Tesla Amorette

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Revision as of 19:23, 29 September 2014 by Tesla amorette' (talk | contribs) (Personality)
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Ul'dah-transparent.png Tesla Amorette'
I'm out of bait.
Treasure Hunter
Gender Female
Race Miqote
Clan Seeker Of The Sun
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 24
Height 63.8 Inches
Weight 122
Profession Treasure Hunter
Patron Deity Rhalgr, the Destroyer
Server Balmung

Goodbye Tesla (Still being updated)

Journal Entry 23

  • Dated 3 years ago


  • Nicknames: Little Thief, Tes, Tessy, Amorette
  • Age: 24
    • Nameday: 17th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
  • Gender: Female
    • Sexuality: ^_^
  • Height: 63.8 Inches
  • Weight: 122
  • Body: Toned
  • Hair: Varies
  • Eyes: Golden
  • Skin: Fair
  • Clothing: Varies





  • Strong leader
  • Very honest
  • Cunning/Clever
  • Tolerance
  • Clear and concise
  • Humorous
  • Conversation


  • Can be difficult when interacting with people
  • Avoids serious conversations about herself
  • Assumes any sort of affection is met with deviant intentions
  • Can be one extreme over another depends on what emotion is provoked
  • Insensitive


  • Steals trinkets
  • Can be very child-like
  • Has a thing for tanks
  • Has a thing for Highlanders


  • Thief/Pickpocket
  • Raid Leader
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Treasure Hunter

Can be extremely violent
Well trained in most arts
Goes for the kill
Will only intervene when absolutely necessary


  • Fishing


  • Not a good drinker
  • Favorite Drink: Pineapple Juice
  • Favorite Snacks: Dzemael Tomatoes, Ginger cookie
  • Favorite Dessert: Sachertorte
  • Favorite Meal: Bouillabaisse


  • She might be involved with two top leaders in Eorzea
  • No one's really sure what she does in her room
  • No one really knows what she's fishing for

Current Relationships

[Being updated] [These encounters affect Tesla important enough to be mentioned.]

Young Tesla

Born in Church of Saint Adama Landama, she was raised by her father after her mother's passing from childbirth. As a child, she was extremely adventurous and stubborn. She was never the child to sit still or heed warnings and often times lost in her imaginations. Being left to be cared by Airell of the church, while her father, a mercenary, searched for work, she developed very distant behaviors from the lack of his appearances in her life. Around the age of 10, Tesla had gained the courage to venture toward from the camp to see the mighty Myotragus herds she's watched gazing from distance. The decision to watch them was not as bad as her decision to climb and ride one. With her tugging and kicking the Billy, she triggered his berserk and soon startled the entire herd. The roaring hooves shook the ground and alerted the people to run away from the city as Myotraguses stampeded their way through. Airell realizing that Tesla was missing runs to the front of the church to see the sand cloud that had engulfed the city. Panicked, she runs down along with the church patrons. As luck would have, a group of monster hunters were passing by when the saw the dust cloud trail. Within moments the berserk creatures and rounded up and soothed. Airell informs the camp that Tesla is missing which starts a search for her. The hunters spread out in search for the little girl and the town people search the structures within the walls. Tesla often played hide and seek with the town people, she was very good at hiding.

"There you are."

The warrior of the group had found her, covered in sand and wounded. He picks her almost lifeless body from the ground and carries her back to the camp. Tiny thing she was. Tesla's eyes barely parted she could see a glimmer of his axe that dawned his back.

"She's tough."

He says as he lays her on the feathered table for the healer to examine. Airell quivers as she watches the caster heal Tesla's wounds.

"Let her rest."

The hunters leave shortly after being thanked by the townsfolk. The warrior leaves Tesla a small trinket in her palm as Airell sits beside the sleeping child and prays...

Weeks went without a word from her. She hardly ate and would be found standing outside starring into the dessert. It was traumatic for little Tesla, not completely understanding the danger she brought onto herself and the people around her. Airell grew worried, her worry growing into concern as Tesla's eleventh nameday came around. Namedays were especially tough, Tesla only wanted to see her father on this particular day. When he did come home, it was as if he never left. But the older she got, the more apparent how closed off she was becoming to people. She often thought about the hunter who saved her. His armor reminded her of her father's. It comforted her, her fingers would roll the levin orb her hero left for her, in thoughts of what it was like to explore the world. Fight monsters and feel free.

