Sini'to Shadar

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Sini'to Shadar
Gender male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Guardian Deity Thaliak, the Scholar
Date of Birth 6th day of the 3rd Astral Moon
Age 24
Affiliations Arcanist's Guild
Occupation Scholar
Server Balmung
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He's a rather tall miquo'te, having the round pupils and the long fangs that identify him as a keeper of the moon. His skin has a grey tone, much like his hair which looks like a dirty grey with a brownish hue. His tail is long and fluffy, showing the same grey colour. He has light blue eyes.

He is short sighted and needs glasses. Together with the robes he likes to wear and the books he often carries around, he looks like a sage or scholar. Which, considering his knowledge and occupation, is pretty close to the truth.


At first glance he is a silent guy, happy to keep to himself. But in truth he is kinda ambivalent: Despite seeming calm and almost looking like a dreamer when left to his matters, one can discover his rather rough and direct personality when talking to him. He's not outright unfriendly, but he gets annoyed (or bored) easily and he doesnt like wasting time by talking around a matter. He did learn thats it's sometimes better to handle people softly, though.

When it comes to enduring he is very stoic and if someone starts to complain, he most likely is one of the first to shout "Oh come on, don't be such a pansy!" He would still heal you in battle, though. Additionally to his direct approach, he is very pragmatic. Also, for him, the end justifies the means.

He highly values his personal freedom, to do what he wants to do at the moment. This ties to a liberal world view. Everyone is free to live as they want, in his opinion.

Also he is rather clumsy. When handling things he is rough, not in the sense of unfriendly, but rather that he can't handle small and delicate things. Give him something fragile and he most likely will break it, unintentionally.

Being an Arcanist and Scholar, he values knowledge and uses magic, but he also is able (and not hesitant) to use brute force if needed (In the sense of punching an annoying friend or a thing that is stuck).

He is prone to making sarcastic comments or jokes.

Because he was born into a rich family, money was never a problem for him, therefore he has a somewhat carefree attitude when it comes to living. He grew up in a city and is not accustomed to the wilderness, although he did go out to shoot a bow and some friends took him to hunt sometimes.



  • Being free to spend time as he likes
  • Not being pestered by annoying people
  • Books
  • Music
  • "Beauty" (Yes, thats a broad term, and highly subjective)
  • Refined things and luxury


  • "Stupidity" (Yes, that is a broad term too, he dislikes what he views as stupid)
  • People getting on his nerves
  • Being bored
  • Broccoli


  • He has a certain musical talent. He is able to play harp and he wouldnt have much problems taking up other instruments should he encounter them. Also he humms from time to time, when he's in a good mood.
  • Although being a city dweller and not being accustomed to nature that much, he likes the simple beauty of nature and the wilderness.
  • He reads books for both entertainment and knowledge, but not everything. Just what he likes and that's subjective to him. In most cases he reads a book just once, after that he says "I already know it. A second time it would be boring, as i know already whats coming."


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing


  • Sini Shadar (53) - Sinis mother and founder of the Shadar Merchant Company. Strong willed and stubborn, she left her tribe and carved out a life for herself and her children like she wanted, always pursuing what she set as her goal. Sini admires and respects her. She would have preferred if Sini had followed his goldsmith profession and joined the family company, but she accepted and respects his choice of another way of life.
  • Zeri'a Zolani (54) - His father, who tried to keep up good relations with the family despite his traveling lifestylte that never kept him around for long. Sini couldnt think of something bad to say about him.
  • Sini'a Shadar (33) - Sinis older brother. There was the usual brotherly banter and occasional competition betwen them, although Sini'a is 9 years older. But they also sticked together quite often against their many sisters. They have a neutral standing, after all.
  • Camille Shadar (29) - The oldest sister, who is also much like her mother. Ambitious and competitive, she is the one designated to take over the Company. As such she thinks Sini better had joined his siblings in helping in the company, and therefore doesnt have a high opinion of him. Her authoritative style is grating on him.
  • Senna Shadar (26) - As a mathematical genius, she is far more analytical and "colder" than her surely emotional brother Sini, but they acknowledge and respect each others preference for facts and knowledge.
  • Lori (21) and Fran (19) - The inseperable sisters. They are both very much alike, cheery and positive minded, always keeping a good outlook on live. Sini always liked them more than his other siblings, and being the three youngest (and more emotional) siblings they often sticked together against the older three (more analytical and pragmatic) siblings.
  • Rinh Hallani - As a fellow student in the arcanist guild she catched his eye imediately and despite her rough and closed-up behavior he kept flirting with her, being fascinated of her decisive and forceful nature. Their romance broke once, as she never truly opened up to him completely, but he never was able to get her out of his mind and after some changes they got back together, much happier now and engaged. She still acts rough and dominant in public, but now he is assured of her feelings for him and that she doesnt mean it towards him, so he doesnt mind it. Others like to pick on him for his submissive behavior towards her, but he doesnt care much for that because he likes being help-/useful for her. He holds Rinh in his highest regards.

