Anthony Valron

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Ishgard.jpg Anthony Valron
Knight of Ishgard, Minor Noble
Gender Male
Race Elezen
Clan Wildwood
Citizenship Ishgard
Server Balmung
Age 17
Dead or Alive? Alive





Ser Anthony de Valron is the only surviving offspring of an Elezen Lord of Ishgard. He is baseborn, but was granted his father's lands and titles, as the only surviving Valron. His face in general is reminiscent of his mother's, but it has the sharp edge of his father's noble heritage. His mother was half-hyuran, a maidservant in his Lord-Father's service. He is a bastard and 1/4th hyur.

His armor is well-kept, perfectly shined and his weapon is just as refined. Always sharp, oiled and ready to be used.


In public, when on duty, Anthony is always perfectly mannerful, careful to be subservient to those above him and follow protocol to the full extent.

One on one, Anthony is very flirtatious. He rarely goes home alone.



Anthony fights with the strength, passion and skill of a Knight of Ishgard. He favors a bastard sword, forged with titanium alloy. He does not often use a shield, which allows him a more aggressive style of swordsmanship - however, situationally, the Knight will use one, mainly when fighting Lancers/Dragoons or Bards/Archers. Many of his enemies have overextended themselves because they viewed him as an easy target, only to have limbs cleaved from their bodies due to his quick strikes.



  • Anthony enjoys writing, and he keeps a black leather-bound journal on his person at all times. He also dabbles in writing songs, but has not the talent to sing them.
  • The young Knight enjoys fighting and considers himself quite the swordsman. Some of it may be hubris, but the boy has a great deal of innate skill and years of training.
  • He enjoys spending time with his friends.
  • Anthony likes pretty girls. It tends to get him in trouble.


  • Dragons, of any kind.
  • Those who don't respect protocol. The exception is those he's close to.
  • He dislikes most Southrons on principal, but when he gets to know them, he's less racist.


  • Writing - The young Knight carries his journal everywhere.
  • Dueling - Anthony loves to spar and put his swordsmanship to good use.
  • Leadership - A born leader, bred for it, really.




Lord Aronaux de Farendaire




Common Rumors

Moderate Rumors

Rare Rumors

PC Rumors

  • "The boy's prideful, more than mildly xenophobic, honor-bound, and all too willing to prove himself. Then again, I was that same boy not too long ago." - Lord Aronaux de Farendaire


B.C.Y. = Before Current Year

17 B.C.Y. : Anthony de Valron born to Lord Alexandyr de Valron and Kiera Stone. Ser Willem Durmont named Godfather.

15 B.C.Y. : Lord Alexandyr de Valron executed, Anthony, Kiera, and Willem flee to Ul'dah, taking what they can of the family fortune - as well as the signet dagger of House Valron.

13 B.C.Y. : Anthony begins training with sword under the tutelage of Ser Willem.

4 B.C.Y. : Anthony's first kill of a petty mugger in the streets of the Goblet.

1 B.C.Y. : Anthony is Knighted and travels to Coerthas, to plead his case before Lord Haurchefant. Ser Willem dies of natural causes in Coerthas.

3 Months Before Current Date: Anthony meets his Cousin, Lord Aronaux de Farendaire for the first time while in Coerthas, and together, he finally manages to seek out Lord Haurchefant and regain his standing.


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea