Meallaire Sergenaux

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Life is grey. The more experienced a person is, the deeper they go into life, the less black and white it is. And that incredibly interesting shade of grey gets to be played. But within that shade, there are infinite varieties. The black is the bad guy, white is the good guy. But we all know the true parameters of life lie in between those two.

Glioca Sargonnai


CURRENT ALIAS... Glioca Sargonnai

RACE & CLAN... Elezen, Wildwood

GENDER... Female

AGE... 228. Appears 28.

NAMEDAY... 22nd Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon, 1350 S.A.E.

ORIENTATION... Pansexual

MARITAL STATUS... Bonded, Semi-Open


NATIONALITY... Gridanian/Ul'dah.

FAMILY... Sarrasin (Maiden), Sargonnai (Wed)

RESIDENCE... Ul'dah, Phoenix Estate

OCCUPATION... Artisan, Businesswoman

PATRON DEITY... Nymeia, the Spinner

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 6 fulms, 5 ilms. Weighs 215 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Chaotic Neutral.

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Glioca is a very physically aggressive individual. She's got a sharp tongue, and sharper teeth, and doesn't enjoy backing down from conflict, though she prefers intimidation first. She's incredibly strong in a physical capacity because of the way she modifies herself with aether. She wears an armlet that contains the extra aether from her body, cycling it constantly to keep her from essentially losing control of herself.
Standing at six fulms and five ilms tall, Glioca is tall for a woman, even an Elezen, a scant two ilms shorter than her husband, A'rklonn. Her hair is naturally white, and is kept short-to-medium length, either pulled back into a ponytail, or cut into a simple bob that's pinned back away from her face in a silver barrette. Her eyes are a stormy shade of gray, and she bears a single scar upon her face, stretching up over her left eye, and down to the middle of her cheek. The frame of her body is a mixture of the supple curve of a well built woman, hard muscle from many hours training, and the overall complexion and health of her exemplary diet, given her enjoyment of cooking.
She usually wears a pair of rimless glasses perched on the end of her nose, but generally forsakes this when in combat. Upon her forehead there are six symmetrical dots; pale white marks against her skin, and whatever they once represented, she no longer speaks of their meaning now. The one thing she is never without is the band that represents her bond to A'rklonn, though it may be hidden under gloves.
Her clothing is entirely dependent on whatever task she is engaged in at the time, and she has an outfit for every occasion. She prefers clothing that is well fitting, usually practical more than pretty. She favors whites, blues, red, and purples. Either very pale, or so dark as to be gemstone in color. She appears mature, but not aged, looking to be in her late twenties to early thirties, if one counted her age as they would that of a Hyur. This youthful appearance is somewhat superficial, as the woman has easily seen more than the usual years of an Elezen of age, a lifespan is attributed to the unique aetheric condition that affects her.

Intelligent. Friendly. Inquisitive. Grim. All of these words have been used to describe Glioca at one point or another. A woman who, in her youth was a quiet and studious intellectual, events in her life have given her a more serious and distanced outlook on life. She's very open-minded and eager to learn anything and everything she can, whether it be about people, magic, combat; she's very much a sponge, waiting to absorb whatever knowledge she's immersed in. Despite her perceived melancholy, most would find her easily approachable and more than willing to talk, particularly when the topic is scholarly or magical in nature. She has a deep wanderlust that causes her to spend a great deal of her time either wandering the wide roads of the Goblet, or the deep paths of the Shroud, anywhere that there are sights, or people, to be found.
A lifetime littered with loss and sorrow has changed her personality over the years, from sweet and somewhat innocent to more worldly and more wary. She's somewhere in the middle of the scales, coasting through life in neutral, as it were. Some things about her have changed: she developed a temper that was never there before, and a zest for fighting and conflict. But some things never change: she'll always be a healer at heart no matter how many blades she picks up, she's still got a sharp mind and a quick wit, a charming manner when so inclined, and easily able to keep pace in intelligent conversation. She's got a moderate business sense, co-running a business as she does with her husband, but a greater mind for magic, with a single minded focus on magic and magical achievement that's so driven it could almost be a religion for her. While she does have a temper, it tends to run cold, rather than hot, with the woman becoming aloof, distant, abruptly spoken and quick to verbally lash those she's furious with. When it comes to combat against a serious foe, it's like she's emotionally gone, simply devoting herself to whatever battle she's in at the time. Very little can rouse her to burning anger, but what manages it finds her a completely different woman, devoid of compassion and mercy.
She's got few tangible fears, and a great many enjoyments in her life, and she usually tries to focus on the latter much more frequently than the former. She's a tremendous flirt with both males and females, playing it out as a dance of intellect and wit to match words with another. She's overall about as dynamic as any other individual, with moods as varied as the weather, that influence her personality depending on what's going on, who she's interacting with, or in what capacity. The one truly consistent side of her is her personal set of values, which she holds to be a kind of law in her life. It's not that hard to glean when one interacts with her. She's not a hero by any stretch of the imagination, but those who cross the lines she's draws are quick to see just how dark and destructive she can become.


