Dante Abigor

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 Dante Abigor
Curious Beast
Gender Male(?)
Race Lalafell
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Unknown

Basic Info

Full name: Eligor Abigor(Still known to many as Dante)

Nicknames: That Kid, That creepy child, Papa, Shortblade, Mr. Reads-to-fast, kinslayer, Chico, Little one, Sharptooth, Mr. Mask, Shadow Dancer, The Howling Fist.

Date of birth: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Place of birth: Unknown

Current residence: Roots Estate/somewhere in the Mists

Occupation: Will apparently do anything as long as he is getting paid, or feels like doing it. Has recently taken a more active role within the Maelstrom for reasons unknown.

Family: Pheria Darkshines, P'Lami Darkshines, Bonslette Darkshines


Hair: Brown(?) Forehead: Keeps cracked crystal on forehead hidden with unkempt bangs.

Eyes: Unknown. Keeps eyes obscured out of a certain fear. Refuses to show them in the company of those he doesnt fully trust. Confirmed link to past trauma/history, escalated into phobia.

Clothing: Varies

Other: Wears a pair what appears to be poorly crafted earrings on his left ear. When inquired as to why, he claims he does not know, yet refuses to allow them to be tampered with in any way. Either other notable traits hidden from those he does not yet trust, or is not yet aware that they are worthy of mention.

Dante also has a row of surprisingly sharp teeth, contrary to his mostly "cute and cuddly" appearances.


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Early years (Prior to capture)

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Little to nothing is known about Dante Abigor aside from his apparent habit of randomly wandering about & his seemingly endless thirst to aquire gil that he seems to never use, for a purpose that he has never clearly defined beyond "She told me to get lots of coin".


Pre ARR: Completely unaware of the oddity of his actions most of the time, his random & curious nature are so extreme that they even lead him to self harm, resulting in the maternal instincts of even the most stubborn & irritated individual to activate against their will. This personal flaw acts doubly as a veil, as Dante is known to display astounding amounts of knowledge & intelligence, though sadly usually only while busying himself with work. There have been rare rumors that his personality is a farce, and that he is indeed only pretending to act the way he does as a ruse, but his supposed naivety usually burns such rumors into the winds.

Post ARR: Dante's return from the crystal was not a happy one, either forgotten or hated by everyone he knew, he has become far more bitter towards everyone he meets, viewing their relationship as a time clock that would eventually break away & leave him alone forever. He has attained a massive amount of knowledge from his time reading through libraries, talking to others, & conducting both large & small scale experiments, but due to the constant trauma on his mind, he has trouble actually utilizing it beyond fragmented snippets. Having decided that he still wants to learn, he will often still ask interesting individuals many questions. Due to his anger from constant rejection, he shares his actual opinion far more often, but will still respect others view of the world, provided they do the same for him. His naive antics still earn him the worry of many a stranger against their better judgement. He has also become far more sadistic in his loneliness, finding that extending another's pain is an entertaining way to both teach lessons and kill time.

Fears: Only known fears are "Walking Chocobo eggs" and his apparent fear of showing his eyes.

Talents: Unknown. Dante has only ever mentioned singing by himself as a talent, to which most believe he is being sarcastic.

Likes: Aquiring new tools and money. Studying anything that catches interest, especially individuals. Wandering. Working. Staring at campfires after night falls. Watching airships.

Dislikes: Lies without a purpose. Being told he has worked too much & being forced to rest. Being useless. Being interrupted while reading. Above all else Dante despises having others opinions of his actions imposed upon him without request. In his experiences, he has come to the conclusion that the world & he were not meant to mix peacefully, & will lash out at anyone that would attempt to restrict his freedoms without his consent.

Mind: Hinted at being quite intelligent, but curious to the point of naivety.

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Maelstrom: After reenlisting into the Maelstrom, Dante has risen through the ranks and attained the rank of officer. He has taken to using his rank to his advantage, but hardly ever mentions it without a reason.

Ein Sof: Dante has begun to drop the name -Roots- as his source of income whenever he does a job, or in general.

Other Notes


   Despite his stubborn belief that he is not strong, Dante is an extremely deadly fighter, his skills being what he was hired for more than anything else, even earning his place within the Maelstrom. Post ARR he has developed a way to exercise more precise control over the howling fist technique, able to employ it to suprising effect. 
   Dante also has proven to be very proficient with all manner of blades, using both throwing knives & swords with no issue, further expanding his ability to kill. 
   His most suprising strength his his agility & control over his physical strength, catching the majority of his kills off guard.
   Dante is also apparently a very gifted weaver & blacksmith, having made the majority of his attire himself, even specially crafting his armor to be heavier than normal to satisfy his twisted vision of a knight needing to be slow and strong.
    Dante has become quite manipulative after studying people for a long time. Using his unintentionally mysterious demeanor to his advantage, he is capable of getting others to do things for him instead of doing it himself.
   To enhance his ability to fight armed foes, Dante crafted a special set of gauntlets & greaves. Hardest steel only in specific areas where he would block, Dante constructed the gauntlets with the metal wires running throughout the palm, slicing through most things with ease. The wires double as a tension trigger, which extend three claw like hook blades from beneath a plate on the backside of the hand. While the greaves are far less intricate, they house a number of jagged edges along the protective plates the would easily rip & tear flesh, similarly boasting light weight & housing one concealed dagger in each at the tip that are activated by impact.
   Dante is an inexplicably fast healer, recovering from most injuries within days or weeks.
   Dante is surprisingly stealthy when he wants to be, contrary to his dislike of hiding opponents, mostly utilizing his skills for weapon concealment.
   Dante has mastered the Howling Fist technique, improving & altering it to better combat his opponents as well as a number of miscellaneous applications.


