Sizha Naab

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Revision as of 12:26, 8 July 2017 by Sizha (talk | contribs)
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 Sizha Naab
Ffxiv 07072017 102018.png
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Server Balmung
Age 21
Nameday 27th Sun of the Third Umbral Moon
Guardian Menphina, the Lover
Height/Weight 4'5" / 82 ponzes
Occupation Conjurer/Botanist
  • unknown (Father)
  • Rhela Naab (Mother)
  • Rhela'a Naab (Brother)

Work in Progress

Basic Info

Shy and reserved both as most Keepers tend to be, and by nature, Sizha is twichy and sometimes anxious and has, in the past, made efforts to avoid people and socializing, both in the Shroud and once she'd left the forest to explore the wider world. A burgeoning confidence alongside a deep-seated desire to help with what conjury skills she's learned, however, have pushed the Keeper into more efforts to engage others, rather than hide away in cramped corners with books and drawing to pass the time, though sometimes she still steals away to spend time by herself. The one constant, hiding or social, is Claws - her pet lesser panda, given to her by her brother and always either perched on her shoulder or cradled in her arms like a fuzzy, spoiled child.


Helping others
Playfully teasing people
Very small spaces she can curl up in
Pleasant/mildly chilly weather
Stuffed animals
Rain, less so when caught out in it
Doodling/drawing plants
Insects -- not necessarily living ones


Extremely cold weather
Extremely hot weather
Hunting/having to kill things
Rudeness/unfair treatment of herself/others
Being touched without consent
Personal space invasion
Loud noises


Alignment: Neutral Good
Vice(s): Stealing/a tendency to borrow without returning
Favorite Food: Preferably anything sweet. Shy of that, anything that is easy to snack on while moving about
Favorite Drink: Coffee/Hot chocolate
Favorite Color: Green

Appearance & Personality

Very small and slight, Sizha is -- perhaps, easy to miss on first glance, on a good day, most of her hidden away under as many layers of clothing as she can manage, almost always at least some sort of robe and skirt.

What -isn't- usually covered is her face, all dark brown skin and freckles, scars curving both across the bridge of her nose and cheekbones, and down across one dark green eye. Her hair is long, messy and black with streaks of red highlights here and there, curling down past her shoulders when it isn't pulled back in a messy, lazy bun or ponytail and her ears twitch above this, long and fuzzy, like her tail -- the long appendage made almost entirely of soft, black hair. She never quite finished growing into either before she quit growing, and it shows, but the tail is a blessing of sorts, keeping her absentminded tendencies from devolving into outright clumsiness.

Posessions :

Strung across narrow hips and outside of however many layers she is wearing at the moment, a thick, leather belt strung with all manner of small pouches, and sometimes flowers. Always,there is a small, wooden box, a bee's face carved into the lid - if opened, it is full of dead bugs for her panda. Slung at her back is a long staff -- perhaps even bigger than she is. At the very top is a stuffed moogle toy, the staff's foci lodged in it's pom. The moogle is named Squeaky. It squeaks when squeezed.







Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"She always has a dumb little red thing on her shoulder. Also, I bet she actually got her scars from trippin' down stairs, yeh? She's runty but she's ok." - C'dhen Tia


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing
Enqdai Hotgo :
Rhela'a Naab :
Z'aidha Naoda :
C'dhen Tia :
Inari Arulaq :


Template edited from Bancroft Gairn