Wandering the Shroud. She has a deep and abiding love of nature, despite her enjoyment of technology, and adores the time she spends wandering the deep and twisting paths of the Twelveswood.
Inclement weather. Thunder, lightning, rain, tornado, blizzard, anything considered harsh weather is something she's fond of. She'd stand in the middle of a lightning strike, if A'rklonn would let her.
Night time. Her favorite time of day is the deep hours of dusk and the late evening. The darker it is outside, the better to see the moon and stars, the happier she is.
Herbs. While it isn't always seen, Glioca enjoys the use of herbal cigarettes, and a pipe of sweet leaves that she smokes, intermingled with cloves. This is one of the pervasive scents that hangs around her.


Dishonesty. The fastest way to raise her ire is to be openly dishonest with her. She prefers honesty, even if painful, because it's a primary component of respect, and she expects what she gives to be shown in return.
Laziness. Even when relaxing, Glioca spends all of her time focused on a purpose, regardless of what that purpose might be. Because of this, she's found a growing dislike of lazy or shiftless individuals.
Indecision. She hates indecision, even in herself, and grows easily frustrated or angry with indecisive people or people who can't openly reach a decision, regardless of what that decision is about. She's not above coercing someone into a decision, if only so that they make one.
Politics. She's never been very politically minded as she tends to view doing what's best for a people and politics as wholly separate things. She has a deep dislike of Garleans, the Monetarist faction, and some Ishgardian politics because of this set of beliefs.


The Arts. Singing, dancing, performing with an instrument, or writing or composing poetry or melodies, she's adept with a number of things, and enjoys flexing her skills in all of them.
Magical Research. She considers herself a scholarly individual, and works at magical theory and magical development, trying to push the boundaries of what is capable with each magicform that she adds to her assortment of skills.
Crafting. Regardless of what she's making, Glioca very much likes to get her hands dirty and occupy her hours with creating things. Stitching, cooking, hammering metal for hours, complex machinery; she loves devoting her time to her craft.
Science. Hand in hand with her crafting, she's got a fair bit of scientific knowledge, genetic and otherwise, under her belt, and won't hesitate to use it to help others if she can. Goes hand in hand with her medical know-how.

Glioca has a sensitivity to particularly strong aether, having experimented in her youth with aetheric flows and energies. During the course of these experiments, she reinforced her body with pinpoint aetheric bolstering, which created a unique condition and affect within her.
OOC Note: While I realize that Glioca's strength could make it easy to powerplay, the armlet she wears exists to keep her at a manageable level, as utilizing her extreme strength without moderation could easily kill her, as well. Glioca will often use her strength on objects more than people, to avoid any iffy situations that might make other RP'ers uncomfortable. If you ever have a concern about the legitimacy or fairness of something that occurs during the course of RP, kindly send me a /tell and I'll quite happily work with you to find a compromise.


Glioca's body is under a constant aetheric cycle. This cycle means that she regenerates and heals at a much faster rate than most other individuals. This also prevents her from aging in any normal fashion, as her cells continually rejuvenate themselves. She can be scarred, if a wound is inflicted with particularly nasty magical means, or if she has lost her armlet as her aether leaks during these periods, rather than remaining constant in her body to keep her regenerating. It's presently unknown if she can be killed outright, or if the aether in her body would simply reform her again at a later time.


Those who have a strong aether sense may be able to detect the abundance in Glioca. Given the amount of raw aether that flows through her body, she's unable to control it to the fine degree she's used to without assistance. Because of this, she wears an armlet made of a metal and crystalline substance that is worn on the right side of her body. This armlet draws aether out of her body in a continual stream, creating a conduit for the excess she generates to flow through, to leave the aether inside her more manageable.


When it comes to channeling aether, she has an easier time than some do, because of the way it's a constant in her body, instead of shifting and flowing as it usually should. Interestingly enough, Glioca doesn't have an endless pool of aetheric power to draw from when using magic, as it's a different direction than her aether usually takes. The aether required to fuel her body and regenerate is a rather large amount, and this limits the amount she can devote to her spell casting. Her pool would be considered large in comparison to some, but decidedly not limitless.