    Dante's largest glaring weakness happens to also be his greatest strength. While Dante was born with a natural talent for black magics his control over it is nearly nonexistent. While he can channel a simple spell or two, continued use of magic will cause the potency to intensify, the concentration required for such leaving him wide open. Further, continued use will begin to tear him apart due to his affinity, and the spell placed to seal his aether drawing will force him to lose control of his body completely when the defense system of the seal activates.
    While he has excellent aim, Dante is a lost cause with a bow & arrow, being simply unable to apply himself properly to the practice.
    Dante is terrible using shields, as he finds it annoying.
    Dante is terrible at realizing when he has hurt someone's feelings.
    Dante has a slight reckless streak to him, ignoring injuries & even allowing some in order to be entertained in battle.
    Dante's emotional state directly affects his ability to channel magic. The more emotional he becomes, the more he channels magic subconsciously. If an emotion is pushed past a point he can suppress, he will lose control of himself to the seal on his crystal.
    Can only use white magic on himself. Any attempt to do so on others will cause an explosion. Due to this, he remains stubborn and refuses to heal himself. This remains such until he loses control of himself.



-Dantes place of birth was actually a huge floating city not on Hydaelyn at all. His tribe started as simple group of Dunesfolk that were travelling and practicing magic. Over time they began to experiment with more complicated arts and indirectly fell into the art of beast taming. The group finally settled on the back of a particularly gigantic breed of Adamantoise, and continued to travel the land around them in cycles to further their understanding and magic. The group gained an odd sort of fame, and over time fellow seekers of knowledge sought them out. Only dunesfolk were ever accepted into the group, and even then only the most promising and powerful applicants were allowed to stay. Over the years with their population growing, it became necessary to tame more adamantoise and maintain communication, so a system of breeding and taming was created, along with the invention of a myriad of crystals, or rather the discovery of their use beyond simple research and amplification. Devouring the crystals themselves, and embedding large chunks of said crystal onto the back of the adamantoise, the people became able to teleport between the clusters of aether by attuning themselves to a particular set of crystals after devouring them. Two generations later, a mutation occurred that caused a small percentage of children to be born with crystals already embedded in their foreheads, able to attune themselves to crystals with ease, and able to surpass any magic ability of their peers with little effort. Conspicuously, only the original founding families of the clan shared this mutation, but all was settled with the discovery that artificially embedding crystals into ones forehead could vastly increase magic aptitude and bypass the necessity of a focus or staff, increasing efficiency greatly.

Over time the thirst for power in the clan rivaled the thirst for knowledge, and they began to alter their system around strength. Quickly realizing that the women of their clan had a much higher aptitude for magic than the males, women were made to fight each other for supremacy. The winner of this madness was made into the clan chief, and placed in the center of the now vast formation of adamantoise alone in a grand settlement, ruling those around her while maintaining her solitude. Years after the first chief of this process perished, the constant advancement of knowledge and magic along with pride saw their ambition rise towards the stars. Not simply content with being below them, they sought to close the distance between them and even read them in the wild theory that they could forsee the future within. Thus began the large scale project to bring their clans adamantoise village to the skies. Generations later saw to the creation of a massive construct. Kept afloat with a constant supply a aether kept in check by the ruler of the clan, the construct was formed into a castle city sectioned off into many levels and districts. The castle itself was literally made from chunks of mountain taken over the years, with only the prestigious areas being blessed with aesthetic. The castle itself was massive, but due to the massive amount of aether required to keep it afloat, and the lack of knowledge from the clans side, they could not keep the castle from floating ever higher. As a countermeasure, massive chains were created and imbued with crystal, then welded into the shells of the adamantoise below both to act as a tether and to keep their traditional lifestyles in mind. 
The Castle itself was massive, but the hierarchy of power and the necessity to constantly maintain and watch the tethers as well as procure food among other necessities made having a large group of people live within the castle impractical. This lead to many areas of the castle being forgotten and unoccupied, the only inhabitants now being scholars and nobles along with the revered warriors of the clan. 
Time had seen to the evolution of the rulers of the clan as well. The system of the strongest encouraged much infighting conspiracy and backstabbing. The ruler may be challenged to a fight for her position at any time, and was not allowed to refuse. This led to sabotage, blackmail-even mass challenging(one challenge to the clan ruler one after another) to allow others to seize the throne. The Clan chief could no longer simply be the strongest, she must be the most intelligent as well. 
Recognizing the grand risk and bravery of becoming the head of the clan, along with the massive stress and responsibility that came along with it, a particularly daring chief established house Abigor. Any future leaders of the clan must be would have absolute authority and the highest standards of living, but at a cost. Being in house Abigor named you as the strongest current family in the clan, and therefore demanded the most respect. However, being in house Abigor also was akin to painting a giant target on ones back, constantly the goal for other families to overcome. Furthermore, upon becoming an Abigor, any and all previous names were void, and all children of the chief were to carry the name along with their own. If the clan chief was defeated before reaching her weakening years-a phenomena whereas a well aged mage would be unable to properly channel aether for five years, significantly weakening her before a sort of ascendance into an even more powerful mage at the end-she and her family would be given the greatest dishonor and stripped of all, having to work themselves back up from nothing for generations to come. 
With these systems in place, and with the constant advancement in knowledge, the clan became known as particularly brutal. Years and generations of travel and advancement saw to their prosperity, and eventually would draw the attention of the group of bandits that would later set the events in motion that set the clan on the course to its later demise. 
                              *To be continued at a later date. If you have particular infos youd like to see or elaborated on here, please feel free to contact me*