Aerostein Epitaph
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![]() "If you can't live freely, why bother living at all...?" | |
Gender | Male |
Race | Hyur |
Clan | Midlander |
Citizenship | Gridania |
Age | 25 |
Namesday | 18th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon, 1555 |
Guardian | Althyk, the Keeper |
Build | 5 fulms 9 ilms, 155 ponz |
Occupation | Enchanter & Freelance Model |
Free Company | Order of the Sword and Rose [1] |
♦ General
Aerostein Epitaph was born on the 18th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon in 1555, and his birth name is Aaron Stone. His mother was a conjurer in Gridania and his father a Dravanian mage from elsewhere. Aerostein is a wandering mage constantly at war between the light and darkness within him. He is currently on the path to find out more about his origins.
As of now, Aero has been missing.
♦ Appearance
Aero stands at about 5 fulms & 9 ilms and weighs approximately 155 ponz. He has a very toned build that he takes great pride in. He has a pale complexion and sports pale blonde hair with black highlights that are natural or so he would claim. He especially takes great pride in his hair managing it often and making sure it smells nice too. He usually wears light cologne more often than not as well.
He has violet-colored eyes that glow like amethyst and a scar on his left cheek. Also, has a pair of star tattoos right above his scar. Aero is most often seen in white or black clothing of high quality. He also seems fond of Rose Gold, Mythril, and Allagan jewelry. He takes great care to make sure his nails are well-maintained and neatly trimmed.
His clothing style is mostly varied. Aero prefers to wear lighter clothing made of finer silks and leathers compared to heavy armor. He seemingly is fond of fancy hats and other head accessories. He is rarely seen without jewelry on. Aero also heavily favors combat boots and somewhat tighter clothing.
♦ Personality
Aero is generally polite at a first glance. Also, extremely independent preferring to do most things alone wherever he can. He is, however, reserved and displays a somewhat distant demeanor to most. Aero tends to blush often, although, he can be flirty to those he fancies despite this fact. He has a love for teasing others, both in a playful and scornful manner. Aero has proven to be somewhat arrogant as well, which, he blames on his Elezen blood-line. Unfortunately, he is often self-centered more than he would care to admit.
Despite his polite demeanor, he is a most difficult man. He does not often reveal much of his past nor himself very easily to most people. Aero is afraid to get close to people in fear they may reject him or otherwise leave him in some fashion. Aero, above all else favors his freedom and disdains laws, as well as the people that enforce them. He also does not like being seen as weak or otherwise inferior.
On the other hand, Aero can be rather temperamental and unforgiving to those who disappoint him. Originally, Aero didn't approve of violence and would go out of his way to avoid killing. However, recently Aero has no qualms about harming others when necessary, perhaps even taking some pleasure in it. Part of this may be due to him being tainted by the Black.
♦ Sexuality
While Aero finds some women to be very beautiful, he is not sexually attracted to them. Even so, it's not uncommon for him to flirt with some women despite this. Aero has no general preference for women as one might suspect. As far as men go, he is most comfortable around other Hyur and Elezen. Aero is rather unsure what to make of male Miqo'te in particular. This is likely due to his past with his mother's death. Though, he finds a select few to be truly attractive. He doesn't find the other races physically pleasing to his eye, finding Roegadyn and Lalafell are "A bit too much" and "Too adorable" respectively. Aero also has little love for those who are bisexual believing them to be too indecisive with what they want.
♦ Thoughts on Magic
Aero believes magic should be used however the user should see fit, with little to no limitations. He greatly respects all that practice the arts and pities those who can not. In his mind, all magic is but a tool. There is no such thing as evil magic, only evil people. He is currently tainted by the Black however.
♦ Fighting Style
Having a natural affinity for aether, Aero prefers using both conjury and thaumaturgy to smite his foes in battle. He also is capable of providing support through healing and protective magic as well. Unfortunately, his skill in arcanima is rather lacking.
Aero lacks physical strength and would prove not to be a real challenge in close quarters against more capable melee fighters. His physical speed and dexterity also leaves much to be desired as well. However, for a mage he can take a considerable amount of pain due to his marauder training years prior.
Recently however, with the acquisition of his father's grimoire, Aero's knowledge of the dark arts has improved considerably. Gaining a moderate level of control over blood magic, as well as advanced aetheric manipulation and general knowledge of the void.
Brief History
♦ Early History
Aaron began his training as a conjurer early on as a child having a natural affinity for the art, particularly both elements of wind and earth. It was then, he was dubbed the name "Aerostein", from a visiting senior conjurer from elsewhere. Instead of playing like most children his age, he would prefer to read and write, furthering his own education. Aero always had a fondness for magic and all of it's arcane mysteries. The boy had dreams of mastering it all. He was something of a golden child growing up, loved by all of his tutors. Equally envied by many of his peers in turn. Eventually, by the tender age of fourteen Aaron would hear the voices of the elementals making him a hearer.