The Echo is an ability that some rare individuals possess. Those that have been 'gifted' have the ability to resonate with other people's souls. This permits them to see their past, albeit not able to interfere or change it, as well as being able to speak every language in the world. As a side effect, the Echo also seems to prevent it's user from being tempered by Primals. Interestingly, Glioca's Echo came to light some 200 years ago, when she was still quite young. This led to a lot of misunderstandings, headaches, and a worsening of her aetheric condition for a number of years. Her husband assisted her with the use, and she can now willingly keep herself out of the memories of others. When the Calamity came, she, like many others, began getting the visions of meteors falling from a burning sky. It is thought that the Echo is in part responsible for the changes that later occurred to her. Disclaimer: This power is never used without explicit player permission in role-play. ***


Eidetic memory is the ability to recall visual information, such as pages from books and other visual sources, in great detail after only brief exposure to it. In Glioca, this trait developed in early childhood, and was nurtured by her parents and grandparents to allow her to more readily retain information from whatever source she might learn from. The ability was nurtured very early on, and is one of the reasons that Glioca is multi-talented, especially in the field of magic, where much of her study into Thaumaturgy and Arcanima relied on her ability to first memorize theory and calculations, and opposed to the expression strictly of aether itself, as with Conjury. Further, Glioca has a secondary trait that rarely presents itself in those with Eidetic Memory, and that is that she is Photo-reflexive. She often uses these two abilities in conjunction to attempt to learn as much as possible as quickly as possible, though she is sometimes (often) hampered by her own bodies abilities, and the aetheric condition which she is under.


Photo-reflexiveness is the pinnacle of the rare genetic trait found in those with an eidetic memory. The ability to become physically attuned to the movements of others simply by witnessing them, gaining their expertise and experience through mere moments or less depending on how comfortable one is with their trait. Once seen or heard, the user is now permanently filled with the knowledge, and their body adapts to be able to perform it to the best of its ability. Training is required for the body to meet the challenges presented by the knowledge taken in, and obviously, some things can’t be mimicked based on the limitations of the body. This ability also functions as highly accelerated learning, as the user can do whatever they wish with their new knowledge - even building upon what they've witnessed, not limited to simply mirroring what has been observed.

The limitation, of course, is provided that the user's body can actually physically perform the movements it is now educated in doing. Witnessing someone running at extreme speeds does not make them just as speedy... nor does witnessing someone juggle cinderblocks mean that they can even lift one. While this means she wouldn’t be able to mimic a quadruped’s combat movement, for example, she will memorize it and if reasonably skilled in that area - might draw inspiration using it as a basis. This also extends to audial perceptions as well, giving her the ability to perfectly mimic sounds and voices to the best of her physical capability.


Glioca and her husband A'rklonn started a small business out of the front of their home in the Goblet, where they might ask for gil, or for rather unique forms of payment, depending on the good purchased.


Goods... Glioca offers a number of unique products, primarily of her own design, at the shop. These can include things like makeup and cosmetics, but more commonly range to things like philters, draughts, and elixirs. She also sells confectionery treats, plush creations, and a variety of other things, but the real pride of the shop is their other range of more unique items, tomes, and other miscellany goods.
Services... While much of what is seen on the shelves of the store are all that's offered, the duo are capable of obtaining a great number of things, and their skill with artistry means they're capable of creating unique items that an individual might need. Everything from jewelry to rare texts and even discreetly obtained Allag items. Much of what they create in this way is obtained by commission, usually for those that the pair find interesting.
Contact... Feel free to approach me for RP relating to Black Phoenix Oddities or to NPC / handwave the more common purchases, whichever is more convenient for you. If you choose the NPC / handwave route, note that the (NPC) employee overseeing most day-to-day business affairs, consults, and sales in the boutique is a Wildwood Elezen woman by the name of Melisine Sorel.


Goods... Glioca keeps a trove of commonly created potions and requested items, both infused with aether, and not, readily available for purchase.
Services... But the most interesting thing that they offer, outside of the shop, is a service that's in high demand, but low supply: revenge. The pair will take revenge for those who are unable, for a certain price, regardless of the fashion of revenge that is requested, usually delivering equal suffering upon an individual, however, the exact terms is dependent on their client.
Contact... This type of service is offered on a person by person basis, and is contingent on the OOC approval of all parties involved (the asker, and the intended target).


A woman who prefers to split her focus between a variety of combat styles, and who has a great deal of experience to draw from, she spends a hefty portion of time honing her body physically, but also her mind. Much of her strength comes from the raw muscle she has built, but she supplements herself heavily with her magic to further reinforce her body and increase her capabilities. When pushed, she can be quite the terrifying combatant. Her husband claims rightly that she is the strongest between the two of them in terms of physical capabilities, and freely brags about some of her past feats, such as punching through a mechanical construct which could rival the Vanguards of the Garlean Empire. While she's very well rounded in terms of abilities and proficiency, she's also not mastered any one thing, except maybe Conjury, and by extension deeper forms of the magic thereof, picked up in her self-study.
OOC Note: When it comes to unavoidable combat RP, I'm willing to go with either Dice, or Freeform, depending on what's decided on by those of us fighting. Because of the inherent strength of the character due to her aetheric condition, she actually avoids combat as frequently as possible, preferring intimidation to outright conflict, or quick disabling as opposed to dealing heavy damage. I do my best to compromise and not overplay her skills, because she likes to leave people guessing. Scarring and beating her extremely is plausible and acceptable, however death requires permission if it seems as though it's headed that way, and so long as it doesn't conflict with any OOC plans I may have made, she can be temporarily killed, though don't expect it to be lasting, given her aetheric condition and other failsafes she has in place. Please feel free to shoot me a /tell at any time during a RP if you have questions: communication is the most important thing in conflict driven RP.


