Rey Hopebringer

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Rey Hopebringer
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Region of Gridania
Age 23
Height & Weight 6 fulms 1 ilms, 170 ponz
Orientation Homosexual
Occupation Healer, rising merchant
Nameday 19th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon, 1556 Sixth Astral Era
Server Balmung
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Basic Information

“White magic, the arcane art of succor, was conceived eras past that the world might know comfort. Alas, man began perverting its powers for self-gain, and by his wickedness brought about the Sixth Umbral catastrophe. Although the art subsequently became forbidden, it is now in the midst of a revival at the hands of the Padjal, chosen of the elementals.Those who would walk the path of the white mage are healers without peer, possessed of the power to deliver comrades from the direst of afflictions—even the icy grip of death itself.”

A soft-spoken midlander with the constant need to protect those around him. Hailing from the far reaches of The Shroud, Rey has answered his life calling of caring for adventurers and ensuring the survival of his comrades. He journeys throughout Eorzea, offering his power of conjury and recovery to those needing aide.


Plum wine
Forest of Gridania
Triple Triad
Studying ancient books
Healing magic
Elements of Hydaelyn, especially water
Helping others
Midlanders and Highlanders


Being accused of something false
Inability to hold melee weapons correctly
Those who hurt his friends
Shady Miqo’te’s


Somewhat clumsy
Can be stubborn


Alignment: Lawful Good
Favorite Food: Baguettes
Favorite Drink: Plum wine
Favorite Color: White


Michael Hopebringer - father (deceased)
Deborah Hopebringer - mother
Matthew Hopebringer - elder brother (lost at sea)

The Hopebringer family was known for being major contributors of the village that they hailed from. They learned to give and take from the land, which enabled them to provide for their townsfolk. Michael Hopebringer was a merchant while he was alive, a skill that Rey is continually learning despite his father having been passed for several years now. Rey’s mother is still alive, however Rey does not visit her much due to his being busy assisting Eorzea in its troubled times. Rey was very close to his elder brother, Matthew. However, Matthew went on a sailing mission for his village and never returned. Rey owns a keepsake from his brother, a feather that is said to come from a very rare bird that is a distant cousin to the Phoenix.


Taller than the average midlander at 6 fulms 1 ilms, Rey is considered a little strange for a midlander Hyur. He is quite taller than his counterparts. His build is considered to be skinny yet chiseled. While healers are usually smaller and more frail, this is not the case for Rey. These attributes are from his constant travels, along with his gathering skills. He is also quite tan from working out in the field every now and then. Weighing in at 170 ponz, his muscular physique is quite apparent through his usually tight clothing.

He has platinum blonde hair, almost bordering on appearing white in color. His eyes are a mysterious shade of very light blue, also almost appearing solid white in color. None of his other family has these attributes, and his mother strongly believes that Rey was touched by some sort of Holy magic which permanently altered his hair and eye color while he was very young.

His clothing is usually very plain. Most of the time, he can be seen wearing a white, athletic sleeveless shirt for easy movement and good exposure to the sun. Rey is quite keen to warmth and enjoys it very much as he is invigorated by it. He also can be seen wearing white shorts with white thighboots. He almost never wears fancy armor, as fancy armor seems to get in the way of his agility when he needs to get out of a sticky situation. His affinity for the color white is also strong evidence that some sort of Holy magic has influenced more than his physical features.

His only accessories are a metal shackle on his right wrist with the embroidery of the Garlean Castrum Oriens, along with a metal choker with the number “182371” inscribed onto it. These “accessories” are remnants of a time that Rey was captured by Garleans while working out in the field and being hauled off to the Castrum Oriens.


Rey strives to be one of the most selfless people on the realm. He is usually quiet around newfound adventurers or friends, but once he feels comfortable, his humble behavior turns into that of a loyal protector. He is quick to throw himself into any dangerous situation to save his friends or assist in any way, even if the cost was his own life. Rey has a bad habit of sweating the “small things” and being a bit of a worrier. He is constantly afraid that he will fail his life mission as a protector or his friends.

Rey is considered very friendly, unless you give him a reason not to be. He loathes dishonest or rude people, especially unwelcoming adventurers or those who have no care for others. He is easy enough to get along with, especially after a drink or two. He is prone to find himself in embarrassing situations, but has the innate ability to laugh at himself which tends to serve him well in larger groups. He isn’t much one to flirt, but if he does find someone attractive, he may make subtle hints that he would expect the other to pick up on. Whether or not that is considered “flirty”, he doesn’t know.

