Johann Jaeger

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Latest activities (RP hooks): Johann has been spotted last time involved in a Thug Skirmish in Limsa Lominsa on the Docks

Birth Name: Johann Leonard Jeager

Gender: Male

Race & Clan: Hyur Highlander, unknown Origin

Age: Middle Aged

Height Average Highlander Male Height

Weight: Around 90 KG

Nameday: ???

Guardian deity: Nald'Thal, the Trader


Birth Place: Unknown, Far beyond Doma/Kugane

Citizenship: Various

Free Company: LC trading Co.(OOC)

Residence: Various Inns

Marital Status: Single

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Job: Sellsword, Criminal, Mercenary

Hobbies: Drinking, Wandering, Philosophy, contemplating, Swordsmanship

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral /Chaotic Evil


Initially a rather disreputable henchman and criminal from Kugane, Johann is nowadays but a wanderer with a thick accent and lazy speech pattern marred by brevity, to the point he rarely strings more then four to five words in one sentence, often times little quotations of wisdom from his origin country. Yet, when he has something truly important to say, he might end up speaking fluidly and in a very educated manner (albeit with an accent), revealing a degree of education that is unusual for men of his background.

While he generally appears to be well sorted despite his constant boozing, he is in truth a man haunted by all the memories of past deeds, and conflicts he has been a part of. As a wise man once said; Every time you kill a man, a part of your soul gets buried with him.


Johanns entire appearance can be mostly described as rugged and physical. His eyes seem to be of a very faint blue color, the point they almost seem grey, and his hair is pretty much white.

While shorter then most Highlander males, he makes up for it in sheer strength and physicality.

Scars & Markings: Some of his liaisons have joked that Johann's skin is akin to a crude Roadmap of Ul'dahs outskirts. his face is covered in 3 prominent scars (Lip, cheek and eyebrow/lids). His chest is covered in plenty more, suggesting various stab wounds, slash wounds and the like, and his back marred in long stripe-like scars.

Voice: Johanns voice is overall quite deep and rough, mostly through years of drinking and smoking. Paired to that he sports a very thick, foreign accent which isn't Doman or Hingashi. (In effect; bad Russian accent, as one would expect from;

  1. Eastern Promises - Viggo Mortensen [[1]]

Clothing: Generally varies, depending on weather. One constant is the bandana, which he wears almost always.

Stoic, Self-Driven, Fiercely Independent

  • Philosophy Books
  • Swordsmanship
  • A Good Bottle of Booze
  • Wandering / Exploring
  • Fighting
  • Women
  • Good Food
  • Forbidden things


  • Irritating People
  • Ignorant People
  • Violence against Children
  • Out of tune Music
  • Unfounded Confidence/Arrogance
  • Overly Duplicitous Individuals
  • His own Mirror Image

Distinctive Features

  • Dying a meaningless Death
  • Never resolving his internal conflict


  • Favorite food: Meat
  • Favorite drink: Sake / Vodka
  • Favorite colour: Red / Black
  • Vices: Alcohol, Brothels, penchant of intimidation and violence
  • Possible alignment: chaotic neutral

Suen portrait2.png

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Skills & Abilities

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Johann is a very adept Swordsman and martial artist, given it is a skill he had honed since the earliest ages; (Mostly through growing up in Kugane). Most of his knowledge is of very practical and unrefined nature, having learned the trade from the Cut-throats and Criminal Ronin of these Lands, instead of reputable masters over-involved in style or ceremony.

Beyond that, he's an apt strategician and tactician if the situation calls for it, although he rarely gets to employ this side as he has little to no reason to lead people nowadays anymore.

He also has a very analytical eye, able to pick up on minute details others might miss in terms of body language queues and other quirks. Judging people and being able to accurately assess them(size them up) has been a necessity for many years for him.

He's also surprisingly skilled with words. While generally his speech patterns and accent would make one think otherwise, he's able to speak very poignantly, and even enjoys good poetry.

Makai Hand Mortar Icon.png
Magitek Handgun
A magitek slugthrower hand gun that Suen keeps at her hip most of the time.
Steel-barreled Carbine.png
Magitek Carbine
A magitek slugthrower carbine that Suen uses for long range duties.
Molybdenum Rimfire Icon.png
Magitek AT Rimfire
A magitek slugthrower carbine that Suen uses as anti-armour.
Titanium-barreled Snaphance.png
Magitek Repeater
A magitek photon-stream custom SMG that Suen uses for most short-ranged combat purposes.
Ironworks Magitek Rod.png
Magitek Plasma Cutter
A long magitek custom cutting tool using extreme heat to cut through almost anything, bare a few rare or magical alloys.
Portable inventory
Allagan ring of healing.png
Allagan Recording Tomestone
A special tomestone that Suen found near Castrum Meridianum and uses as a journal.
Ceruleum Tank.png
Ceruleum Canister
An metal can filled with ceruleum. Can be used as a powerful (and expensive) makeshift grenade in dire situations.
Garlean Fiber 43.png
Garlean Fiber Rope
A rope made of garlean fiber. Far more lightweight and durable than its eorzean counterparts.
Tarnished Midan Chain.png
Machinist Toolkit
A toolkit of screwdrivers, hammers, precision cutters and other tools used for various engineering skills.
Tarnished Midan Bolt.png
Junk and salvage
All kinds of scrap salvage parts and junk that Suen regularly finds on her journey.
Personal Vehicle
Manacutter Patch.png
Modified salvaged manacutter
Suen most treasured possession. It has not much left in common with the model of origin.
Personal Room

The room Suen uses for her everyday life as well as her workshop. It is literally full of crates, materials and magitek devices of all kinds.

Romantic Relationship
Romantic Interest
Trusted Friend
Lost contact


Suhyi Sihu ( ) - Mother
Position: Elder Matriarch, family head.
Seloh Sihu ( ) - Older sister
Suen's sister, 2 Twelvemoons older.


Arzilia in Gridania.png
Arzilia Rausten
The Mythril Blades

Arzilia is a midlander fallen dragoon that passed for dead to her kin. Her and Suen met while traveling and the flirty Hyur stole Suen a kiss or two, leaving the Miqo'te overly confused about the whole ordeal. They continue to enjoy each other to that day.


Das Blacksmith.png
R'das Sahazrh
Machina and Magitek

An engineer Seeker that convinced Suen to work for their engineering company. She swears a lot and got a strong accent, but Suen got along very well with the Seeker's personality, and their dedication about everything Magitek.
Common rumours & quotes

  • "'The Snowflake? Drunken Basterd, tha' one" Bar Patron.
  • "He reeks of Booze, that one. Always. Pays well though" Ul'dahn Courtesan

Rare rumours & quotes

  • "Him? If you can manage, make sure to stay clear of him. He used to be the Enforcer in the Ijjin districts, has more blood on his hands then some veterans." Random Kugane Citizen

Players rumours & quotes

  • "***" Placeholder.

6th Astral Era & 7th Umbral Era - Gridania

7th Astral Era - Uld'ah


Suen's Journey

OOC Information

Stances on RP:

Hooks and relationships:

RP combat and injuries: Miscellaneous:

Server and Timezone

Player Info: EU player, GMT+1. Usually available between 19:00 and 23:30 GMT in the week, or most of the day in the week end.

Server: Balmung

Wiki Templates: Using the skill stats window from Fancy Template. Thanks to the authors!

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