Lilithium Altair

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Lilithium Rinannis
"Anything I can do to help, dear?"

Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dah
Server Balmung
Age 35
Blood Type O Negative
Class Hand-to-Hand Combat Specialist
Free Company The Coral Sea
Residence Rinannis Repair Shop


Lilithium Rinannis (Lilith-ium Ri-nan-is) is a older Hyur midlander who is often seen in and around Ul'dah, Mists, Goblet and various other parts of Eorzea. Her maternal nature and affectionate disposition leaves her well liked by most who come across her. Widowed three years before the Calamity and with her three children all grown and out of the house as of roughly 3 years ago, Lili finds that she's able to focus on herself and her own happiness for the first time since her teens. It's left her with many doorways of oppurtunity to choose from, some full of light and adventure while others harbor a darker purpose...

She has recently retired from running the Free Wing Society, instead taking her time to pursue other interests and spend the time with her husband, Locke, and her two adopted boys Adokenai and Mikh'a. She has invested in side projects here and there, one of which recently being the tinkering of guns alongside her husband.

Note: Lili is able to see the aether of various individuals she meets. They manifest as light and colors, and I will sometimes whisper people OOC to determine what their aether is like so Lili can react or adjust accordingly.

(Profile under heavy construction)


Standing at 5 fulm and 4 ilm, Lili is used to seeing the world from the shorter side of things. She used to wear her pale blonde hair long and nearly to her elbows, but has since dyed it a darker blonde that she intends to keep permanent. Her eyes are very light green with a silvery cast to the color to give it an unique, shimmering quality. While her features deceive others of her true age, she bares what marks she has with pride: Some crows feet at the corner of her eyes that show when she laughs, and similar lines at the corner of her lips that only start to show when she is smiling broadly. Having bared three children (which included twins), she was left with rather shapely hips and added curves that she had not possessed in her youth.

One of the physical features most noticed by some who meet Lili is her rather large bust despite her small size. It usually causes her a myriad of problems, as some of her shorter Miqo'te friends and Lalafell companions sometimes get suffocated when she hugs them. The rest of her is well toned from the muscle and strength it takes to wield her axe and fist weapons, and sun kissed from her years by the shores of Limsa or the sands of Ul'dah. Over time, these muscles have grown more soft though she works on their upkeep in her spare time.

Lili doesn't have many scars. One is on her face that is thin and horizontal along the bridge of her nose. The others are not easily visible: a large roughly circular burn on her stomach near the region of her gut. The other is a very, very faint bite mark on her hip that never fully healed.

Standard Equipment

  • A linkpearl that functions as access to multiple channels, both for personal means and for business
  • Hard candy
  • Spare linkpearls that can access her directly
  • A portable, mini aetheryte crystal
  • Her wedding ring
  • A Triple Triad deck
  • Horas
  • Handkerchief
  • Various tonics and potions hidden about her person
  • Two small daggers hidden about her person

Having gotten pregnant at fourteen and raising or looking after her children and those of others left Lili with a maternal nature that has been driven down to the core of her very being. She tends to look out for those around her, especially those that she feels a soft spot for, or those around her children's age (teens to early twenties). Though this maternal drive of hers doesn't make her a pushover in the least, as it is possible to ignite her ire with the right buttons being pushed. Over all, she's calm and even tempered and usually the voice of reason for those around her. Ever one to play devil's advocate. She has a surprisingly emotional and sensitive side that only a handful of people have been able to witness.


  • Everyone Deserves a Chance.
  • The Just Shall be Justly Rewarded.
  • Where There is a Will, There is a Way.
  • Never Lose Hope.
  • The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions.


  • Spending time with family
  • Cooking
  • Sparring with friends
  • Long walks


  • Cooking
  • Sewing/Tailoring
  • Aetheric Studies


  • Food/Drink: Whiskey, coffee, popotos (fried, usually!)
  • Weather: Cool and crisp, 'sweater weather'
  • Book: Has no particular favorite
  • Song: A lullaby she sings to her children.
  • Haunts: Goblet, Ul'dah (Quicksand, Alchemy Guild), Mists


  • Disrespect
  • Excessive Dramatics
  • Cruelty
  • Spiders
  • Disloyalty


  • Too forgiving
  • Soft hearted
  • Tendency to be overly emotional
  • Over protective
  • Insecure


  • Loss of self-control
  • Losing her children
  • Spiders

Natural Abilities

  • High: Speed, Agility, Charisma
  • Above Average: Endurance, Strength
  • Normal: Intelligence, Magic (?)

Aetheric Abilities

  • Mastery: Unknown
  • Expert: Healing (?)
  • Average: Weapon Enhancements
  • Novice: Elemental
  • Completely Fails At: Thaumaturgy

Weapon Training

  • Mastery: Hand-to-hand, Horas/Fist weaponry
  • Expert: Axes, Guns
  • Average: Sword, Staves
  • Novice: Daggers
  • Completely Fails At: Archery


  • Mastery: Diplomacy, Dual-wielding, Managing Business Relations, Childcare
  • Expert: First Aid, Dancing
  • Average: Sailing, Carpentry
  • Novice: Competive Sports


  • Alchemy
  • Cooking
  • Goldsmithing


  • Stiff Shoulders: With age and with the style of combat she has pursued, Lili's shoulders are chronically stiff and achey. This increases with excess physical stress.


Ghislan Nightwing: Lili's 'late' husband who went MIA during an assignment against the Garleans. After no body being found over the last near decade he's been gone, everyone has safely assumed he is dead and Lili no longer mourned her first and only true love. However, during a series of events to give Kao a new body they came across a Garlean named Velstraz who was used as Kao's new host body. After the metaphorical smoke cleared, it was revealed to actually have been Ghislan who now was of body and mind with Lili's friend and employee. She stepped awkwardly around the Highlander until he was taken into the custody of the Sitting Circle where him and Ox were removed from each other's bodies. She hasn't seen him since but knows him to be in their company still. Last she heard, anyways.
Locke Rinannis: She had seen this man when he was around one of the free company houses next to Blacktalon, though never spoke to him or approached him. Later, she heard he was looking for work and offered him a job at the Society. He's one of her most quiet employees, and as a result she actively tries to drag him around the others and be social. The more time Lili has spent with him the more affectionate she had become, as well as trusting of him. He's shared many secrets with her, all of which she keeps to herself. Their relationship has gradually grown out of the public eye, but it doesn't seem to affect their business relationship. Now a days, they are openly affectionate with one another even around other people and Lili seems quite smitten with the younger blonde. Recently he has proposed and the two are now married.
Adokenai Rinannis: A young Lalachild who Lili met at the Quicksand one day. Since meeting, Lili had adopted the little boy as her own. He calls her 'Mom' and is a regular part of her routine since her retirement as enabled them to spend more time together. His mischievous and curious nature constantly keeps the veteran mother on her toes.
Mikh'a Rinannis: A little Keeper kit about one year of age, Lili adopted this little tyke and can sometimes be seen carrying him around. As a baby his interests are narrow, but he certainly seems to love new people! And Gran!
Khavan Nightwing: Lili's oldest child and oldest son. At nineteen years of age, nearing twenty, Khavan is engaged to a male elezen and usually bothers Lili for wedding preparation.
Sarameda Silverlark: Youngest twin daughter of Lilithium Altair and Amore Silverlark. Sara is the more sickly of the already medically ailed twins, having spent much of her life bedridden or confined for the sake of her own health. Recently with the help of Doctor Titor Jaraba Lili has found she can breathe easier as Sara's health seems to gradually improve. Or, at the very least, is stabilized...for now.
Deisarameda Silverlark: Oldest twin daughter of Lilithium Altair and Amore Silverlark. Dei is the more heated of the two and known for her more abrasive and surly nature. Sometimes downright rude and blunt, Dei also prides herself on her elusiveness and staying out of sight more often then not.
Rahsha Altair: A Sunseeker miqo'te that Lili's parents found when Lili was only five. Abandoned on a supply ship, no one knows her tribal origin and could never relocate birth parents. Rahsha and Lili grew apart after Lili left home, and now the two rarely see one another. A short time ago she learned what hand Rahsha had to play in the death of their parents, and while it's helped Lili understand her adopted sister more, it still hasn't mended the bridge between them. Rahsha rarely, if ever, makes an appearance in Lili's life and the blonde doesn't often speak of her absent sister.
Andromeda and Reiko Altair (deceased): Lili's parents died shortly after the twins were born in a simple but tragic fire. Both were botanists who were unmatched in their knowledge of the land and its bountiful treasures. Knowledge that they passed on to Lili before they passed.


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Sleepless by Vaughn Antain


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  • Notes: Open for any kind of RP; free form, scripted, forum, chat, upside down, right side up, and so on. Always open to expanding Lili's RP network, so if you have some idea of how she could fit into your story, or even if she's just a character you want to get to know, feel free to send me a message! Obviously no perma-death or anything that could seriously hamper my ability to roleplay her without my prior approval.