Cora Qestir

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Cora was born on the Steppe to the Qestir tribe. During an unusually violent attack she was rescued by a traveler, and for one unspoken reason or another he decided not to return the scared little ten-year-old to her people. He took her to his home in Gridania, called her Cora, and cared for her and educated her on his own, keeping her hidden away from the world for most of her teenage years. During this time she grew away from the Qestiri traditions and developed a familiarity with and attachment to all things Eorzean. When one day her father failed to return home after a long absence, she was eventually forced to sell their house and venture out into the world. She quickly discovered the difficulties of finding a place for herself alone and without resorting to speech. Some would be sympathetic, thinking her a mute and offering her help or even temporary work in kitchens or on farms. Others tried to take advantage of her silence, and she rarely had anyone to turn to for help. Over time she found she had a talent for healing, and though hasn’t received any formal training, she practiced in private and developed her skills. Now she wanders, living off her dwindling saving, some discrete prostitution, and the payment she receives from healing.


Slight, short, and with eyes that shift seamlessly from uncertainty to perfect focus to an almost dazed dreaminess. Cora is ‘pretty’ rather than beautiful or cute – she’s the kind of attractive where you might pass over her at first glance, but on the second find something worth noticing.

She dresses in mostly greens and dark colors, prefering loose yet slimming outfits – shirts and skirts that aren't too revealing and are suited for continuous travel in cooler climates, usually having pockets and satchels for storage. She wears very little makeup, and doesn’t seem to need it. In fact, she has always effortlessly appeared somewhat younger than her true age.
Aspects That Stand Out:
■ Bright green eyes
■ Small
■ Thick black hair


Reserved is one way to describe her, shy is another, though many think she’s rude. She’ll smile and nod and play along, take care of you if you need it, but she simply won’t speak to you, and she won’t even trust half of what you tell her, believing like any Qestir that something only spoken could easily be a lie. Unlike the typical Qestir however, once you get to know her, if she trusts you, and if you’re alone with her, she might talk to you – but never in a public setting.

Beneath her guarded exterior however, she’s an idealist with a sometimes self-destructive desire to help others at her own expense. And in contrast to her calm demeanor, she has a habit of following her emotions before anything, though she desperately tries to think things through first. And while she might seem comfortable with being alone, she’s always searching for those few friends and lovers she needs no distance from.

While she tends towards the Chaotic Good side of things, with an emphasis on the Good, she’ll help anyone if they’re in pain, and has a tendency to sympathize with those of a more evil disposition, choosing to believe them victims of circumstances even when this might not be the case.


Poetry. A guilty pleasure she tries to justify with a famous line from a poem.
Wind and rain.
Traveling. She’s restless and always likes to change her surroundings.
Directness. She respects politeness, but not at the expense of honesty.


Stories. Sometimes entertaining, but usually nothing more than long-winded lies.
Crowds. She’s happy to sit quietly in the background, and she likes to have someone she knows beside her who can deflect any conversation away from her.
Heat. It makes her nauseous.
Suffering. She can’t forgive people who cause pointless suffering, and she hates to see others suffer.


Reading poetry. Usually in secret.


Aether. She has a strong aether, and in spite of her lack of training she’s surprisingly adept at healing and defensive magics. But she doesn’t give it much thought. She’s just happy she can help people.
Neutral Perspective. She wants people to get along, and tries to see things from all sides of any disagreement. Her status as a outsider helps.


Silence. Her unwillingness to speak can lead to misunderstandings, and she rarely tries to clear them up.
Neutral Perspective. People consider her desire to end arguments to be a challenge to their side. And she often empathizes with enemies, which isn’t always helpful.
Confused/Distracted. Her head is usually in the clouds. She’s easily confused and easily distracted, which only adds to misunderstandings.


Finding a home – She’s won’t go back to the Qestir, and she feels out of place in Eorzea.
Easing suffering – She wants to help, whether the pain be physical or emotional.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Peytr Blacke, adoptive father. ( )
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Her rescuer and her kidnapper. While she saw her biological father die in front of her, she still has no idea if the rest of her family survived, and Peytr probably didn’t try and find out. He attached to Cora as a replacement for his sister who passed away, and even gave her his sister’s name. He may have been flawed in many ways, but he was a good father, and Cora has long since forgiven him.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"She healed my son good as new. Nearly forgot to wait for the money though. Someone could take advantage of a person like that." - La Noscean Farmer
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Who knows with that one. I saw her getting chatted up in the market once. Such a silver tongue on that one too, but she was having none of it. I thought ‘that’s all well and good, she’s got a head on her shoulders.’ But that night she’s at the tavern and a drunken lout stumbles over and starts groping her. And that she liked." - Kugane laborer
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Peytr Blacke’s ‘daughter’, huh? She’s a kind soul. I hear there’s not much that was good about him though. From what I hear, it’s a wonder he was allowed to live in the city. " - Retired Gridanian Officer


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
Personal RP Limits
I will play - Sexual themes/ERP, mature themes, dark/violent themes, romance, adventure, and possibly longer story-lines.
I won't play - Death, gore, permanent damage to my character, etc.
Little Tidbits.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Potential Plot Hooks
If someone is in desperate need of a healer, and they either can’t afford it or are in some kind of trouble or otherwise can’t risk exposure, Cora will offer her services and her discretion. Need long term care? She’ll help without complaint, all she’d want is a place to stay and food to eat and whatever reward you can afford.
Cora currently has no intention of returning to the Qestir tribe, or to the full traditions of the Qestir – half of which she has forgotten. If she were to be confronted by a genuine Qestir from the Steppe, she might struggle under that kind of direct pressure. In fact, even their presence might make her uncomfortable, as she sometimes thinks of herself as a false Qestir.
When she returns to a city, or when she stops by a small town, she’s always in need of a place to stay. Although she can usually afford to stay in inns, she’s effectively homeless and can be occasionally caught sleeping in hidden corners of the city, or on the sides of roads.
Because she usually travels alone, and because she tends to rush to people’s aid regardless of risk to herself, she might be taken advantage of by people with darker motives.
Character Lore Adherence
I prefer to keep to the lore, but I’m not an expert myself. I’m pretty forgiving if I can be forgiven as well.
I don’t really like the idea of “instant” healing, if that helps. I think there should be time for recovery, except for minor scrapes and bruises.

Cora Qestir.jpg
Name – Cora Qestir
Race – Au Ra, Xaela
Age - ~24
Name Day - 22nd Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Deity – None

Alias: Bright Eyes (or Green Eyes)
Citizenship: Gridania
Occupation: Itinerant healer
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Green
Complexion: Pale
Piercings: None
Marks or tattoos: Heart-shaped birthmark
Alignment: Chaotic Good (Goodness before Freedom)
Orientation: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Favorite Food: Omelette
Favorite Drink: Herbal Teas
Favorite Color: Nophica Green
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