Trisselle Sondraix

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 Trisselle Sondraix
Gender Female
Race Elezen
Clan Wildwood (Ishgardian)
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 37
Nameday 25th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Occupation Maid/Adventurer
Guardian Oschon, the Wanderer
Alignment Neutral
Relationship? Dating Celesse Starsong

Demographical / Physical

Character Name: Trisselle Sondraix

Nicknames, if any: Trissy, Legs

Race & Subgroup: Elezen Wildwood

Gender ID: Female

Age (or human approximate): 37 Nameday 25th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon

Height: 6'4" Weight: 174 ponze

Hair: Varies, typicaly dark red, waist-long, pulled back in a ponytail

Eyes: Amethyst

Skin: Very pale

Fashion Style: Varies. From long, flowing dresses to tight fitting, skimpy tights; so long as she feels she looks good wearing it, it's likely to be on her body. Darker tones preferred.

Other Appearance Details: Trisselle is clearly a beauty. Tall, leggy, and curvy where it counts; the elezen woman walks with a grace that only a woman that -knows- she's pretty can quite pull off.

Psychological / Mental

Morality / Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Guardian Deity: Oschon, the Wanderer

Attitude: A bit socially awkward, though she -tries- to be flirty and fun, Trisselle...clearly is lacking a bit in her social graces.

Positive Traits:

  • Intelligent
  • Helpful
  • Playful
  • Eager to please
  • -Very- fast learner

Negative Traits:

  • Alcoholic
  • Self-hating
  • Hedonistic
  • Terrified of other Elezen and all things Ishgard
  • Possessive

Quirks: First and foremost, Triselle craves knowledge. Be it random information or knowledge of the magical arts, or even the martial arts, the elezen woman wants to know as -much- as she possibly can.

In-Character Job: Maid

Professional Skills: Arcanima, Thaumaturgey, Archery, general maid-stuff

Amateur Skills / Hobbies:

  • Goldsmithing
  • Fencing

Likes / Wants:

  • Alcohol in all forms
  • Men
  • Miqo-girls
  • Books; novels and tomes alike
  • Knowledge

Dislikes / Avoids:

  • Everything Ishgardian
  • Fishy and garlicky foods

Family, Friends, & Love

Location of Home, if any: Hungry Wolf headquarters, Goblet

Place of Birth: Ishgard

Relationship Status: Dating Celesse Starsong

Orientation: Bisexual, male preference

Relatives: None. Deceased and disowned.

Friends / Allies:

Rivals / Enemies: N/A


Born to a highborn father and a lowborn mother; Trisselle and her father were shamed and cast out from the highborn to live their lives in the Brume, her mother passing shortly after. Her childhood was filled with abuse and beatings by the hand of her father, until she was sixteen years of age. Sold into prostitution, Trisselle grew to hate herself; not because she hated what she was doing, but because she hated that she -enjoyed it-. For the next twenty years, Trisselle lived...decently; spending more time inside well-to-do men, and women's, homes, providing her comforts, than she did in the cold streets of the Brume. Finaly deciding to leave; Trisselle spent every last coin she had saved to bribe her way out of the city; making her way to Gridania where she began training as a pelt-hunter. From there; the woman found herself in the company of a handful of adventurers, Juno, Lacey, Saki, and Viral; and the elezen huntress found herself tugged into the life of adventure.