Cora Qestir
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Cora was born on the Steppe to the Qestir tribe. During an unusually violent attack she was rescued by a traveler, and for one unspoken reason or another he decided not to return the scared little ten-year-old to her people. He eventually took her to his home in Gridania, called her Cora, and cared for her and educated her on his own, keeping her hidden away from the world for most of her teenage years. During this time she grew away from the Qestiri traditions and developed a familiarity with and attachment to all things Eorzean.
When her father failed to return home after a long absence, she was eventually forced to sell the house and venture out into the world. She found herself confronted with the difficulties of finding a place for herself alone, speechless in a speaking world. Some were sympathetic, thinking her a mute, and would offer her aid or even temporary work in kitchens or on farms. Others tried to take advantage of her silence, and she rarely had anyone to turn to for help. Over time she found she had a talent for healing, and though she still hasn’t received any formal training, she practiced in private and developed her skills. Now she wanders, living off her dwindling saving, some discrete prostitution, and the small payment she receives from healing.
Slight, short, and with eyes that shift seamlessly from uncertainty to perfect focus to an almost dazed dreaminess. She’s more likely to be called ‘pretty’ than beautiful ; she’s the kind of attractive where you might pass over her at first glance, but on the second find something worth noticing. She likes to dress in mostly greens and dark colors, preferring loose yet slimming outfits – shirts and skirts that aren't too revealing and are suited for continuous travel in cooler climates, usually having pockets and satchels for storage. With the exception of the area around her eyes, she wears very little makeup, and she doesn’t seem to need it.Aspects That Stand Out:
Reserved is one way she might be described, shy could be another, though many may think she’s rude. She’ll smile and nod and play along, she’ll take care of anyone who needs her help, but she simply won’t speak to people – and she won’t even trust half of what they tell her, believing like any Qestir that something only spoken could easily be a lie. Unlike the typical Qestir however, she’s not opposed to speaking to people she grows to trust, at least in private.
Beneath that superficial shyness, however, she is both libidinous and romantic, with a sometimes self-defeating desire to please others at her own expense, and a hopeless habit of following her emotions before anything else, though she desperately tries to think things through first. And while she might seem comfortable with being alone, she is constantly searching for a few true friends, or a love she needs no distance from.
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