Shashato Shato

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 Shashato Shato
Shashato, deep in thought.
"Knowledge is perceiving the technique to locate an oasis , wisdom helps you live off it for days, but temperance will keep you live off it for decades."
Gender Female
Race Lalafell
Clan Dunesfolk
Citizenship Limsa Lomisa
Age 31
Occupation Researcher, Freelance Arcane Bombast
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There's a whole wide world out there - and someone has to learn it's secrets. Shashato Shato is determined to extract those secrets from Eorzea's vast deeps and lost lore at any cost. Although supremely eager to work with others and wholly confident in her beliefs to a fault, this ponderous and rather outspoken Lalafell tends to speak out...a little too much! Moving from theory to theory and loudly announcing it to others around her , she's had to bite her tongue more then once. Not to mention her tenancy to delve into dark and foreboding secrets, all for the sake of completing her own great goal - a compendium of the unknown and the great things past, present and perhaps even future.

Hoping to pass this passion on to others around her, she often times seeks to fuel a passion for learning in others, openly promoting the reading of books (especially if they're hers, in which case it gets extra promotional material) and encouraging others to go out and learn. As she likes to say - "So long as when you put your tired head down on that pillow at the end of the day, you feel that you've learned something new - even one insignificant little can pass into your dreams knowing you've just had a day well spent. If not - become an insomniac."


Relatively tall as far as Lalafell go, Sha keeps up the appearance of a typical Dunesfolk, with warm tan skin, soft features and a rotund physique, kept on the stout side. Whilst this might seem indicative of a sedentary lifestyle, her bruised knees and strong legs say otherwise. As a queer contrast, her hands are delicate and unblemished - like that of a scribe.

Her eyes are a vibrant and luminous pale green,a color that accentuates the nature of the Dunesfolk's eyes. Her cheeks are round and whitened, her nose rather petite and baring a particular dark hue, like a little mouse's nose. Her hair is often times kept in tribute to her love of complexity, it's red-brown nature kept shaped in banded braids at either side of her head, a shortened mid fringe with straightened sides. Often times (usually absent mindedly) she tends to stick certain objects into her hair as decoration or to hold, be they quills, pins, jewels...

Her ears are long darkened towards the tips and rather down - tilted, one ear studded with a hooped silver earring. As both an artistic statement and tradition, she has been tattooed around the brow and eyes in classical arcane style with a rather clashing purple hue.


Often times when one fails to fell a wall again and again, they rethink their strategy or find a stronger hammer. Shashato does not just take up a new hammer, but rather design a competently new one, slam it repeatedly into said figurative wall until she's left beating it with its handle.

Delusional is often times the way she is described, an illusion she is well aware of yet somehow continues to act completely convinced that every idea she comes up with is pure and unbridled gold. Or, rather, refinable.

Blessed by a streak of good luck and much of a preacher as she is a scholar, she encourages others to follow in their beliefs and promotes self confidence, with the usual reminder of "Remember - you too can be the best... After me of course."

This odd combination of a positive and negative personality trait often times leaves her in conflict. She is not inherently malevolent but does not hold back from being competitive. She believes in being proactive, yet hates being one-upped. Often times this leads to her begrudgingly lowering herself from her high horse. But make no mistake - Shashato believes that she is without a doubt bound to make a ground breaking discovery. Eventually.

When around others, this personality of hers can wear on them rather swiftly, especially if she feels particularly indulgent, although this is usually innocent, like one of those people at parties that tend to believe that everything they bring up is worth listening about and small talk is king. However often times she fails to face how brittle she truly is, and ends up sympathising very quickly and even becoming flustered. Not to mention the temper tantrums she's prone to.

Despite this, she clings to her confidence to get her through the day. Rather than moaping, she tries her back to be proactive.



"I believe this is for you!"

Generally preferring not to end up engaging in combat in the first place, Shashato prefers not to use her magic's destructive capabilities unless in dire need or target practice, which in itself is a very subjective term. When backed up into a corner, especially if against a multitude of foes, she chooses to immediately try to make some distance between herself and her foes before aiming to intimidate them in any way she can. Shouting out threats, trash talk, pointless yelling and calling out attacks are amongst her deadly arsenal.

