Pyotyr Ilych

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Doctor Pyotyr Ilych
Pyotyr Ilych.jpg
Gender Male
Race Elezen
Clan Duskwight
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Server Balmung
Nameday 19th Sun, Sixth Astral Moon
Age 40ish
Orientation Bisexual
Guardian Thaliak, The Scholar
Alias Doc, Pyo, Pyo-Pyo
Marital Status Single

Pyotyr Ilych is a 1st generation citizen of Limsa, his parents having fled Anti-Duskwight Racism in Gridania. Like many young Limsans, he felt the pull of street gangs and Pirate Ships from a young age. When he was in his early 20s, he went straight after fathering twin daughters, Anastasia and Svetlana, with his captain. She kept to the sea, and he went ashore to raise them, joining the Arcanists' Guild. After additional stints in the Conjurers' and Alchemists' Guild to learn their trades, he opened shop as an independent Doctor in Limsa. Currently, he works with the Verdant Enclave, a charitable organization out of Gridania, as their chief medical officer.



  • Alchemy
  • Owls
  • Fine Clothes


  • Meanness
  • Greedy People
  • Enclosed Spaces


Foods: Baked Popotos, Omelettes, Limsan Chowder with Sourdough Bread
Drinks: Gin and Tonic, La Noscean Orange Tea
Colors: Purple, Red, Black


  • Fiddle Music
  • Sailing
  • Reading


Hair: Purple
Skin: Dark Brown
Eyes: Red
Height: 7'
Build: Slim and Muscular

Even for an Elezen, Pyotyr is tall, and his fine clothes may make him stand out in a crowd. Long shiny hair is always immaculately kept, skin well-kept and moisturized where possible. A scar across the bridge of his nose and trailing down the left side of his face might mar his look a bit for someone looking for perfection. He walks with a long, sure gait, a grace born of many years earning his sea legs on boats traversing the rough waters surrounding Limsa. He favors clothing in black, white, and the same purple shade as his hair.


  • Alignment

    Chaotic Good
  • Motivation

    Protecting his Daughters and friends, helping people recover from the Calamity and live long, healthy lives.
  • Disposition

    Cheerful, Impish
  • Outlook

    Life is hard, but the Twelve bid us make it easier for those who share our journey.
  • Positive personality traits

    Benevolent, Brilliant, Gallant, Flirty, Idealistic
  • Negative personality traits

    Anxious, Frivilous, Indecisive
  • Miscellaneous quirks

    A tendency to cough delicately, sigh, or fidget when unsure of how to respond to something.


Pyotyr is a 1st generation citizen of Limsa, his parents having fled Anti-Duskwight Racism in Gridania. Like many young Limsans, he felt the pull of street gangs and Pirate Ships from a young age. When he was in his early 20s, he went straight after fathering twin daughters, Anastasia and Svetlana, with his captain. She kept to the sea, and he went ashore to raise them, joining the Arcanists' Guild. After additional stints in the Conjurers' and Alchemists' Guild to learn their trades, he opened shop as an independent Doctor in Limsa. Currently, he works with the Verdant Enclave, a charitable organization out of Gridania, as their chief medical officer. He considers himself a devout servant of Thaliak, and his mission is to use his skills to help as many possible.

His daughters, now 20, have started their own lives, Svetlana as an Arcanist, Anastasia as a Yellowjacket, but he keeps in touch and visits when he can.


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC Rumors! Instructions on how: Show text

Commonly heard

"Doctor Ilych? The man's a saint in my book. Saved my Son from the Limsan flu, he did. You check with almost anyone on these here docks, you'll find that they know someone with a similar story. He'll always be one of our best."
"He's alright, don't get me wrong, but I fear he likes the bottle a bit more than he should. And all that drinking and carousing with pretty young things. He really oughta grow up. What would his daughters think?"
"He was quite the street brawler in his younger days, you know. Won the Lower Limsa Fight Club championship two years running -- but we don't talk about that, of course."

Occasionally heard

"You know he was a pirate in his younger days, right? They say he was a member of Pomona's Privateers - They gave the Bloody Executioners a run for their money I hear tell. That man's liable to have more blood on his hands than he's ever saved on the operating table."
"I hear he travels the world looking for old Duskwight stories. Here in Limsa we don't really care who your parents were long as you live and let live, but he's still convinced he can prove to those stuffy Gridanians than Duskwights are worth something."

Rarely heard

"Listen, I ain't much for Alchemy, but some of the weird lights that come from his apartment at night - he's doing something. I heard he's trying to unlock the secret of eternal life - bring back his lady from beyond the grave, most likely."
"He still moonlights as a pirate, you know. That big bloody axe he keeps on the wall of his office - he keeps it sharp for a reason. You best hope you don't cross any of his pals. Or. CHOP."

PC Rumors (written by other players)

"It's always nice to meet a fellow fan of the book 'Sea Men: Life in a Sweaty Boiler Room'." - Kerrath Ellouelle



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