Unfortunately, it was at this age that the remaining family he had would all perish. Aero was told it was a poaching accident gone terribly wrong, and he believed them. The truth of the matter was that his void-touched cousin Alicia was the one who slaughtered them all. He took their deaths very hard and that changed his general outlook on life. It was soon after, Aero began looking into forbidden magics. However, he was urged to discontinue that study very quickly and so he left it alone for that time.
Having risen through the ranks at an alarming rate, by the age of seventeen he was already an accomplished conjurer. However, at the age of eighteen Aero would leave Gridania. He had only two goals in mind, the first would be to get stronger so that he could become an arch-mage some day just as he had dreamed when he was a child. The other reason would be so he could travel and see the world with his own eyes. And so, he set off.
♦ Life In Limsa
Having left his home in Gridania to broaden both his talent and perspective in life Aero would venture out into the cruel waters of Limsa Lominsa. Not particularly happy with the salty smell of the sea and all the fish, he knew he was far away from home. He would first visit the Arcanist's guild with bright eyes in hopes of learning more about aether and magic, but it didn't quite work out as how he had planned it in his mind. He only learned a few useful things while he was a member of the guild. Finding their study to be a joke, he quickly found himself at a loss. He soon quit the guild. Aero, now seemingly lost and depressed at realizing just how unrealistic his dream actually was, decided to enlist with the Yellow Jackets instead. Having being beaten up and pick-pocketed by pirates and other brutes, it would prove to be most useful.
Aero would struggle upon joining, especially in hand to hand combat. He lacked both dexterity and physical strength in particular, and almost didn't make it. However, he was too determined or perhaps too stubborn to give up. He was quite determined and would eventually learn how to wield an axe as well. He still lacked physical strength to be truly great but he had enough to deal with what was required of him. He didn't particularly care for it but he needed to toughen up and make coin somehow for himself. It was more or less his first time seeing death up close in such a manner, though, that wasn't a often occurrence for Aero. He was generally well-liked too for his conjuring abilities, healing to be exact. This made him all the more useful, despite his mediocre axemanship. He would stay apart of that order for a few more summers, toughening up his body as well to save up enough coin. By the age of twenty, he would set sails for the golden city of Ul'Dah.
♦ Life In Ul'Dah
The physical training Aero received while in Limsa would prove valuable upon reaching this city. Being able to stand his ground physically against the larger men who would cause him harm. It was here he would know what it meant to live lavishly. Spending much of his hard-earned gil on finely-crafted clothes, accessories, and drink. It wouldn't take him long to figure out he would love this city.
He would eventually visit the guild for thaumaturges and found out he was a natural in that field of magic. He loved the power it gave him over others, even lusted for more. Being young and foolish, this power went to his head and he began to use his magic recklessly. He would often have accidents with his thaumaturgy, but none too serious enough he couldn't get out off. It's likely Aero began to dabble in darker magics while he was here but it is unclear.
Sooner or later, his coin would run dry. It wasn't long before Aero started taking jobs with adventurers and mercenaries to keep his gil flowing. He kept this up, for a time but decided that life wasn't for him. After that, he tried his luck as an information broker of sorts. To his surprise he did a decent job using both his charm and intelligence to his advantage. Unfortunately, he got involved in a particular scandal and had to flee fearing it may cost him his life if caught. A little before his twenty-third namesday he would return back home to Gridania.
♦ The Way Back Home
On the way back home, Aero came across a rather large group of Miqo'te poachers in the Shroud. They had killed quite a number of the wildlife there and were likely intent for more. Not being a fool, Aero was ready to slip by them without notice until he recognized one of the voices. It was the same voice of the Miqo'te who had raped and butchered his mother before his very eyes. In a rage he jumped in to intervene.
Now seeing the man up-close with his own eyes again there was no mistake it was indeed that same man. Without exchanging any words Aero jumped right into combat against the group. While Aero may have put up a decent fight, he was still sorely outnumbered. Aero managed to take out a few but he was losing the fight, quickly. Even as he lay bloodied, bruised, and injured he would not give up. He could not give up. In that moment something in Aerostein awoken, something darker in nature.
