Kahti Wiht

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Notice: This profile is written from a public-knowledge standpoint. As such, details may be absent, incomplete, or blatantly false.

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Sehlti Wiht
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Birth Date 6th Sun 5th Umbral Moon (Oct 6)
Marital Status Single
Occupation Courier / Explorer / Other
Height/Weight 5'3" / 120 lbs
Orientation Bisexual
  • Kahti Wiht(Mother)
  • Mhrad'to Ahnd(Father)

The Miqo'te called Sehlti Wiht is a Courier that lives and primarily works in La Noscea. She is better known (and recorded) as "Seldi Witt" (pronounced /ˈSel-dee Wit/) due to non-Miqo'te difficulties pronouncing her name. She is a Keeper of the Moon, and is known for keeping to herself most of the time.

She has moderate skill with daggers and bows. Given her frequent visitations to the Arcanist Guild in Limsa Lominsa, it can be inferred that she seeks to become an Arcanist. Although there is little to distinguish herself from adventurers, and despite being registered with the Adventurers' Guild, Sehlti does not consider herself one.

She is not associated with the Post Moogles, despite being a Courier.

Appearance & Personality

Sehlti is above average height for miqo'te female. She is athletic, and generally healthy. Her skin is a darker shade of grey, and her visible fur is black with gold streaks. Her eyes are oddly colored, the right silver, and the left brown. She has a scar across her face, another on her chin, and a number of scars across her body. As she tends to swim or bathe in the waters around La Noscea, her scent is often a faint combination or saltwater and the mild flower perfume she wears.
She tends to wear rusty red clothing with black or white trim. Regardless of her outfit, she can often - if not always - be found wearing some kind of wide brim hat to keep the sun out of her eyes. Her clothing is well maintained, and she will often replace a garment if it becomes too worn. She's fond of simple jewelry, and wears earrings, rings, and chokers regularly.
Sehlti doesn't seem to be familiar with social norms, and will often come off as disrespectful, aloof or overly familiar. Despite this, she's never been observed to be particularly maligned, and generally wants the best for people, even if she doesn't fully understand what the "best" for them is. She does tend to be practical, however, and has been known to upset (or even harm) people if it serves a purpose.
A quick learner, she enjoys new things, and has been known to readily set aside a task if curiosity calls to her. This leads her to exploring often, whether the object of her curiosity is some sort of ruins, new concepts, or books. She tends not to seek these things out, however, and will only be drawn to them if they catch her attention first. She does enjoy stability, however, and will always return to home and old friends.


6th Astral Era

According to Sehlti herself, she was born to a small Keeper family in southern La Noscea. Her mother, Kahti, was a fisher, and her father a cook. She - when she was old enough - contributed to the family by delivering her parents' goods to Limsa Lominsa. She'd return with supplies, gil, and the latest news.
Though insular, her parents were wise enough to know they were part of the larger world, and needed to understand that world. Thus they strove to teach Sehlti reading, writing, arithmetic, reasoning and so on. Although it can be argued that they simply didn't want the girl to be easily cheated at the market, Sehlti claims her mother wanted to give her the foundation to do anything she set her heart on.
Shortly before the Calamity, Sehlti's mother was of the opinion that the rest of the world could take care of itself. Though a call had gone out for people to make pilgrimages to shrines around Eorzea and pray to the Twelve for salvation, Kahti ultimately decided it wouldn't be necessary. It is possible, however, that she woman was concerned for her family, and did not wish to subject them to an increasingly hostile world.
Sehlti has noted that while she appreciated her mother's concern, she feels that it brought about more harm than good in the waning days of the 6th Astral Era. She often wonders how much of a difference could have been made if they'd made the pilgrimage.