Although he has devoted his life to the mending of others, Rey has trouble mending emotional scars within his own persona. The death of his father and the loss of his brother have taken quite a toll on him, and each life failure makes him feel like he has failed them both constantly. Rey can get emotional at times, but only if he feels very strongly about something or someone. He tries his best not to let emotions get in the way of his duty as a healer, but he often finds himself grouped with his friends so his emotions often drive him to make sure he succeeds at any task.

He isn’t one to push people away unless he needs to separate himself for thought or time alone. He tries to surround himself with as many friends as he can, and wants to avoid any kind of conflict, if possible. If a situation arises when two friends are mad at each other or someone needs to find another, Rey is almost always the first to volunteer himself for assistance. His defense mechanism is usually that of hiding his true feelings, only to spill them out later. He is trying his best to change that, but it is a habit that he has had since childhood.


Born and raised in the far reaches of The Shroud, Rey lived in the small village of Palatka. The son of a merchant and alchemist, he quickly learned the value of hard work. He worked many suns out in his family’s fields, growing and harvesting many crops to help sustain his small and secluded village. At the age of 10, he would begin communicating with the forest. He would hear echoes and whispers from various parts of the forest when he would be traveling with family or playing with the other children. He dismissed it at first since he was but a child, but as he grew older, the whispers and echoes became much more apparent to him.

At the age of 14, he finally revealed what he had been hearing throughout the different regions of Gridania. His mother had read ancient literature on the subject, suspecting that her son had been different due to his hair and eye color. She sent him to the city-state of New Gridania under the supervision of a traveling caravan to be taken in by the Conjurer’s Guild. The Conjurer’s Guild would take them under his wing, teaching him advanced techniques of conjury and mastery of the elements of earth and water. During his training, he would constantly find himself in a trance while in the forest. Members of the Conjurer’s Guild would take note of this and alerted the Padjal, which prompted them to label Rey as a "Hearer." He wasn't sure what this would mean right now, other than the were others in the Hearer's group that would also hear whispers of the forest.

At age 17, Rey finally received a break from his training and was allowed to travel home to see his family. During his solo travel, he was abducted by a traveling band of Garleans that had been sent to scout the lands. They captured Rey and brought him back to Castrum Oriens, where they latched an unbreakable shackle onto his wrist and wrapped his neck with a choker labeled with his identification number. He would not be at this Castrum for long, perhaps for about a month or so. The Garleans would learn of Rey’s power and try to manipulate and twist it for their own purposes of camp expansion. Their location would soon be discovered by an army regimen of Gridania, being sent out on patrolling missions having learned that the Garleans were looking into moving into their lands.

When Rey turned 21, the Conjurer’s Guild decided to advance Rey to the highest training available within the guild and assume the role of the White Mage. As Rey became more attuned to the soul of the White Mage by being trained by the Padjal, he found that he would hear the forest whisper and echoes becoming stronger and understandable. He discovered that these whispers were the ones of White Mages past, letting him know for years that this path was his fate and he was destined to protect and heal others. He had finally understood what he was meant to do on Eorzea, and vowed to himself to be a protector of all citizens on Hyaelyn. However, as of recent, the forest whispers have become stranger, telling him stories that he wouldn’t quite understand involving an "Echo" of some sort. These whispers would also lead him to places that would seemingly be empty, but would resonate within Rey and his emotions. Only time will tell where the whispers of the forest will take him next…

During his travels, Rey would pick up various crafting and gathering skills that would allow him to further service the citizens of Eorzea. While these professional skills were constantly being improved and refined, he would also pick up the skills and abilities of other magical aether, trying to understand all aspects of magical abilities in the world of Hydaelyn. These skills include the rival healing abilities of the Scholar and the dark destructive magic of the Black Mage. He never condones the use of Black Magic and tries to avoid it entirely. He still continued to refine his Scholarly abilities since he has mastered the abilities of the White Mage.

Rey is quite versed in playing the musical instruments of the piano and the harp. He practices his piano quite often and plays to himself whenever he gets the chance. He believes he can soothe the torment of the forest by playing the piano. He also uses the piano as an outlet for his emotions, especially the burdens of the souls past that he carries with him almost constantly. He generally plays alone and almost never lets anyone hear him play, although the people who have heard him have told him that he is quite skilled at the art.


Remember that these are rumours. Some may be true while others may not! Feel free to add your own rumours under the Player section!