A week before her nameday, Airell sends a letter to the city to the hunters that had rescued the village.

"I do this with great pain in my heart Tesla...But you know longer belong here..."

Words Tesla's never forgotten. Airell speaks to her the night she is to be taken away. She sends her away with great uncertainty and fear...But she knew that Tesla staying would only do more harm.

At first, Tesla stands frozen, unable to understand why she was being asked to leave. Her eyes well up and the tears roll from her face. As Airell offers an embrace, she runs off into the city. It felt unfair, why was she being abandoned. It was overwhelming, any trust or faith she had was dwindling. The city was dark, the sky was blanketed by stars and the moon lit the town.

"You shouldn't cry...They'll know how weak you are.."

The man's voice was not familiar to her.

Her body was overcast by a large shadow. Her sniffling continued, unable to clear her eyes from the tears no matter how often she wiped them.

"It'll be alright."

The highlander places a hand on the small child's head to comfort her.

Airell rushes out to catch up to Tesla but pauses having seen the hunters have found her already. The highlander looks over to Airell and smiles as the rest of his party stands a side. The town people gather from their slumber having heard the slight commotion outside.

Airell knew that she may never be forgiven for this but found solace believing that Tesla's future was now in fate's hands;she hoped Tesla finds her father where ever he's gone to. For him to provide her with the answers to the questions that will mold the adult she'll become.

The tears soon become lighter and softer as Tesla started to calm down. Her eyes red and irradiated as she looked up at the man. He was like a big monster, the shadow he cased over her made his face difficult to see. But she didn't feel any fear standing in front of him. His hand was warm on her sculpt and it did soothe her.

"There. All better.."

He crouched down to her and smiles as he notices the levin orb and rolls it out of her hand.

"Still hanging onto it hm?"

He twirls it in front of her.

"Come, I'll show you where I got it."

He hands it back to her as he stood with his other hand out to her.

Her fingers palm the orb and the other hand takes a hold of the highlander's. Her hand was easily engulfed by his. She was confused but felt safe all at once. She didn't turn to look at Airell for a final time. Even at this age, she had difficulty with saying good-bye.


The 3 years pass as swiftly. She proved to be a bright child, well adjusted but she spoke solemnly. The group of hunters grew to love her as family, they each cared for her as if she was their own. She learned through them the crafts of warfare, how to survive outside and inside the city. And when in grave danger...Do what was necessary to make it.

She was often found smiling, something that became her signature. The smile was always settle and made it difficult to gauge her true emotions. It had proven to be useful time and time again. She was cute, she had a way with her eyes and learned to easily charm her way into most situations.


Wyatt looking to the miqote he’s cared for, for the last 3 years.


She pauses her sword training. The tip of the blade rests on the ground as she leans on the handle. It seemed large next to her, it was heavy as well but it didn’t deter her from trying.

“Do you remember your father?”

He asks as he gestures her over to him as she sits himself on the ground.

“I remember his armor…”

She says softly as she sits down in front of him.

He was about the only person she’d ever talk to. Having him be the one who saved her, it was obvious why she was comfortable with him.

“Anything else..?”

Wyatt smiles and pulls her close to him.

“He..Has ears like mine..And a tail..But its looks different than mine...”

She touches her ear as she mentions them.

“What about his face..?”

He strokes her forehead, he admired her youth but had a hard time taking take of her. Himself not so better off, but he understood that she was young and certain subjects should be handle with care.


She looks down in thought. It was difficult to remember since so much time had passed. There was a clear frustration on her face as she tried to remember the details of her father's face. Her eyes close as a picture of him started to form.

“There’s..A mark on his face..It used to remind me of star…”

Her hand reaches up and faces Wyatts face as she imagines her father’s.

“Thats good.”

He touches her hand and places by her side.

He smiles though the smile masked a deeper emotion.

“Alright back to your training.”

She nods and gets up, to return to her sword training. [Being continued.]

Camp Dragonhead