7th Umbral Era

Following Dalamud's Fall
Sehlti likely would have been in Limsa Lominsa already had she not stopped to observe the descending moon, Dalamud, in it's final moments. She had watched from a distance as something burst from Dalamud, and flew rapidly across the land. With plenty of time to realize it was headed towards Limsa Lominsa, she took what cover she could find. Her home was not so lucky, and she returned to find a crater slowly filling with seawater where it once stood.
With nothing left to search through. She didn't allow herself to mourn for long before she resolved to tend to her survival. She had tried fishing, and was surprised to find herself a poor fisher. Hunting animals of the land was more straight-forward, but she quickly found herself to be a poor cook. Her "cooked" food was often either so raw it made her ill, or so overdone as to be unappetizing. Shelter was an issue as well. She frequently sought shelter in a tree, and though typically safe from predators and bandits, she was not sheltered from the elements.
Realizing she was ill equipped to survive on her own, she headed for Limsa Lominsa after just a few weeks, burying her gil before she went. She lent what strength she had to the rebuilding efforts until she could find work not unlike that which she had done for her parents: courier work.
The Unnamed Guild
Despite joining the rebuilding efforts, Sehlti still spent most of her time alone. Unfortunately, she wasn't left alone. More so than in current times, bandits roamed the roads, preying on lonesome travelers, and Sehlti - a lone traveler herself - was no exception. Fortunately for her, she was often underestimated. Though rarely outright victorious, she always managed an escape, often dealing the bandits some blows. Smart enough to not carry much on her, she never lost more than a single day's worth of pay or rations.
She briefly joined with a guild in Limsa Lominsa, though she's been evasive to the group's name and purpose. Quick to adopt their ideals, she set about learning the set of skills they used in day-to-day work. Unfortunately, she was not as agile as one would expect a young miqo'te to be. Unable to fully assist with guild's operations in the usual manner, she set about finding another way to lend her aid.
She took up a bow, and set to the road, falling back on courier work. Initially, the guild found this useful. In time, however, they fell back to more traditional methods, and Sehlti was left without tasks. Though she is still in good standing, her insular nature means she doesn't visit the guild often, and she has become all but a non-member.
Courier Work
A few years after the Calamity, Sehlti had fallen into the semi-regular nature of courier work. As the years passed, she gradually took to working during the daylight hours, despite her eyes' sensitivity to light.
More Pending



Rainstorms / Water
Night / Dim Light
Creamy or Savory Foods
Small Groups


Dry Weather / Thunder
Day / Bright Light
Stagnation / Lack of Freedom
Sweet Foods
Large Groups
"Unsteady" Heights


Alignment: True Neutral
Strength(s): Mostly Self-Sufficient, But Can Still Work With Others; Excellent Sense of Smell; Literate and well-read
Weakness(s): Poor Social Skills; Deaf in Right Ear; Easily Blinded by Bright Lights; Can't Taste Sweets
Favorite Food: Bacon Bread
Favorite Drink: Coffee With Cream
Favorite Color: Red


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated.
Add your own rumors under Player Characters!

Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Never heard of her." -- Most People
Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"I'm bettin' she's an undercover agent for the Maelstrom. Used to rent my chocobos to deliver their parcels more than most." -- Chocobo Porter
"Nosey little twat! Wouldn' trust her not to snoop in me letters!" -- A Dock Worker
Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Yeah, that's the gal you talk to if you don't want someone asking too many questions about what ya want delivered, but you didn't hear it from me." -- A Desperately Anonymous Fellow
"I knew Seldi before the Calamity, and that's not her." -- An Old Trader
"Saw her at the Gold Saucer recently. Can't tell if she was enjoying herself or not, but she smashed the glass on a Moogle Claw machine, and some poor T-T player's nose." -- MGS Patron
Player Character Rumors
<None Yet>


Sehlti likely keeps this information to herself, but it's here for OOC info.
Please do not use IC without asking.

Fond Of
Kirkirik Kirik
Sherem Shaw
Good Standing
Arcadeus (Free Company)
Maelstrom (Grand Company)
Poor Standing
Nunhs (Seeker Breeding Males)


Theme Song: Pending!
TV Tropes: Pragmatic Hero (Others Pending)


This Template was created by Bancroft Gairn. I've modified it somewhat, but all love to Bancroft!