NPC Rumours

"I saw him once conjure a globe of water out of thin air!" - random La Noscean citizen
"He has the tendency to argue with those who disagree with his views." - tavern patron
"This man is so clumsy that he consistently falls down stairs and drops expensive items." - shopowner in Gridania
"I have never seen someone with the heart that he has. He truly cares for those around him." - adventurer from Thanalan
"One of the best White Mages I have ever adventured with. He even saved the group as Death itself closed in all around us!" - member of the Adventurer’s Guild

Player Rumours

"He and I have some kind of connection. That much, I already know. There's something that I'm sort of afraid of but I can't really let that get in the way. I really like him and care for him so much. I want to know where that connection will take us." - Tetsuro Akashi


  Romantic Interest     Platonic Love     Family     Good Friend     Friend     Acquainted     Disliked     Distant

Tetsuro Akashi

Having first met Tetsuro while he was heading out on a leve quest, he would later be approached by the Doman man whose nationality that he did not recognize. He was in a disagreement with a large Roegadyn when Tetsuro approached the conversation. Since that moment, Rey had been curious of the man and constantly intrigued by him. He was initially apprehensive about letting Tetsuro know his preferences of a lover, Tetsuro was nothing but warm and kind as the two grew closer, despite Rey being a blond which Tetsuro was not sure if he liked or not. As time would pass, their relationship would become significantly closer and Rey would find himself very attracted to Tetsuro and would want to pursue a relationship with him. However, Tetsuro is currently away, wandering the land as he figures things out for himself. Rey eagerly awaits the return of Tetsuro in a few days so they can pick up where they left off. After a few days of Tetsu's absence, he would receive a letter from a villager saying that they had injured Tetsu and would be leaving him in Southern Coerthas. This prompted Rey's inner-power to manifest his resolve of wanting to protect him, in the form of sprouting brilliant prismatic wings from his back. When Tetsu was returned to him injured, this power once again manifested itself to allow him to safely deliver Tetsu to Chou's home for healing. As he recovered, he felt an immense guilt for not being there to protect Tetsu, despite Tetsu's wishes of travelling alone. When he fully recovered, they had an extremely long talk that resulted in them revealing their feelings for each other. Rey still finds himself trying to grasp the concept of "love" and what it entails as this is his first serious relationship, but he finds himself enjoying each passing day more than the last, thanks to Tetsu and the protection he offers.

Rey and Tetsu continue to grow closer each day and they are currently saving to buy a house in the Mist. Rey also is trying to work up the courage to ask a particular question to Tetsu that may turn both of their lives upside down...

Seiko Mamushi

Seiko, known as Chou, is a good friend of Tetsuro that Tetsuro introduced to Rey a few days after their own meeting. Rey and Chou would become close as Rey and Tetsuro’s relationship would intensify. Chou has proven herself to be a good friend to Rey and Rey enjoys her company. She has taken Rey on a tour of her house and she allows him to stay there, if need be. They also attend taverns together as well as randomly meet up in the Quicksand for a quick game of Triple Triad. Rey has gotten much closer to Chou lately, revealing to her his feelings for Tetsu. They have had long talks that has helped Rey feel much more comfortable around her and allowed him to confide in her greatly. When they aren't having deep discussions about life or anything of the sort, they are usually seen together with cards in hand, cursing the regional rules that are in play for the day.

Gwannes Oskwell

Rey met Oskwell when he was introduced to Chou through Tetsuro. Oskwell is Chou’s soon-to-be husband, and also has become a close friend of Rey’s. He goes to great lengths to protect Chou, which Rey hopes Tetsuro will protect Rey in the same way. While Rey still has many things to learn from Oskwell, he is confident in their ability to become fast friends and even adventurers in the future. Rey has also promised Chou that he will protect Oskwell as Oskwell tends to find himself in some pretty hairy situations. As of lately, Oskwell has opened up more to Rey, revealing his background and some things that he tended to hide from the public. Rey continues to offer his services to Oskwell, but he gets the feeling that perhaps Oskwell is not too sure about him. Rey is trying to seek approval from Oskwell in any way possible, since he considers Chou one of his closest friends.

Ginjiro Mori

Rey would meet the man named Ginji while waiting for Tetsu to show him the suit that he had weaved for Chou and Osk's wedding. He would seem timid around the man, as the fellow Domans of the group seemed to be very surprised at his return. Tetsu would take a particular interest in talking to him and catching up, which would pique Rey's attention. He doesn't exactly know the story behind this man, other than what Tetsu had revealed to him before. Ginji calls Rey "Sunshine" for whatever reason, which amuses Rey. He considers this man a friend already, since he is so close with Tetsu and Chou.

Garrett Slater

Rey would meet Garrett during another restless night in the Quicksand. Rey had been approached by a strange male Miqo'te earlier in the evening and had made the conversation awkward, to which Garrett would arrive and turn the tide of the conversation. Since then, Rey has struck up conversations with the stranger, learning more about his adventures, smithing and other various aspects of Garrett. Garrett's speech fascinates Rey as he speaks in very well-versed tongue, which has saved him a time or two from awkward conversations. Rey looks forward to learning more about this man, as he sees him as being a potentially very good friend.