He used his blood as a weapon, even as going as far as to drain the life force of some of the poachers to heal his wounds. With this new found talent, he was able to dispatch the remaining Miqo'te, brutally of course. He saved the leader for last. As the poacher leader begged for his own life and asked him to spare him, Aero simply responded with "You get nothing.", and proceeded to slit his throat in the same fashion the man had done to his mother long ago. Aero watched with delight as the man died slowly, a part of him was happy he had his justice, or perhaps vengeance? It was all the same for him either way. Aero has yet to tell anyone of this story of how he got his scar. He also has yet to replicate that magic, until recently...
♦ Back In Gridania
While happy for a while to be back home, something about Aero had changed. He was no longer the sweet, loving golden child he once was. No longer was he naive to the ways of the world and his innocence lost. No longer was he a weak child who couldn't protect himself and the ones that mattered the most. Nothing about his home seemed the same again.
After many falling outs with others of the conjurer's guild about how magic should be used, he was deemed as a failure. Some claim Aero quit the guild, others say he was dispelled. Regardless, it is unclear what truly happened. After spending some time back home he seriously considered what he wanted now in life. He wanted to be free and soon enough it was only a matter of time before he would take off again. A few days later, he would be gone yet again.
♦ Related Images
Player Character Rumours
- "Rumor has it that Aero is a magnet for dangerous individuals. Someone should keep an eye on him." - Dresden Voltaire
- "He who stares too long and deep into the abyss may find it staring back. I pray his interests do not take him too far." - Ciel Wulfe
- "My indecisiveness and my insecurities have gotten the best of me with this man. Now I am too late." - Cedric Riordan
- "He's a bit full of himself...Still he's been a good friend to me." - S'imba Tia
- "You know he's always around the Quick Sand, but I've only really met him once. *pouts* He never orders anything from me... wish he would!" - Aya Foxheart
- "This guy never seems to get any heat when we act up, it's always just me. " - Aaron Frostheart
- "Aero is a puzzle by all accounts. One moment he's a shy man on a beach, the next a trickster in the water, and then finally a charming man who flusters me far more easily than he should. At the root of it all he seems like a kind man, a good man, he reminds of my oath brothers in a way with his self doubt and maybe that's why I want to protect and comfort him as I do. No matter what I learn, I know that I want to know more about him. Do I think he's attractive? W-Well he is lovely..." - Siha Xinkei
- "Aerostein is kind and handsome. He knows a lot of pretty men!" - Clara Kleefeld
- "Sir Aerostein is one of a kind and I hope to repay his generosity some day. But he seems so lonely.. I wonder why." - Ginjiro Mori
- "He made his choice. I have no more to say of the man." - Crisiet Liautroix
- "He says he doesn't believe in love, but I don't believe him. I think he just needs to let some old hurt heal, first." - T'ahl Tia
- "He told me I could stay at his place any time I want. ANY TIME. Free snacks, any time? What's the catch here..." - Augustine Frost
- "Our family would have been so proud of him. It's... sad how that turned out to be. I wonder if he knew the truth, could he ever forgive me?" - Alicia Stone
- "Good ol' Aero. Shite...I think he still thinks I'm dead! I need to go write him a letter!" - Pyralis Targaryen
- "Ahh, Ser Aero... I thought he was just pitying me. He gifted me this chocobo, Feathers. Hm? N-no... I'm sure it came with that name. He's missing... you say?" - Juste Fantome
♦ Easily Overheard Rumours
- ■ "Aaron? He's some half-breed bastard. To be honest, I'm surprised he got as far as he did. Don't see what's so great about him." - Jealous Conjurer
- ■ "Awww! I once flirted with him and he firted back. Are you SURE he fancies men...?" - Gossiping Girl
- ■ " He lost so much at such a young age. I can't help but feel bad for the guy..." - Sympathetic Wood Wailer
♦ Somewhat Difficult To Overhear Rumours
- ■ "I know of him! I swear I've seen him pose nude before in some dirty magazine, it's true! Look here..." - Lustful Miqo'te
- ■ "Say what you will about Aero, but he saved my son when I could not. I owe him a great deal. I will say nothing more." - Witch From The Shroud
♦ Rarely Overheard Rumours
- ■ "Aye, once seen em drain the life out of someone I did! He's a monster I tell you." - La Noscean Drunk
- ■ "That man in black there? I hear he was supposed to be some great hearer, but gave it up to pursue the dark arts. What a waste." - Ul'dahn Noble
Other Notes
Chaotic neutral, bordering very closely with chaotic evil.
♦ Affiliations
- Conjurer's Guild
- Marauder's Guild/ Yellow Jackets
- Pumpkin Piquant
- Thaumaturge's Guild
♦ Tropes
Tropes are conventions and devices that are found in creative works. In this case, these tropes describe Aerostein. His background, personality, appearance, they can all be identified with the tropes listed below.