C'rhisi Tohbei

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Ul'dah-transparent.png C'Rhisi Tohbei
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seekers of the Sun
Citizenship Ul'dah
Tribe Coeurl Tribe
Occupation Dancer/Bartender/Bard
Guardian Azeyma, the Warden
Age 19
Height 5'3"
Weight 125 lbs
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Physical & Social Information

Basic Information

Born in the eastern Thanalan desert, the daughter of the jali or bardpriest of one of the villages of the Coeurl tribe, C'Rhisi grew up with her life generally set out before her. When her eye color settled and it was determined she was heterochromic, the weight of destiny weighed even more heavily on her. She is out in the world as part of a tribal ritual where she is supposed to learn new things in order to bring new knowledge back to her tribe. She spent time in Gridania, studying with the Archer's Guild, and currently lives in Ul'dah where she spends time working as a dancer and bartender at the various bars and taverns (both high class and low) and her free time seeking out interesting stories, songs, poems, and knowledge.


Height: 5'3"
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Light/Dark Green (Heterochromic)
Build: Lean, Muscular
Identifying Marks: Pale blue tattoo around eyes and across cheekbones, darkened fur on tips of ears and tail.

Standing a hair over 5'3", C'Rhisi is fairly tall for a Miqo'te, her ears lending her a good extra three inches as they are generally perked up and forward in intense curiousity. Her face is heart-shaped with wide cheekbones and a pointed chin and she has light striped markings along her cheekbones under her eyes and pointing down her forehead. Her eyes are large and odd-colored, her left a dark olive, her right a nearly color-less pale green, made striking by dark lashes and a sun-faded tattoo in pale blue that goes around them and across her cheeks. The miqo'te girl's short, bobbed hair is a dark blonde with natural highlights of paler yellow-gold where the sun has bleached it. The fur on her ears and tail echoes this coloration, though the tips of both are slightly darker, as are her eyebrows.

C'Rhisi has clearly led a life of physical work, her figure muscular and toned, with long, lean, predatory lines. She has calluses on her fingertips from the bow, and keeps her nails a bit long and sharp and often laquered in various hues for performances. She is built on a long frame but has generally passed the 'gangly' stage of life and, with her long training in dance, moves gracefully unless highly agitated or excited.

Her voice is pleasant and slightly low for a female with a hint of raspiness to it. She has excellent range when singing though is currently untutored in the finer points. Despite living in larger cities the last three years, she tends to communicate a great deal silently, using stance, facial expressions, and ear and tail positions.


As with many entertainers, C'Rhisi has a public and a private face. When on-stage, she is elegant and sensual. When behind the bar she always has an ear, a shoulder, and a smile. When not performing, however, C'Rhisi is generally fairly quiet, happy to listen before speaking, slow to anger but not one to shy away from a fight when it's forced on her. She was brought up in a society where the good of the many really does outweigh the good of the one and so tends to be generous (sometimes to a fault), though living in Ul'dah has cured her of most of her altruistic tendancies. The miqo'te has a good heart and a fast smile and is the type to listen to any story- good or bad, true or false.

Born with the weight of great destiny on her shoulders, C'Rhisi does find it difficult to make long-term or deep friendships and can sometimes be seen as shallow or aloof due to her reluctance and inexperience with such interactions.



After her coming of age ceremony, C'Rhisi began learning the talents of a hunter in her tribe- archery, tracking, how to dress a kill, and how to use a small knife. She was born the daughter of the jali of her village, a bard/priest/shaman, and due to her bloodline and the color of her eyes she began being taught at the breast the arts of her mother. She is not particularly talented at hand to hand combat and, though muscular, can be overpowered by beings larger than her fairly easily. C'Rhisi has no compunctions about using any weapon to hand though, including her long nails or her teeth.

The miqo'te girl was born into a warrior culture and violence is nothing new to her. She is not the kind to freeze in a fight.

Character Notes


  • Dancing
  • Stories
  • Learning new things
  • Archery


  • Beastmen
  • Cruelty to the weak
  • Bad tips
  • Fish


  • Storytelling/singing
  • Filigree jewelry-making
  • Sharp-shooting


  • Frightened of large bodies of water
  • Believes she is destined to return to her tribe with some great piece of knowledge
  • Terrified of failure



C'Rhisi is the daughter of one of the highest ranking female members of her tribe and village. Her father is one of the older nunhs in the village, Tohbei, an accomplished hunter and warrior that is still successfully protecting his position against challengers in his middle age. She grew up with about a half-dozen half-brothers and half-sisters in the communal housing of her father's mates. She considers all the females mated to her father her aunts and all their children are her brothers and sisters. While she is out on her ritual of Singing the World, a type of coming of age rite, she is out of contact with her family, but she holds the entire village and the rest of her tribe close to her heart.


C'Rhisi is on good terms with the waitstaff, owners, and regular patrons of most of the bars in Ul'dah. She is known as a great bartender and an excellent dancer, a good draw. She enjoys hanging around the Blood Sands, watching the fights and taking in the atmosphere, and she is on speaking terms with many of the regulars there.

The miqo'te girl has difficulty making friends however and there is no one she would really consider 'close'.


C'Rhisi holds a deep, abiding hatred for the Amal'jaa, born of years of her tribe warring with the beast people due to their proximity to the lizard men's homeland of Pagi'than. She is wary of pirates in general, though this is a difficult conflict for her as they often tell excellent stories.


((To be completed soon.))


No rumors are currently circulating about C'Rhisi.

Character Addenda

OOC Notes IC Connections

Character Inspirations:
- Nancy from Sin City
- Rachel Brice and Zoe Jakes