Landon Steele

Rey met Landon while he was browsing the marketboards, not knowing that they would run into each other later in the Drowning Wench in Limsa. They had struck up a less-than-mature conversation about Landon's arena attire and his way of earning gil. Landon calls Rey a "dummy", which Rey still does not completely understand why. While he knows that Landon is a careful individual, he seems to be very care-free and loyal, which are personality aspects that Rey can admire. Lately, Landon has been the mediator between Rey and the two other brothers as the two other brothers don't seem to approve very much of Rey.

Liam Steele

Rey ran into Liam and his brother Leif one night in the Steps of Thal while the two brothers conversed about, unknown to Rey at the time, Liam's Miqo'te companion. Rey was then formally introduced to this Steele brother when he accompanied Landon to meet Liam and his Miqo'te companion. Liam immediately began calling Rey "weird" or "stupid", which was very off-putting after Rey had offered to help the brother before. Rey tried not to play into this immaturity, but tried to find a way to bond with the brother, to which Liam did not respond to. They had gotten into a bit of a disagreement, but have since apologized and are trying to get off on the right foot. Time will tell if these two can become friends.

Leif Steele

Rey met Leif during the meeting between Landon and Liam. Leif is seen by Rey as the "pa" of the two other brothers as he observed his stoicism and over-protection of his brothers. During the disagreement between Liam and Rey, Leif would say a few things that Rey felt were unnecessary and a bit harsh. Rey approached Leif the next day to hash out why he had done what he had done, but Leif retorted with his reasoning as well. The two met eye-to-eye on their issues, but Rey was hoping from an apology from Leif for judgement that he had passed upon him. No apology was to be had, which greatly upset Rey. He would later meet with Leif to try and give one of his passed brother's belongings to him, and Rey requested that Leif give the memento to his brother. Leif disagreed and the situation had turned into something that Rey had not planned on as well, upsetting Rey once more. Rey tries to continue to make amends with this brother, but Leif will need to have an open mind and open heart with him to do so. Rey hopes that they will eventually become friends, despite the negativity from their meetings thus far.

Aerostein Epitaph

Rey would have a brief run in with this man at the Quicksand when he was about to leave with Tetsuro to grab a bite to eat. He got the feeling that Aerostein had romantic feelings for Tetsuro, as he seemed very apprehensive to get to know Rey. Rey is unsure about his feelings towards this man as he doesn’t know him very well, but perhaps he could become a friend in the future. He continues to see this man around the Quicksand and other taverns, but the man never really has initiated a conversation with Rey, which makes Rey think that he does not want any kind of friendship.

Keiji Shigeru

Rey would meet Keiji during the night of Tetsuro’s ceremony, honoring his passed family. He doesn’t know much about Keiji, but he knows that Tetsuro cares for him very much. Hopefully in the coming times, Rey will get to know more of Tetsuro’s pseudo-family and fellow Domans.

Daiki Hayashi

Rey would also meet Daiki the night of the lantern ceremony. While Daiki seemed very distant to Rey, Rey knew that Daiki was a trusted individual and would want to know more about Daiki from Tetsuro.


Here are some small bits of information about Rey.

Rey has become quite proficient in some tradeskills, but constantly strives to become better.
Rey constantly tries to defuse tense situations and tries to make friends with everyone, despite some people just not wanting to be friends or rejecting his notions of peace.
Rey is a very skilled piano player, while his harp skills could use some work. He is also working on his singing next.
Despite not liking most Miqo’te’s and only being attracted to midlanders or highlanders, he finds that male Miqo’te’s tend to be very attracted to him for some reason.
He tries not to be taken advantage of, even though he can be easily manipulated in an emotional state.


TPR – The Extreme (Rey’s piano piece of the emotional state of despair)
TPR – Flowers Blooming in the Church (Another of Rey’s piano pieces. This tune denotes when he feels at peace)
TPR - Jenova (Another of Rey’s piano pieces. This tune denotes anxiety and worry)
KOKIA – Daiji na Mono wa Mabuta no Ura (The feeling of sacrifice within Rey)
Halo 2 Soundtrack – Heavy Price Paid (When Rey experiences a loss)
John Dreamer – True Strength (when Rey presses on, even in the most dire of circumstances)
Skrux – Hidden ft. Mona Moua (Rey wandering in the forest)
Resident Evil CODE: Veronica – A moment of relief (Another of Rey’s piano pieces. This is what he plays when he winds down from a rough day)
Skyrim – Frostfall (Rey wandering the city of Gridania at night by his lonesome, hearing the voices of the forest)
TPR – Zora's Domain (Another of Rey's piano pieces. This is when he thinks of those closest to him, especially Tetsuro)




Template originally made by Bancroft Gairn, modified by Tetsuro Akashi, coding taken from Seiko Mamushi with modifications