While not a mathematician by trade, she is still quick enough with numerics and strategies to take full advantage of arcane magic, be that for summoning a creature to aid her, or to aid others. She considers her skill with healing using arcane magic to be secondary to her skills with conjury, but she is still a fair hand at it, not having had the time to master it as she has white magic. She constantly seeks to expand her arsenal of abilities, both for practical and more combat-oriented uses.


Glioca is just proficient enough with a bow to hit a target a distance away, and not snap the bowstring in the process. She's learning more and more as she progresses, but archery will never be among her primary skills without a great deal more study, and a patient enough teacher to deal with her snapping bows when she grows frustrated.


While it has been some time, she did at one point study divination as a means of predicting the outcome of certain events. More to the point, she is fond of and has in the past practiced celestial magic, or magic influenced by the stars. Glioca is quite fond of astrology as a science and study, though she refuses to believe that certain things are 'fated', and instead refers to the fortunes she reads, when she reads them, as a type of directional marker, giving her an idea of which path she should be following at the present time, and she takes steps accordingly, if it seems as though a path may lead her down a bad road, to exercise the utmost care in those matters. In terms of using the magic either for bolstering allies or harming those who stand against her, only time will tell. ***


While Glioca isn't as proficient with an axe as she is a sword, she's not a bad hand at the large weapons. Her fighting style grows a little wilder when she's using an axe, and she thoroughly enjoys trouncing her enemies with the much more energetic style of combat she adapts when using one.


Singing and playing instruments is a talent that Glioca honed over her life, learning to play a number of different instruments. Given her penchant for magic, bardic magic is no extreme feat for her, and she enjoys the manipulations of it, but it's far from her strongest magic.


Less skilled with this type of magic than the art of Conjury, Glioca is extremely proficient with Ice and Lightning, less so with Fire, which is typically her naturally opposed element. She took to the darker magics of thaumaturgy with ease, and seeks, as she has always done with any type of magic, to expand herself to master all magic. This is a daunting task which she approaches with diligence and patience, knowing that any magic is difficult to master. She is currently working on learning to combine the different types of magic she knows to great application.


Daggers are far too light a weapon for Glioca to be comfortable with. While she'd be more capable of using a single dagger, the twin-dagger style is something she's practicing, but she's not finding herself very adept at it. Time and training will improve her abilities. Hopefully.


Her only experience with dark magics thus far are void-related, very minimalistic, and rarely spoken of. That said, she's begun delving deeper into those magics, using her finely honed rage as a starting point and finding new ways to manipulate that into a twisted form of magic that draws upon that inner darkness of hers. She finds this easier than she'd like to admit, and finds that using a heavier blade often helps her more readily employ these powers, utilizing the swinging of the blade almost like a form of dance-fighting. The style is somewhat elegant, but leaves her exhausted after utilizing it. This also goes strictly for her void-related magics as well; their extreme use leaves her dealing with extreme exhaustion.


If you had to pick one type of combat that Glioca truly excels at, it would be hand-to-hand. She knows a number of martial fighting styles, both styles that would be familiar as far as Doma, and as near as Ul'Dah. Her movements are precise but incredibly strong, and in most cases, she would rather just punch something to death than she would combat it in any other way. She reinforces her strikes with her own aether to make them far more dangerous, and to use them to counteract a persons ability to channel aether, either from outside, or through their body.


Glioca is just learning to take advantage of the reach and flexibility required to wield a lance, and would be far more likely to use a lance as a throwing weapon than an up-close weapon in any kind of conflict or fight. She does have a fondness for the halberd, but still has far less experience with this type of weapon than say, her skill with a sword.


If it clinks, clanks, makes noise, or can somehow be used in machinery, Glioca can use it. She actually adores technology and uses it as liberally as possible, both in her day-to-day life, and in other cases. She often seizes and re-purposes Garlean technology for her own uses. She created a magitek guardian for the shop, a small Ultima weapon statue that fires off a condensed aetheric quad-Firaga if triggered. She's currently working on a smaller sized bullet for the weapon, so there's less of a chance for damage to the shop, as opposed to just hitting the intruder. It's a work in progress. ***


Combining her one-handed swordsmanship style with the capability she has with magic, Glioca has begun wielding a rune engraved blade that serves as her magic focus, and begun to meld spell weaving into her fighting style. She often uses her single blade by focusing spells directly into the blade and delivering them with different strikes. This spell-casting style requires a greater degree of finesse than her use of a sword and shield, but also require a free hand in order to cast, and a lighter amount of armor to be of appropriate benefit to her fighting style. She refers to herself as a Magic Swordsman, or more appropriately, a Mystic Knight, when asked. She's capable of using magics from all the various spheres of influence (Arcanima, Astrology, Conjury, Dark Magic, Bardic Magic, and even Thaumaturgy) with her blade, with each requiring appropriate but brief incantations. ***