When her carbuncle is in combat with her, she tends to cooperate and try flanking her opponent, aiming to use her love of tactics to her advantage. Such tactics tend to vary in effectivity and quality, however she does love to play smart.

She chooses to dress light when in combat, as to try coming off as considering it a simple task. Focusing mainly on arcanist techniques, she often favors hit and run moves with ample healing techniques thrown in for good measure. The somatic qualities of her spellcasting is often times exaggerated in order to distract.



  • Warm winds
  • Berry foods
  • Enthusiasm
  • Arcane perfection
  • A wordy book or two
  • Fireproof Chocobo "Volunteers"


  • Rain
  • Sharp or pointed objects
  • Modesty
  • Asymmetrical designs
  • Covert assignments
  • Sour foods
  • Feathered creatures


  • Archeology
  • Arcane studies
  • Tailoring
  • Wind instruments
  • Enchantment
  • Writing





  • Tian'li Bailoh - Met with what should have been a simple trip into the Arcanist's guild to pick up a few spare buttons ended in a long and drawn out conversation of all particular forms of interest to her! This rather easily embarrassed and nervous greenhorn three times her size seemed a little intimidated by her, but they seemed to warm up to one another quick enough! Like two opposites - one savoring a simple path and goal and one savoring a grandiose alternative, they agreed to follow their separate paths and meet at the end to match their skills. For the time being, they'd have to settle for meeting to exchange philosophies and eat name-day cake.



Common Rumors

  • Sha can often times be seen wandering around the fields outside of Limsa Lominsa.
  • It's best to just ignore the Lalafell she decides of repeatedly cast healing spells on someone (or something) for no apparent reason.
  • Her spell books are ironically her favorite reads.

Moderate Rumors

  • She calls her carbuncle Durabelle the Unenduring.
  • Her parents have not heard from her in two years.
  • She has an explicit fear of rainstorms and tornados.

Rare Rumors

  • Sha once had a young sibling. Now she's neither alive nor dead.
  • Shashato often frequents the locations where Primals have been defeated in the past.
  • Sha has been closely studying the Cataclysm and the nature of Dalamud. There has been a breakthrough.

PC Rumors


Year Event
1546 Shashato is born to apothecary Zuzuroko Nonoruko and archeologist Masoso Maso on the outskirts of the Thanalan region.
1557 Shashato begins to take an interest in magical disciplines, begins taking lessons in thaumaturgy from her elder sibling.
1560 With the help of an associate and local bookbinder, Shashato - who had just recently began taking an interest in the process of writing - puts together the cover and pages for her future compendium - "Crystal or Crisis: The Lost Times and Tribulations of Eorzea".
1562 Travels to Ul'dah on the eve of the beastfolk banishings with father and youngest sibling in order to present a pristine artifact of her discovery. Whilst celebrating the aftermath, the familyhome is attacked by disgruntled banishees who manage to slay the beast it is built upon. They return in time to observe a long night's battle come to an end with the beasts repelled by a combined effort of both clan members and some friendly passer-bys. Observing the potent magic cast that night left an impression upon her.
1564 Leaves family home in order to travel to Limsa Lominsa and join the arcanist's guild, having been inspired by communications kept with one of her family's saviors two years ago.
1565 Joins guild's ranks and begins to master the ways of the arcanist. Organizes efforts with local historians to begin researching and locating sites related to past ages.
1572 Grievously injured during initial Garlean assaults, spends time recovering in infirmary. Regains her strength in time to observe the Battle at Certeneau just prior to Dalamud's full decent. Observes the cataclysmic conclusion and the release of Bahamut, both inspiring fear and awe within her. Survives the following catastrophe through unknown means.
1573 Following the destruction after the Battle at Certeneau, Shashato begins to obsess with the nature of Primals, the mechanics behind Dalamud and it's creators the Allagan Empire. Sets on on several voyages to locate and assimilate new information, both out of curiosity and to learn the nature of the catastrophe
1575 Returns to Limsa after repeated failures, continues arcanist studies and continues to write her book.
1577 "Present" Day - Continues to work on her studies, shifting her focus away from her initial obsession and instead attempting to work on perfecting her spellcasting. Seeks to gain mastery over every discipline of magic and create the ultimate spell.

Misc. Information

Character Themes - AKA. How I learned to stop worrying & love video game music.