Qaratolui Noyakir
Character In-Game Brief
Some History
Noyakir Tribe InfoThe Noyakir once made their home in a vast system of caves in the northern mountains of Othard, but due to a major cave-in, its remains have begun to scatter. The cave-dwellers, once miners and crafters, fishermen and look-outs, now have only rubble and broken homes. The wanderers, once hunters and traders, now have no place to which they can return. Those who are of able-body have made their decision either to stay, to search for another home, or to join a new tribe.
Personal HistoryOthardRaised in the caves of the Noyakir tribe, Qaratolui had a rather quiet childhood. He was born on the same day as his sister Jagantolui, and each child was rather different in behavior, if not in looks. Where Qaratolui was calm, his sister was energetic. Where he was modest, she was boastful. They got into arguments often, usually ending with the young Qaratolui in tears. He loved his mother, Qorchijin, who was regularly on the watch team around the mouth of the cave. His father, Jaganchinua, however, was usually out hunting or trading for long periods of time, and held high expectations for his children which Qaratolui had a difficult time meeting. The boy spent most of his childhood following his mother around, milling about the cave pools and waterways or watching the tribe go about its business.
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