Out of necessity and a desire to further her training with the sword upon her return to Eorzea, Glioca, or rather, Meallaire took up for a time with the Gladiator's guild, training herself with a blade. She did eventually seek the training of the Paladin that was offered to all who claim themselves as adventurers, though she would prefer to use no shield at all. Still, while her skill with a sword is passable and she wouldn't hesitate to take someone on with a blade, her skill with a sword is still inferior to that of her husband, who has much more extensive training with swords of all styles. She has gained a greater degree of skill as time has passed, even to the point where she'd temporarily hung up her staff in lieu of utilizing a sword and shield.


She has more skill than one would consider her to have, though she tends to blend into an environment more than she actually shifts herself to be unseen. More of a hide-in-shadows than true stealth, she's working on improving her skill with this ability all the time, even if she is a bit slow (and generally bad) at it.


Upon first arriving back in Gridania for the first time since before the Calamity, she ended up seeking out the Conjurer's guild. With her prior years of study and the ability to draw on the deep well of strength from inside herself, she continued her former studies of the art, using it as more than simple healing magic: hyper-reinforcing her body, which greatly boosted her endurance and agility. Coupled with her already keen mind, this has given her a very sharp edge over many others who might pursue the path of the more advanced forms of Conjury.


Glioca's very long life, and certain life choices, have given her a more practical eye for the things one might create and the craftsmanship, attention to detail, and quality that one might place upon their work. Rather than perfecting every combat skill, Glioca instead opted to pursue and perfect her skills in regards to the creation of items. She considers her strongest points to be botany or gardening, alchemy and cooking, but neglected no other craft in favor of another, instead preferring to dedicate herself to each one equally. In Eorzea, she sought out membership with each guild in order to maintain her level of capability, and indeed, improve upon techniques drawn from other places.
OOC Note: Glioca's a rather inventive person, and I like finding things that are a challenge to RP out creating, so feel free to send me a /tell if you want Glioca to try her hand at making something. Notably not mentioned in the description for Black Phoenix Oddities, Glioca creates some rather interesting bedroom aids using her different crafting skills in tandem. /cough.


To go along with her skill at cooking, Glioca spends a great deal of time pushing the envelope with recipes in Alchemy that would probably make people raise an eyebrow, blink, or do a little bit of both. She experiments, creating things like poison and "love potions" with equal ease. She crafts natural and magically based philters, draughts, and elixirs, all of which she sells. She also creates experimental potions and drafts, including ones that are used for transmutation of an object into another substance, and more notably, a potion, taken daily, which prevents pregnancy.


Pounding on a sheet of metal is easy when you've got a lot of strength, and that's definitely something that Glioca has in spades. She maintains all of her own armor; a suit of silver half-mail created with a mixture of weaving, smithing, metallurgy, alchemy, goldsmithing and leatherworking. This unique combination allowed her to create an alloyed metal that is light as leather and flexible like cloth, while still affording her the protection of a full suit of armor. This gives her the flexibility to utilize her unique combat styles, as well as the necessary protection to still take the brunt of the damage she does. She rarely takes on commissions for others, as she doesn't feel her armorsmithing to be one of her best skills on it's own, but she does, as with everything else, try her hand at furniture that utilizes the strong plates, rings, rivets and other components that armorsmithing is well known for.


She has a fair hand at blacksmithing, with long hours spent in study to make the most of her skill with the craft. She utilizes her knowledge of magic to carve runes and symbols along the weapons she creates, allowing them to be used, with some infusion of crystal somewhere into the weaponry, to be used as a magic focus. This is part of her experimentation in cross-combination magic, and she uses her sword as a singular focus when casting just about anything. She utilizes blacksmithing in conjunction with her carpentry to create weapons that are both elegant and functional, enjoying the decorations she can add that makes each individual item she crafts unique. She's not a bad hand with anything else you could make with the smithing craft, and utilizes it to create the small components she uses in her magitek work, as well. She's currently working on a gunblade based on a Garlean prototype. This project is still in the works.


Probably Glioca's greatest hobby, the cultivation of plants and new subspecies of flora is one of the things that the woman prides herself on. Through careful study and experimentation, she has begun growing plants that are often not found on Eorzea, typically for personal use and never shared with the outside world except in the form of an ingredient used in one of her many concoctions or tinctures, or as part of an herbal tea. She keeps a number of small gardens at her home in the Goblet, and when she isn't reading or training, she can be found speaking to and tending these gardens.