Friends and Acquaintances



  • Mustafa Steel Not really an enemy, but he often comes to the bottom bar and didnt hesitate to seat himself on the couch close to Sini, marinating him in a sweaty, stinky embrace. Also he called Sini fancy-pants or something... not a good way to gather sini-approval points...


Common Rumors

  • "That boy acts so carefree... that rich kid never had to work for anything in his life!"

Moderate Rumors

  • "You wouldn't think or see it, but he's quite a good musician."

Rare Rumors

  • "He once got to be Leutenant of the maelstrom. Some mumble, it was only due to the influence of his mother who pulled some strings!"

Sin 1 by ravenmadisonhell.jpg


He was born and raised in Limsa Lominsa, second son to a "small" family of keeper miquo'te. His mother, Sini Shadar (52), is a Trader who came to riches in the Thalassocracy. He has 5 siblings: Sini'a (32) Captain of the familys trading ship, Camille (28) who took over their mothers trading business, Senna (25) a mathematical genius who oversees their finances, Lori (20) and Fran (18) the youngest who are inseperable. His father Zeri'a Zolani (53) is a traveling trader who -normal to miquote keeper customs- doesnt live permanently with the Shadars and probably has children with other keeper woman somewhere else too.

Unlike his 3 older siblings, Sini'to never liked the trading business, lacking the needed social competences. From the beginning he was a silent, reclusive child. A dreamer, easily distracted and more occupied with himself than others. When his family got a new book in their hands, he was one of the first to stick his nose into it. He also got his fingers on his mothers harp and she soon realised that he most probably won't grow to be a great warrior or trader, rather a thinker or aesthete. Luckily he also had an innate ability for magic so it was concluded that it was this path he had to take, so he got sent to the arcanist guild to join their ranks.

It was there that he met Rinh Hallani, a talented yet rough young woman from the black shroud with an uncomfortable past. Despite her restrained manners, her off-closedness and her getting easily annoyed by his jokes, there was something about her that fascinated him, mostly her ambitious and direct aproach. They started traveling together and despite a rough start their relationship blossomed into something more.

Sini'to refined his magical arts and even ranked up in the maelstrom company. He got to be Leutenant and is very proud of it, wearing his uniform. Sadly, over time the relationship with Rinh turned out to not make them both happy, so they had to end it. After a time with both sad and happy phases, they parted ways to pursue their own ways.

Following this break-up he entered a phase of sadness, not knowing what to do or to pursue. He retreated himself slowly from the Travellers guild, sticking more to himself, except for one other person he met in the guild. T'lamila Sheqa was a Seeker woman from gridania, a huntress who wanted to learn more about magic after some magic related events happening to the travellers. Already before his break-up and slow retreat, he had agreed to teach her arcanima, the magic school of the arcanists.

It happened that she broke with her former Partner too, at almost the same time like Sini. In the wake of this, she left the guild and coincidentally it was Sini whom she gave her old guild linkpearl. This was the point where they started talking and he remebered their agreement on lessons. He proposed that they should start with the lessons, to distract both her and himself from the sadness they did go through. Two hurt souls longing for comforting latched together and soon they both started to develop feelings for each other.

They both fell in love with each other and Sini reconsidered his current, aimless life. Out of love to T'lamila, he changed his focus and moved to live with her in Gridania, leaving the Maelstrom and Limsa Lominsa behind. It was also the same time where both joined a new company, the Kindred which was situated at Bronze lake at that time.

However, this newfound luck didn't hold for long. In unknown circumstances he lost his memory, wandering the shroud aimlessly for a while. Memory of his past slowly came back, but much got stuck in darkness. He has no idea what happened, all that is left is a faint memory of T'lamila, and he never saw her again. Why, he can't say, as she seems to have been vanished. He followed clues back and returned to Gridania, where he coincidentally met Rinh again. She offered her help, and confused as he were with his amnesia he accepted to get back on track. He then returned to his familys estate in Limsa Lominsa.

With having lost parts of his past and no clue what to do, he sticked to the few things familiar to him: Going back to the Kindred company which still had him under contract, and the person he remembered most clearly: Rinh.