Shar Qalli

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 Shar Qalli
Shar mugshot.png
Taciturn Songbird
Gender Female
Race Au ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship Othard
Age 32
Namesday 12th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Height 5 fulm 3 ilm or 1.6m
Occupation Wanderer, takes odd jobs, monster hunter
Orientation Bisexual
Relationship Status Widowed, now single

Shar Qalli
Shar and moon.png
Taciturn Songbird



Shar hails from the Qalli in Othard, a clan known to be the Songbirds of the Steppe for communicating through song, adding melody to their words. Like other Xaela she desired to travel and came to Eorzea although the welcome was tragic. A pirate boat attacked the one she was in, along with her lover and friends, few surviving the ordeal. The experience impacted her greatly, triggering her darkside although she does not know what it means yet or why she hears a voice in her head.

Shar now wanders almost aimlessly, grown wary of most people and shy of speaking. She hunts beasts for food and money if they have bounties on them, takes odd jobs but has a fervent desire of cleaning the world of unfair men.

You may have seen her doing odd jobs at various places, and maybe hear her sing twice or thrice in the Drowning Wench.

Taciturn Songbird: A moniker first started by Baderon, proprietor of the Drowning Wench pub in Limsa Lominsa, where Shar first arrived in Eorzea. The strange woman that came up covered in rags and robes rarely talked at first, but when she did only melody came out.
Drowning Wench: A rare moniker that mostly fishermen and men that work in the docks use. It refers to the manner in which they found Shar, washed up on the shores of La Noscea.

Shar has no residence but the dirt during her travels and an inn room whenever she is in a city-state.


Height 5 Fulm, 3 Ilm (extremely tall for an Au ra)
Weight 125 ponzs
Build Well-endowed, toned
Skin Tone Fair, pale white
Notable Features: Her blue hair has red highlights. Auri scales and horns.
Scars A few scattered around her body from fights and the wilderness, nothing special.
Head / Facial Features
Hair Dark blue
Eyes Bright red with blue limbal rings.
Notable Features: Red highlights on hair, auri scales and tail.
Scars None


Of few words and hesitant to speak on top of that, Shar seems like a difficult woman to start talking to. Before she came to Eorzea Shar was a lively maiden that admired the beauty of the world and life, her words often filled with joyful rhythm and singing lovely melodies. After the tragic times she suffered in her journey to Eorzea, Shar now rarely speaks and instead tries her best to speak though gestures and mannerisms, at least until the person she talks to is deemed of more trust. Slowly she could begin to use more and more words with acquaintances and friends. However, she seems to hold back her feelings and finds it difficult to show her true self to a new face.

Abilities and Skills


Unbeknownst to most of her time in her youth, Shar is very attuned to the aether and is proficient in using it for magical purposes or to fuel to her skills in battle. However, the more she began to hunt and practice she became easily grown to weapons and fighting. She is very skilled with the swords and hunting weapons like the bow and javelin. There are some magic users that has seen her talents for aetherical manipulation, but she has not delved too deep in that regard yet.

Like the rest of the Xaela, the generations of war and fights have given Shar too a strength superior than that of other races. Combined with her experience of constant hunts and own fights, Shar is a force to be reckoned with while in a confrontation.


Sword: Even before the journey to Eorzea, Shar showed proficiency with the blades, and is no stranger to fighting with them if the need arises. Of course, in Eorzea, the need arises more than often.
Spear: One of the often used weapons during hunting, the throwing javelin and similar spears are often used during confrontations and when fighting larger beasts. She has good aim and a good arm for wielding and throwing.
Bow: Perhaps the most iconic weapon of the hunter is the bow, and every able nomad of the Steppe needs to know their way with one if she desires to be of help to the others.
Hand to hand: It is not unlikely that fights come to pass within the nomad tribes or even among the fellow members of one. Knowing how to fight with whatever you could reach and with your own body was necessary in order to be prepared for anything. Shar knows well how to defend herself even without weapons.


