Koen Stone

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Koen Stone (WIP)
Living War Relic

Name... Koen Stone
Alias... N/A
Age... 4X
Gender... Male
Race... Hyur
Clan... Highlander
Orientation... Straight
Marital... Divorced
Deity... Rhalgr
Nationality... Ala Mhigan
Occupation... Retired?
Alignment... True Neutral

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Taller than most of his countrymen, Koen's large frame and long reach is one of the reasons behind his weapon of choice, and helps when wielding it. He has trained for function over form, decades of fighting and training resulting in a strong, sturdy body with a healthy layer of fat to serve as fuel for battle and long travels. His hair has started greying, stress and age both playing a part in the process, and he keeps it short for practical reasons.

Scars & Markings: Various recent, smaller scars litter his body, but the ones of note are so old that they wouldn't be visible if not for their size: two giant slashes from a weapon too big for a human, one on his shoulder and the other near his stomach; about a dozen gunshot wounds, mainly on his shoulders and arms, but some on either leg, and finally what looks like a burn on one side of his abdomen.

Voice: Koen's voice is deep and usually casual, but can be commanding or harsh when needed. Clearly no stranger to having to shout over the sounds of battle or get across his battle tactics to a large group of soldiers, his voice is comfortable when loud, and sometimes his control over the volume of it slips as a result. Although clearly Ala Mhigan, his accent is unlike the vast majority of his countrymen, changed as it is from living outside of his people for so long.

Clothing: Generally, Koen tries to wear what ever is comfortable, cheap and durable enough to travel and fight in. That being said, if he expects he'll need to seriously fight in a battle, he will wear full plate armour and a helmet. While he prefers to wear tailored armour for ease of movement, he'd rather be uncomfortable than dead and would sooner pick up something temporary from a nearby vendor or from the body of an enemy straggler if the situation was desperate enough. He always carries a helmet with him.

Being raised by military parents and the years as a soldier afterwards made Koen disciplined, respectful of authority and generally a serious person. He hasn't always been in the military, however, and his harsh way of dealing with things has been relaxed by both the places he's lived after leaving Ala Mhigo and simply old age. Nowadays, he still keeps most people at an emotional distance, but is less wary of people he talks to, and far more open about his past, save a few details.

  • Children. Koen has at least one kid that he knows of, and any kids, or unfortunate Lalafell, he interacts with get to see a much softer side of him.
  • Training. Despite the increasing difficulty of doing it, Koen's training regime has been going on for decades and has become a way for him to immerse himself in nostalgia and calm his mind.
  • Quiet. After so many years of war, Koen has learned to appreciate the peaceful moments. A constant ringing in his ears has made silence a foreign concept, but he still enjoys getting as close to it as he can, whether to just relax or to force memories of a better time to the surface.


  • Garleans. For obvious reasons, Koen has an extreme prejudice against Garlemald and its citizens, and would likely treat one without any respect, in the rare chance of them meeting outside of the battlefield.
  • '
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  • Favorite Food: ---
  • Favorite Drink: ---
  • Favorite Color: ---

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!


◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!


◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!



◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "Oh Mr. Koen? Shared a drink with him once! And by drink, I mean i had hot tea and he had a glass of water. He seems to be the serious sort but, well, from everything he's seen I'm sure it must take a toll on one's self! ." Savona Drake
    "Add rumor here." Name
    "Add rumor here." Name

Stories are in chronological order.

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Songs used set a mood, lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. Please mind your speakers when clicking the links.

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Pretty banner or quote here.