Her skill with botany has given Glioca a good eye for what types of wood would be best with what project. Her time in Othard helped in sparking her interest, as she spent a good deal of time working with her hands. She could build a house for someone, given time and materials, starting with the frame, and ending with the furniture. She enjoys the craft of working a log or piece of timber into a work of art, whether that's a decorative carving, or a weapon to be used by an archer or lancer. She tends all of her own needs in terms of weaponry, using her skill at carpentry to supplement and augment her skill at blacksmithing where necessary.


Glioca has the most experience with cooking. She tends to cook with an elegant flourish, and favors candies and cakes, but she can make just about anything, ranging from traditional Eorzean dishes to the more unique cuisine of Othard, and indeed, lands far beyond. But take away her fancy pots and pans, and she's just as happy cooking over an open fire with a simple metal pot and fresh spices. She's more of a personal fondness for savory rather than sweet, and sells a number of her wares at Black Phoenix Oddities, the store she runs with A'rklonn. She did undergo training at the Bismark, to learn how to appropriately and adequately prepare more local food, as a number of ingredients in Eorzea are new to her. Her specialties are small chocolate candies, filled with cream and fruit, a sort of cordial cherry type dish, which she makes with a number of both sweet and sour fruits.


A very casual fisher, Glioca's favorite spot in somewhere deep in the Twelveswood, nothing but a lot of quiet around her, and her fishing pole in hand, watching the water. She could easily spend hours this way, but sadly, doesn't get to fish as much as she'd like. She doesn't trophy fish, however, instead preferring that anything she catch be used for a meal, for alchemy, or some other craft.


This requires a fine hand and touch that while Glioca has it, she prefers mixing metals into unique alloys for the craft more than she does crafting the actual pieces of jewelry themselves. That said, she can make a ring as intricate as anything one might have seen - but she'll probably never call it her favorite craft. She's much more fond of using her skill to make links and rings for armorsmithing work.


This is a skill that Glioca honed to accompany her weaving, knowing that working leather was a practical skill to nurture as the two often go hand in hand, especially when a piece requires both finely worked leather and well-woven cloth. Just as with weaving, she spent time working with Fen-Yll, learning patterns and practical knowledge. She's developed a few patterns on her own, mostly for styles of gloves that are easily used by combatants who want a lighter armor that allows the free use of magic.


While she can mine, she prefers to leave that to her husband. Larger orders of metal are usually left up to him, though, given her gardening habit, she does do a bit of gathering of prime topsoil for use in her botany projects.


Nothing nurtures weaving quite like the need to make clothing for day to day use. Glioca's specialization in weaving comes not from an intricate pattern or decorative clothing, but from her skill at crafting practical things - pillows, and most especially plush dolls. She's made a number of plush dolls over the years, including a dancing cactaur ballerina powered by a special wind cluster. She put in her time at the weaver's guild, and can craft just about anything you want from her, but she finds the most joy in dolls and the other types of things she creates, rather than just clothing, intricate or not. She does enjoy weaving for the sake of it's own craft.



Glioca doesn't like to go into depth about her history, providing broken bits and pieces to one individual, and full details to another individual. All of the details given here are provided as an OOC courtesy for the purpose of planning RP, interest's sake, and shouldn't be used ICly without permission.


Early Life
Glioca Sargonnai was born Meallaire Sarrasin, to a couple in the Black Shroud. She led what some would call an average childhood, learning and studying under the tutelage of her parents and family. She spent her youth wandering the deep paths of the Shroud, conversing with the Elementals and wildlife, and growing as most children do: quickly. When she was barely half a decade old, she lost her mother, Selaine, to a wasting sickness whose origin is still unknown. After the loss of her mother, Meallaire began focusing herself into Conjury, with the intention of making sure that should sickness every to threaten to take her father, Jeulerand, from her, she would be able to heal him.

What should have been study to better herself and aid others instead became a form of obsession in the young woman, devoting all of herself to the study of conjury, how it affected the body, and more importantly, to the body itself, and how it could be advanced and manipulated with the healing magic. Despite her single-minded obsession with conjury as a way to save a life, she did learn how to heal not only the body, but the mind, and the world around her; her magic a way to support the growth of plants, rather than just people. While her studies never led her to find a way to cure the disease that afflicted her mother, it led her down other paths. She turned her focus of studies toward alchemy and arcanima, intending to blend the two magics, if at all possible, with the natural and unnatural components of alchemy, into a method to cure any disease.

Unfortunately, much as often happens when someone tries to blend two magics, she created a volatile reaction that left her with an overabundance of aether, turning her body into a conduit without a way to slow down the amount of aether that she generates and draws in, or to moderate the amount of aether she expelled when she used any kind of force. The result was a monstrous strength that was dangerous, both to her and to those around her. Her father, desperate to pull her mind from her quest into magic, and to find a way to help his daughter control her new-found strength, traveled from Gridania to Ul’dah, to seek assistance from the goldsmiths and those skilled in the art of thaumaturgy, hoping that they might fashion an item to control the aether generated by her, and purpose it in a way that it would no longer make her own body beyond her control.

