Stehl Helmgarde
■ RACE & CLAN... Hyur, Midlander ■ NAMEDAY... 6th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon. ■ GENDER... Female ■ AGE... 26. ■ ORIENTATION... Homosexual. ■ MARITAL STATUS... In a relationship. |
■ NATIONALITY... Ul'dahn. ■ RESIDENCE... The Quicksand. ■ OCCUPATION... Adventurer and Gladiator. ■ PATRON DEITY... None. ■ HEIGHT... 6'0". ■ WEIGHT... 160 ponze? |
Not a small woman by any stretch of the imagination except for perhaps Roegadyn, Stehl stands at an impressive six fulms tall and most of her weight comes from her muscle and her figure. Sporting an athletic build, she's well-muscled and in excellent shape from a life spent in martial pursuits, equally comfortable with wielding a blade while in full armor or going hand-to-hand.
The best comparison for Stehl is the sea, able to shift from calm to raging and back again within moments. Most of her emotions show at the surface, as if the almost brutal honesty that permeates her character runs so deeply through who she is that she's incapable of hiding what she feels. At her best, the Hyuran swordsman is a happy individual and shows traits that have led many to call her a knight of some sort; honor, loyalty, compassion, and a strong sense of justice. On the other hand, when things go wrong they go wrong, from bouts of depression and panic attacks to blinding fury at seemingly little to no provocation. These extremes are at least partially due to the continued usage of umbral magics, ones that seemingly draw straight from those very feelings. When reaching the zenith of joy, sorrow, anger, or anything in between, Stehl often unwittingly taps into the darkness and loses herself to the ecstasy it brings.
Of late, she's slipped into a state of depression and recently hit what many would consider rock bottom. While she's working on pulling herself back up, the process is slow and it's easy to fall back down.
Attributes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Strength |
P.Defense |
Dexterity |
M.Defense |
Martial Prowess |
Intelligence |
Magic Affinity |
Luck |
Having spent most of her life practicing and fighting with a blade in hand, Stehl is very skilled with the use of swords with the majority of her focus laying with hand-and-a-half swords. When this skill is combined with astute senses and an almost uncanny sixth sense for potential dangers, it makes the midlander a very dangerous opponent to try and handle one-on-one, even without drawing upon magic. Wielding her blade as if it were an extension of her own arm, Stehl relies heavily upon her instinct and trusts in her own ability to handle incoming strikes by diverting them to less vital locations such as areas protected by heavy plating or by magic. However, while able to react quickly and think on her feet, it is very jarring when a situation changes for the worse in an unexpected way, often leaving her vulnerable for those brief, vital moments.
While not trained in the traditional ways of magic, the ginger hyur is self-taught and creative with how she draws on Aether; in the most dangerous way conceivable, if efficient. Using her body itself as a conduit allows her to directly tap into the strengths of the elements, most often infusing her muscles and skin with light and dark-aspected elemental magic to draw out her maximum strength or speed, as well as to harden her skin to withstand physical and even magical blows. The risk comes into play when she uses this form of magic for too long, something a person's body is not able to withstand for too long. Muscles strain and even snap, skin cracks and flakes away, and her body begins to break down from exposure to raw energy. When this same power is extended to her weapons and armor, she can afford to use more powerful and focuses infusions though likely at great risk to the long-term health of the equipment.
Drawing almost exclusively upon Astral or Umbral aspected Aether, the magic tends to fluctuate in strength based on her willpower and emotions respectively. If something is able to make her waver, the light will fade away while if her emotions rise to a peak, the darkness visibly flows from her as if she had no control over it. While a very stubborn and passionate person, Stehl is very often her own worst enemy when it comes to fighting.
Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!
Common Rumors (Easy to overhear)
- "Wait, what do you mean "she?" Thought they were a guy."
- "Been in the Bloodsands for a long time, for how old she is. Keeps changing her look and what they call her every so often."
- "Stupid troublemaker, keeps on causing problems for people out of the blue."
Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
- "That 'un's always got somebody chatting her up, but I hear she can't keep a steady relationship."