Arcanima: When Shar came to Limsa Lominsa she was desperate to find a place where she could feel safe. In such a city it was a very difficult task. Among the safest places, however, was the Arcanists’ Guild, where she spent most of her time. New to Eorzea, Shar had difficulties at first with the language and there they taught her how to speak properly. When she left she took a book thinking it would help her practice but it was an arcanist’s grimoire. She only reads some of the formulae and graphs, so it’s only a matter of learning how to read proper before she uses more of the grimoire beyond casting a mere Ruin.
Conjury and Thaumaturgy: Despite her affinity for and reserves of aether, Shar hasn’t been in Eorzea long enough to truly exploit the magical arts. A couple of traveling adventurers have seen her potential, teaching her the initial lessons, but she seemed reluctant to continue thaumaturgy. It is fueled by herself and used for destruction, and this Shar finds unpleasant to do although she admits she finds it easier than she thought it would be.



A moment to herself.
Children, she was very mother-life back in Othard.
Good people that can be trusted.
Helping others and delivering justice against the wicked.
Singing, although she does this mostly alone now.
Cooking and making drinks. Like any good Xaela, she likes to make most of an animal and harvest.
The Moon and night time.


Pirates, unfair, criminals and evil men.
Is not used to chocobos yet.
Garlean imperialists.


Alignment: Chaotic Good
Vice(s): Likes more bitter things than sweet.
Quirk(s): Likes to run her fingers over her horns and scales when pondering or doing nothing specifically. Hums from time to time.
Favorite Food: Any red meat with vegetables.
Favorite Drink: Blood of an animal, milk, and the milk alcoholic drink xaela are fond to make.
Favorite Color: Blue.



Hanor Qalli (Husband/lover, Deseaced) (Au ra, xaela)
Hanor and Shar were together since she was 16 years old. Hanor was one of the best hunters in the tribe and taught Shar almost everything she knows about fighting and hunting. As the two knew each other better Hanor learned to love the lively manner with which Shar went about doing everything, and growing fond of the songs she used to sing.
He died during their travel to Eorzea when their boat was attacked by pirates close to Limsa Lominsa. He took down many before he fell and in return they cut his horns and head. There are no remains as the boat burned and sank, taking down it the casualties of the assault.



Beaky (Therion Kator'to) (Acquaintance) (Miqo’te, Keeper of the Moon)
Met outside the Quicksand in Ul’dah, the strange Keeper miqo’te dressed elegantly with a bird mask approached Shar with eloquent mannerisms and words. Though suspicious at first, Shar grew curious and the two exchanged words during the whole night. A rose and a fortune is what “Beaky” gave to her, although the latter let him know of her tragic past. So far, Shar does not know his real identity but enjoyed his company greatly.
Kye Karu (Acquaintance) (Lalafell, Dunesfolk)
During a night walk in Ul’dah Shar stopped as she suddenly heard what she thought was footsteps following her. When she turned around she met no one but of the sound she was very sure. As she pressed the air into unveiling anyone that was hidden, the shy lalafell undid his cloak. Shar questioned him for the reason he followed her but Kye simply tried to avoid her. Only when she presented herself first did Kye give his name but never his true intention. Instead he had the luck of guessing that Shar had sang in “performances” and told her he wanted her signature on his tome.



Common Rumors (use freely!)

"Aye, the REAL Drowning Wench, that one! Tha’ Xaela turned up in a shore an’ like a wounded dog she moved from place to place. She sings beautifully but godsdamn, she fights like a bull." - A waitress in the Drowning Wench.
"Mhm, I think I know who you mean. Shay, Shar, Sha-something, aye. The one they call the Songbird, cute and pretty like one, but her behavior and eyes speak something else entirely!" - Traveling merchant in the Quicksand.
"Tha’ one worked here sparingly. In fact, she works anywhere sparingly, does whatever to gain a few coins. I like’er tho’! No complaints, finishes her job, good working lass, aye." - A merchant sailor in Limsa Lominsa.

Moderate Rumors (use sparingly or ask me first!)


Rare Rumors (please ask before using!)


PC Rumors (feel free to add your own!)'









Annotations & Additonal Information

This Template was created and Edited by Zorai Naccal, Feel free to use it! :3 find the blank version at User:Zorai

-Shar's voice is best referenced by:

Player and OOC info
Server Balmung
RP Style Mature and casual RP welcome! I enjoy long-lasting relationships and plots that can show how the characters grow and develop. Feel free to send me a /tell whenever and PM “Arzilia Rausten” in the RPC!
Timezone(s) CST