Her father returned with an armlet with a glowing symbol on the side, and a warning: that artifact was designed with great care, and should it ever be lost, a second would be impossible to create. For a brief time, she turned herself away from conjury as she struggled to get her strength under control, her body slowly adjusting, and the very young woman herself adjusting to the changes necessary to reign herself in. While her tale should have grown happier at this point, instead, her father was lost to a skirmish with Ala Mhigo in the Twelveswood. Meallaire was devastated by the loss of her father, and packed up her meager belongings and what small fortune they’d amassed from the alchemical potions she had sold, and departed Gridania. She ended up in Othard. She was barely an adult, just past her 19th summer.


Across the Sea
Meallaire’s arrival in Othard was fairly uneventful. The woman traded and bartered her services as an alchemist for a place to stay in a small village, eventually ending up using her strength to help provide for the village by tending to heavy work, her life of conjury and magic traded for the rough working of the land. As she had with conjury, she ended up devoting herself to the study of the local culture. Within a few short years, she’d grown fluent with the language and as familiar with the culture as if she’d been born to it. Her acceptance within the village was a turning point in her life, allowing her to put the pain of the loss of her parents behind her.

She eventually shifted her focus solely from carpentry and building, to swordplay and defense of the village. She also picked up a number of martial arts from those she could find willing to teach her. To anyone who asked, she was as much a citizen of Doma as anyone else in the village, helping it run, living with them, rather than simply among them. Another less spoken-of occupation while in Doma was her time spent as a courtesan. She mentions this only rarely. While she’d become close to the other individuals in the village, she’d become particularly close to another elezen male by the name of Vandor, who she met during the course of her profession. Vandor was a traveler from another part of the world, just like she was, and the two had a great deal in common. They had a fairly long courtship, lasting seven years, and eventually the two wed according to Doman customs.

Life continued as usual for the pair of them, with Vandor helping Meallaire to better her sword skills, and the pair of them working to make a life and home together in Doma. The next ten years were spent in a kind of drifting peace, the village safe, their relationship happy, and life was as good as anyone could imagine it to be. Time trickled by for them, the years passing gradually, during which time Meallaire became pregnant with her first son, Valistaux. The more that time passed however, Meallaire and Vandor realized that while Vandor had gotten older, the passage of time showing in his face and hair and the way he carried himself, Meallaire was stuck in time, held up by the aether that kept her body regenerating.

Experimentation started, with the woman trying to exhaust everything she knew from her past in restoring her husband, slowing the aging process and tending to the life they'd built as best as she could. Eventually, the strain became too much, and she collapsed. After a year sick, and all of the methods at her disposal exhausted, they had the talk they'd dreaded: leaving the home they'd known and built together, to go back to Eorzea, or seek help in Sharlayan. Knowing that if she didn’t want to outlive her husband they would need some kind of help, they regretfully packed their belongings, and for the second time in her life, Meallaire headed across the sea: back to Aldenard, to Eorzea. She'd arrived at 19, and when she departed, she was just over a hundred summers come and gone. Their son decided to stay in Othard, with the woman he'd taken as his wife, Esirelle.


Home Again
The return home brought with it a kind of bittersweet reunion, with Meallaire showing Vandor the graves of her parents, her childhood home, and the two seeking, desperately, for a way to fix the problem growing between them, their disparity in age. Taking back up the paths of conjury and alchemy, she began experimenting and working with manipulating the body, supplementing her work with arcanima. If she couldn’t prevent his aging, she’d simply undo what time wrought on him, and with her abundance of aether and healing magic, began to renew his body.

Months of study turned into years, which turned into decades, and before long, more than half a century had passed; her aging was stunted, but Vandor was approaching the end of his life. Despite their struggles, it seemed like her husband would die long before she did. By the grace of the Twelve, or maybe simply out of blind luck, her experiments finally came to fruition while Vandor was on his death bed. She’d discovered a way to revert his aging and restore his body back to a youthful state. It took almost a year before she managed to get him back on his feet, and his body restored, but finally, again, they stood side by side as husband and wife, young for who knows how long now, alive and ready to really live.

It was only after they finally settled back into routine, years passed to assure them that her husband wouldn’t suddenly revert back to an aged state and pass on her, that she became pregnant with her second and third children, twin boys who were named Aelden and Vaelen. During this time, she also chose the services of a retainer and butler for their house, a man by the name of Mikaelis. The danger passed, they settled into regular life in Gridania, and eventually joined the Order of the Twin Adder, lending their strength to Gridania against the ever elevating skirmishes in the Shroud. The twins were barely ten years old at the time. When the Garleans began pushing the borders of Eorzea, and subsequently the Shroud, Meallaire packed their belongings, and sent Mikaelis and a nanny by the name of Isauld to Ul’dah. She and Vandor opted to remain behind and defend what had become their homeland.


