Ihla Xisiqo

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Height: 4 fulm, 10 ilm
Weight: 98 ponze
Build of body: Built like a long distance hiker
Eye colour: Bark brown
Skin colour: Pale with ruddy undertones
Hair colour: Auburn
Hair style: Short and choppy (they cut it themselves, badly)
Distinguishing features: Face is covered in scars
Complexion: Freckles everywhere and is prone to acne
Posture: Tends to lounge at odd angles
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Two in each ear
Typical clothing: Whatever shirt and pants are moderately clean
Is seen by others as: Dirty scrounger if in a city, standard adventurer in the wilds


Does Ihla know people? Not really. People, to them, are a mystery, to be understood by scholars of a different field. Their curiosity leads them elsewhere, towards figures and diagrams, calculations and equations. These, they say, are the fundamentals behind all the universe. It is these maths and a fiery personality that Ihla hides behind to hide their deepest insecurities - the foremost being that they cannot read more than what is necessary for navigation (signposts and such) and simple sentences in textbooks.

Nevertheless, Ihla exudes a confidence (and, indeed, arrogance) that can either inspire people or make them angry, depending on the day. The shameless Miqo’te, while not immune to the harshness of criticism, generally has few cares about what others think of them, so long as the illusion of competency stays erect. They consider themselves an extrovert, even while not being able to read people very well. To those that they grow close to, they are entirely dependable, consistent, and grounded.

Those that try to flirt with them, however, are met with a stone-faced confusion. Ihla doesn’t like to flirt, has no interest in romance, and generally goes about their days without a thought to it. They like friends, many friends, and would rather be close to them than be tied to people in that way.

In the end, Ihla is a person who smiles often, laughs readily, and adores their work. Whether perched awkwardly in a chair in a library or on a rock in the field, they are a positive presence that, while easy to overlook, is impossible to forget.


Ihla Xisiqo ("EE-lah shee-SEE-kwo") was a mutt, or so they were told by their peers - the child of a Seeker father and a Keeper mother, the later of which abandoned them soon after birth, leaving them in the care of a clanless male. And though he was put in a difficult position, the working-class I'whase Tia tried his best to raise his child as best he could, in the small one bedroom apartment they shared in the slums of Ul’dah. He gave them a Keeper name, so they would have at least some piece of their heritage.

From a young age, Ihla loved numbers. They counted everything they could, from people walking by to the gil I’whase brought home. He could not, however, afford to send them for formal education, so he taught them what he could, being an architect’s assistant and a man generally good with money. And so Ihla’s obsession turned from counting to measuring. Angle, degree, circumference, diameter, radius - they became their new language, a code all their own.

And then, one day, at 19 years old, there was magic. Accidental, but there.

Ihla was idly scrawling geometric patterns with one hand and drawing them in the air with the other when, much to the shock of both them and their father, the geometric shapes Ihla drew in the air took form, sparkled, and caused a bit of static before dissipating. It was then that I’whase knew that he was in over his head and contacted the Arcanist’s Guild in Limsa Lominsa. With the savings he had, he bought Ihla their first grimoire, passage to the island city-state, and a bit left over to pay for as much further education as they could make it stretch.


For Ihla, it was the first time that they made the connection between maths and tangible results. Experimentation meant critical success - or critical failure. Either way, the results could be explosive, and they couldn’t get enough. But their peers at the Guild, most of whom had been brought in on money and not merit, shunned and scoffed the half breed, preferring to stick to traditional ways of the Arcanist path.

Not Ihla. Ihla knew there was something more than what the textbooks said. And now, at 22 years old, they set out into Eorzea to find more truths of the inner workings of the universe.


Easily Heard
The worst kept gossip

Hard to Hear
Unless you know someone who knows someone...

PC Rumors

  • Has a great singing voice.
  • Bites people when angry.
  • Still mostly illiterate.
  • “Hears” equations as music.
  • ((There are no rumors here yet. Feel free to add one!))


You may have heard of them/know them if you have frequented:

  • Moraby Drydocks
    • Ihla is facinated by all things archetecture or archetecture-adjacent, and thus they spent a lot of time wandering the shipyards (where they were permitted, that is). "The geometry of ships is not entirely unlike that of buildings, just suited for different purposes," Ihla told a friend once, after being asked why they travelled to the Drydocks on free days. They became enough of a local staple that laborers would stop to chat or watch them sketch the ship frameworks.
  • The Arcanist's Guild
    • Ihla studied at the Guild for three years before dropping out due to intense peer pressure. They were known as "the puzzle in the corner" due to their reclusive nature and tendency to twist themselves into a pretzel while sitting in chairs. The first year, they sat in the front of every class, constantly asking questions and taking notes, much to the delight of their instructors and the irritation of their classmates. After the first year, they had been heckled enough that they no longer participated much in class except for the bare minimum. Two years of that and they'd had enough.


I follow a Green/Yellow/Red system of what I will and will not roleplay. Green is fine, Yellow is “ask first,” and Red is “don’t even ask.”

  • Green
    • Slice of life
    • Road trips
    • Long adventures
    • Light combat
    • Exploration
    • Mild temporary injuries/illness
  • Yellow
    • Moderate combat
    • Light romance
    • Major temporary injuries/illness
    • Mild permanent injury/illness
    • Some kinds of dark themes (please specify)
  • Red
    • Character death
    • Rape
    • Torture
    • Heavy romance
    • ERP
    • Heavy blood/gore
    • Major permanent injury/illness
    • Mind control

In general, if Green or Yellow, I’m perfectly willing to discuss things. If you attempt to get me to do anything Red, I will block you, no questions.


Including written lyrics

Spoken word or written out


Ihla's Theme

Coming soon!
Coming soon!


Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Ihla Xisiqo
Gender Femme Non-binary
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Server Balmung
Pronouns They/Them/Theirs
Age 22
Nameday 14th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
Sexuality Bisexual
Relationship Status Single
Nicknames "Xic" (pronounced "zeek")