24
Marital Status Single
Occupation Adventurer
Height/Weight Six fulms, something ilms
Orientation Straight
  • (Father)
  • (Mother)

A red-haired, pale-skinned Hyur whose wanderlust seems to affect his entire life. A skilled swordsman and spellcaster within his specializations, Stehl is confident in his abilities and seems to care little about potential danger, though he does become deadly serious when confronted with a real threat. The amount of strife he's seen in his twenty four years has left him mercurial, his mood flashing from light-hearted to stormy and back again in an instant.

Basic Info


Jokes and puns.
Sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.


Bell Peppers.


Alignment: Neutral Good, leaning towards Lawful and Neutral.
Vice(s): Pride.
Favorite Food: Varies. Stehl is hardly a picky eater.
Favorite Drink: Fruit-based drinks.
Favorite Color: Sky blue.

Appearance & Personality

A ginger in every sense of the definition for a person. Pale, red hair, even a few freckles. His eyes stand out sharply, an unusually pale blue that resembles ice or the sky and they almost seem to glow faintly in dark places, surely a trick of the light. Those crimson locks are very unruly, seeming to refuse any attempt to comb them into something more manageable, often resulting in more than a little trim with the barber. He's fairly handsome even with the occasional scar decorating his features, save for a massive one that dominates nearly his entirely left side from his armpit all the way down to his thigh, the skin redder than a sunburn and completely hairless.

His personality is a little strange, though his default demeanor is one of joking and joy. But behind the smile is a maelstrom of emotions, some rising to the surface while others are plunged beneath the waves, ranging from melancholy to raw fury, often to the discomfort of those near him. On top of all that, he's a man who firmly believes in being unchained, being free to do whatever he pleases. The idea of fate or destiny is particularly abhorrent to him, as well as the concept of slavery or owning somebody even through "legitimate" means.



Stehl doesn't like to talk about his childhood. It was harsh starting at a young age, when Ala Mhigo fell. Even once he wound up in Ul'dah, it got no better. He doesn't elaborate on it, ever.


It can be picked up pretty easily that he's one of the youngest gladiators to ever set foot upon the Bloodsands, starting well before he could ever be considered a man. It's a mystery why he was ever allowed to participate, but he fought anyways. He's more open about this time period, though he does avoid certain details.


The Hyur's present life is complicated, despite his attempts to remove everything from it in an effort to focus himself. No longer associated with the Coliseum, he now solely operates through the Adventurer's Guild and can frequently be found haunting the Quicksand, or other parts of Ul'dah. It seems that he's suffered a fairly devastating loss recently, and is coping very poorly.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"That bloke? He's been in the Coliseum forever, changing his look and whatnot every so often. Ruins perfectly good matches too."
"Red-haired guy? He's been all over the place, as far as I can tell. Always doing leves and bothering the levemetes once they run out."
"I've seen him do healing before. Must be why he looks like a whelp still, keeping his face in one piece."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Used to see him travelling with some people, awfully close to another red-head. Might have been his sister, I suppose."
"Says he's fought Primals and the like. Why the hell's he lounging around the damn tavern all day?"
"Fairly rich guy, it seems. Armor's always really high quality, but he certainly knows his way around a blade. Earned every bit of it, I suppose."
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I saw him a few times when he was younger, always with some noble family. I think he was some sort of servant, always staying near the daughter. Wonder what happened to them?"
"Flashy in the Coliseum, but there's something off about him. Once, his helmet got knocked off and all y'could see was this huge smile. His opponent went down in less than a minute after that."
"Stehl? Oh, he spent almost a month in his room you know. If you walked up, you could hear some pretty awful sounds. Crying and speaking to himself in the angriest tones. That girl who was always with him's been gone for a while too."
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
J'intana Mulah : A Seeker of the Jackal tribe, the wild and untamable Intana is that special kind of person that turns the Hyur into a babbling fool. What started as a simply conversation developed into a friendship composed of idle banter on how to kill him, casual jabs, and mild flirtation eventually turned nto a blossoming and seemingly one-sided romantic attraction. After he had proclaimed his attraction and affection to her, she eventually returned it and the two came together despite their different views on love and romance. The compromises aren't always simple, but nothing between them ever has been.
F'layshia : Courtesan, former slave, and disgraced Sultansworn. While not a list of titles to applaud, Stehl managed to look past the cover of the book and get a glimpse of the truth. She's a kindred spirit, each of them somebody who's endured incredibly hardships and refuses to succumb to them. Her efforts have saved his life and opened his closed heart to her, something not many people can claim to have done.
Zelda Garmhowler : Zelda stands apart from the feline ways of Stehl's other two lovers, openly affectionate and caring from the first moment he met her. Though he at first declined her affections, with a bit of a helping hand he found himself able to accept and begin to return them. With her sudden change from Elezen/Hyur half-blood to Miqo'te, he's had to come to terms with the fact she's not the fragile girl he had first seen but a strong woman in her own right.
Gerel Kha : The relationship between the Xaela and Midlander is simple at the surface level, and surprisingly deep given the relatively short amount of time they've known each other. She is his blue sister and he is her short, scaleless brother. Each walks their own path on fate's wheel, and they often seem to intersect.
Crimson Elm : His former lover, the Hellsguard stood out to him for her strong will and the ease she seemed to make friends. Unfortunately, that same strong will that had attracted him in the first place proved to be their undoing as a couple. After raiding the Vault for a book she had deemed worth stealing for a friend, something she had been warned against doing not only by Stehl but by those close to her, her bounty went from half-forgotten to being actively posted on boards again. Having telling her what would result from such actions, he eventually stepped aside to allow her to flee from certain capture. A violation of his personal code that he has come to regret.


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