Reevon Temps

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Jin'sae Hara Jinsaehara.jpg
Personal Data
Real Name: Reevon Temps
Aliases: Reeve, Grave, Ghost
Race: Duskwight, Elezen
Age: 41
Name Day: 24th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Dark wine
Markings: Two facial tattoos(black) visible. One over his left eye and the other along the right side of his face. Possibly others.
Occupation: Former Cultist/Knowledgeable in alchemy and 'various' aetherical and crystal-related studies.



- --- -
Little Tidbits/Offsite Fun

Tumblr.png[Character Tumblr]


At first glance, Jin'sae might appear a bit intimidating despite his smaller stature due to the mask he almost always keeps over his face. He is often seen with his cait-sith doll and is known to speak to it as if it is its own person. The keeper miqo'te is quite capable in manipulating and utilizing aether in a variety of ways despite his young age. In fact, to those able to sense aether enough, Jin'sae might appear something of a battery or magnet capable of drawing aether in -- the likely reason behind his relative ease commanding it and shaping it into his spells. He's not known to sit still for long and is more known for always being on the move. More times than not, Jin'sae goals are simple. The problem is that those goals tend to be very short-lived in nature. He drifts at the mercy of fleeting whims.

Aspects That Stand Out:
Has an abnormally large supply/command over aether within his body, especially compared to his diminutive size.
Jin'sae is physically fragile. He has a very small frame and despite aging, he seemingly retains his child-like appearance. (He has anosmic hypogonadism/Kallmann syndrome)
The doll. The cait-sith doll that has almost always been around Jin'sae is capable of movement and, according to him, speech. Those capable may sense that there an actual entity living inside the doll able to manipulate it. The spirit is housed inside the doll within a crystal.


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(Very-rough) Timeline:
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Staying active.
Making friends.
Trying new things.
Strong/talented people.
Void-related topics.


Being told to sit still for long periods of time.
Being called a kid.
Any violence or hostility towards his doll.
Enclosed darkness.


Playing with cards.
Artifact/relic hunting and research.


Strong aether-capacity.
Extremely talented in dark and elemental-aspected magics.


Physically weak
Afraid of dark, enclosed places
Lacks sense of smell (He has anosmic hypogonadism/Kallmann syndrome)


Helping others.
Acquiring unique items.
Anything that might benefit his doll.


Weapon: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
Weapons of Choice
Dark and Elemental-aspected magic

OOC information for YOU

If ever interested in engaging in a fight/spar/any other similar interaction with my character, please read on. I am very open to gore and violence and am not beyond having my character sport an injury. However! Dismemberment, permanent damage, and even death needs to be spoken about prior in vivid detail/discussion before anything will ever occur IC.
Sort-of Grindstone rules: More or less everyone's go-to in the public-realm of RP. (using ingame /random rolls) We start with an initial roll to determine first to strike. Thereafter, roll for attack, roll for defense. Post. Repeat until someone reaches agreed upon number of blows. Or 3 as per Grindstone standard.
Free-form: I will sometimes be open to this form of combat if I know you well enough or am generally comfortable enough with you that I know any sort of mishaps during an encounter can be discussed and worked out in a timely manner. Paragraph-posts most welcome in this form, but not required. We exchange attack attempts and have our characters respond accordingly to their personal limits. Requires both/all parties to have intimate knowledge of their own characters limits and trust on both sides that both people will respond fairly. (Your characters dodge, evade, etc, within reason of their limits). Be prepared for a fight like this to possibly go on longer than average roll-system based fight.
Talk to me: If there is ever any ideas you might have that you'd like to pass by me, go for it. I'm very open to ooc discussions even off-the-wall AU stuff or just ideas in general. Throw them at me!! Same goes with combat ideas. I'm very willing and open to consider other ideas and options. This goes beyond just combat RP!



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
He has a tendency to steal things. (But refuses to admit to it)
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
The doll he holds is alive...sort of.
He has something of an fascination for anyone strong either physically or otherwise.
He can be a little jumpy.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
A boy thaumaturge with a doll was once known years ago to have worked for a criminal organization working out of the shroud. Though he was barely a teenager at the time, the rumor says that he was contracted as a killer to hunt down and 'make gone' enemies of the organization.
There was once a small keeper tribe reported lost after heavy flooding in the shroud. Not long after, there was rumor of a group of occultists traveling with a miqo'te child among their number. A member of the group claimed to be the child's guardian.


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors -
"Place Rumor here " — Rumormonger.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Place Holder.. ( ) - Place Holder.
Character's Thoughts: "Place Holder."
Place Holder.



Player Note
Luminhara/Lumi - awkward, gender-neutral, friend-shaped nerd
Personal RP Limits
I don't have very many hardcore limits honestly as I feel consequences must be adhered to when RPing any character regardless of whom they might be. However there are a few exceptions to this and they are as follows.
I will play Almost anything that isn't described below.
Little Tidbits.
If you're ever uncomfortable, please, PLEASE let me know. I play my characters out how they would naturally respond and while I do my best to ensure I do not overstep anyone's comfort-levels, I am only human. If I ever make you feel uncomfortable in any way, please speak up.
Jin'sae is a very 'out there' character concept. I am completely aware of this as well as the fact that he is not going to be everyone's cup-of-tea. However, I RP to have fun and as long as my RP is not forcing anything on yours, I hope to get the same amount of respect you'd offer anyone else in the role-play community as far as communication goes. We're all playing in the sandbox together. Some people enjoy different things. I understand that. But please remember this is all playing pretend on a video game at the end of the day. It's absolutely ridiculous getting judgey and petty all over make-believe characters. So, please, lets just have fun together!
If my character is ever bothering you to the point you are affected oocly in anyway, PLEASE let me know what I can do to alleviate that. If it's just the character in general, I will even do my best to avoid interacting with you in the future. In short... I do NOT want to ruin anyone's idea of a good time. But also please do not ruin mine with nonconstructive, hateful feedback. Thank you.


Potential Plot Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP.
■ If the cait-sith doll minion is out, it's IC there somewhere. Go ahead and ask me OOC about it if you'd like to approach the doll as your walk up. Or just, you know, go for it.
■ Use the rumors, if you're ever unsure if you can/should, just ask!
■ Please just throw any/all ideas/suggestions you have at me. I'm very open to ideas or plots others might want me to join in. So, seriously, just message me OOC anytime for open discussion.


Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Wiki Mash User:Abelia Kir Armiger.

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.