- "Wait, "he"? She's a lady, ya idjit."
- "Y'can see her eyes darting around if you pay attention, like she's trying to keep an eye on everything going on nearby. Kinda paranoid, if you ask me."
Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
- "If y'pay attention to when she fights, you'll notice that she buggers off for at least a moon every once in a while. Odd, yeah?"
- "Red girly? She's pretty nice, when you're chatting with her. But if y'see her off on her own, always looks a bit sad."
- "Lady never quite meets your expectations down in the Coliseum. She either goes through the motions or gives it her all. No rhyme or reason, either."
PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
- "She's a li'l too emotional for her own good... but she's gotta good heart!" -Chiharu Yamauchi
- "Good person an' quick t' act. Sometimes too quick, but I'd be hypocritical if I didn't admit t' sharin' a similar fault. She'll be there when ye need someone, an' that's what matters th' most." - Sukina Cassady
- Helping people out.
- Reading, mostly concerning fighting, magic, or strategy.
- Talking to people, often for hours at a time.
- Romance and being intimate.
- Being by herself.
- Self-righteous jerks.
- Inconsistency in peoples actions.
- Losing control of her emotions.
- Names her own techniques, but is too embarrassed to say them out loud. The Coliseum is an exception for this, if the "cool factor" would improve the fight for the crowd at that moment.
- Only likes fighting people she deems to be worth fighting, if it isn't strictly necessary. The conditions for being "worthy" seem to vary wildly or be non-existent.
- Is really embarrassed about it, but she loves to sing. Too shy and worried about what people will say, she just hums instead.
- Constantly is keeping an eye on her surroundings, even in a relatively safe place.
♥ | Romantic Interest | ♥ | Platonic Love | ● | Positive | ● | Neutral | ● | Negative | ☠ | Deceased | ? | Uncertain |
♥ Fiona Arianna Delaine de Serevaine | Expand"Little Spark" |
A relationship born of teaching and positive reinforcement, the bond Stehl and Fiona share has deepened significantly into love. Initially, the young Half-Elezen was being taught how to harness her inner darkness to help strengthen her and stop being a fragile waif. Now, there's a shared respect and general feeling of admiration shared between them and they came together a few moons back. |
♥ Gerel Kha | Expand"Walker of Fate's Wheel" |
Gerel of the Kha is the closest person to family Stehl has, having long since earned a level of trust that the woman has never given anybody in her life before. Be it the similar paths or philosophies they share or the simple desire to help others however possible, something within the Xaela resonates with her soul and she cannot deny that bond. Simply put, they are sisters and nothing will stop them from helping each other stand when needed. |
● Chiharu Yamauchi | Expand"Lonely Torch in the Dark" |
Chiharu is a bit of an odd duck. Stehl feels that while their friendship is fairly strong there's always just a touch of distance keeping them from truly becoming close. Given the Raen's habit of doing the important things on her own and generally refusing people's help, it's no surprise. But, the Midlander still is very fond of spending time with Chi, be it bothering her with puns or having a quiet talk away from all the noise of Ul'dah, and continues to offer what help she can. |
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O U T - O F - C H A R A C T E R
- Respond to walk-up RP or tell-based RP. IF there's no response, I'm probably looking somewhere other than my main monitor.
- Do either roll-based or free-form combat RP. My preference is the latter, but I tend to go with whatever works.
- Be sure to let you know if I have to leave. If I don't do that, my internet or power shit the bed.
- Roll with interesting ideas that may not necessarily be 100% lore accurate. Make stuff up! As long as it's interesting and not completely contradictory, I'm game.
- Allow you to do as you please to my character. Make attempts, because I'll do the same for you. Please do not simply emote breaking an arm.
- Interact with completely out there character concepts. Some things are a bit too much for me. If you're five primals, please go elsewhere.
This Template was ripped completely from Sukina Cassady, who took inspiration from Atlas Irvine, Coatleque Crofte, Unnamed Mercenary, and Gharen Wolfsong!