Making A New Life
At the fields of Carteneau Flats, the Alliance met the Empire head-on, with Meallaire and Vandor on the front lines. When Dalamud fell, and the forces of the respective armies scattered, the duo did very much the same. They quit the field, and rather than returning home to Gridania, they traveled to Ul’dah, to rejoin their sons. They changed their names that day, Meallaire becoming Glioca, and Vandor becoming A’rklonn. They took his family name, of Sargonnai, and worked to make a life in the City-State.

With a flood of refugees in the wake of the Calamity, Glioca opened a small shop in Ul'dah, offering her services as a conjurer and barber-surgeon for those who had been injured by the Calamity. While her services were appreciated by some, they were viewed with suspicion by others. Why would an Elezen conjurer lend her aid to those that the citizens of Ul'dah turned a blind eye to? After her clinic was ransacked by Brass Blades, Glioca was forced to shut her doors, and began traveling further and further from Ul'dah.

Not long after this, she took up swordplay with the Gladiator's guild in Ul'dah, utilizing what she'd learned in Othard and with her husband, fighting under the moniker 'The Silver Dragon'. She often fought while masked, and donated any winnings she received to the refugees outside the gates, providing what food and medicine she could. A particularly nasty match left one man dead however, and Glioca ended up quitting the guild and laying down her arms and armor.

Following the death in the circle, and with ever-growing unrest in Ul'dah, Glioca, A'rklonn, and their third at the time, opted to move on to Gridania. While there, Glioca briefly sought out what remained of her family, getting back in touch with the last of her kin. She threw herself back into the Conjurer's guild, opting instead to heal rather than fight. Committed to a course, the trio never settled into Gridania proper, instead traveling around in the Twelveswood like nomads, until eventually ending up at the Oak Inn.


Moving Forward
■ Glioca, A'rklonn, Emeraven and several other members of the family arrived at the Oak Inn just outside Gridania. They and family spent a little over two months living at the Inn. Eventually, the trio decided to move on and formed the Rising Phoenix Free Company, under the banner of the Maelstrom, serving as mercenaries for hire for whatever company so sought their services, but most importantly, establishing the Phoenix Estate within Ul'dahn territory, and eventually opening up Black Phoenix Oddities as a second legitimate front business to the company.
■ Glioca and A'rklonn had a split with the third in their relationship, Emeraven Stormrose, after the Miqo'te woman broke oaths and coupled with another, doing so in secret, and against the rules they all abided by. Glioca only later learned this was the cause of her sudden need to 'split' from the pair of them, and harbors a deep hatred for the woman. She speaks often of how if the Miqo'te wasn't so pathetic, she'd strike her down dead.
■ After dealing with the loss of Emeraven and all of the anger from the separation and her own abandoment, Glioca threw herself into unfamiliar combat training. A skirmish with an oversize Biast in Coerthas resulted in her glasses being ripped from her face and a long scar over her left eye, that thankfully hasn't hampered her vision yet.
■ A chance meeting at the Gold Saucer with Nai Ruahki led to one of the shop's first ordinary customers, with the Miqo'te woman's sweet tooth bringing her back to the shop. During this time, Glioca met Erimmont Chevalier and the two struck up deep conversation, eventually forging what would be a strong friendship.
■ Disturbances in Mor Dhona and Ishgard have led A'rklonn and Glioca to place their shop in the hands of their sons, in preparation for travel to the isolated nation as mercenary forces, taking up arms in the forward skirmishes as the Dravanian hordes begin to wage their war.
■ With the Gates of Ishgard tentatively open, Glioca, along with her husband, traveled to the far northern city. The situations of the people there prompted Glioca to finally lay down her healer's staff in favor of her sword and shield. She pledged herself as a Free Paladin publicly, though in other skirmishes she discards the shield in favor of spellcraft and imbuing her blade with magic; she refers to herself as a Mystic Knight.
■ On a brief return trip to Ul'dah, Glioca received a letter packaged with a journal, and the fragments of a broken shield that belonged to their adopted son, Siduris, along with the notice of his death. The death became one more in a long litany of loss for the woman, and she's thrown herself back into the skirmishes with the Dravanian Horde with renewed fervor.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Oh, the lady w'the white hair? Brings us bread some mornins'. Gives 'em to us after havin' us haul a couple little boxes across town. Anyroad, she's nice enuff." — Ul'dahn Refugee.
"Always orders the same thing. Jenever, she calls it. Smells like a bloody Starlight Tree. An' wot's with that little flask o'hers? Red liquid, spikes the drink all the time. Bad enough she doesn't just call the stuff Gin. Hmf." — Quicksand Barmaid.
"Sure, I've seen her around. Every time she drops by the Knight. Rarely drinks, barely eats, just listens for hours at a time, 'fore leaving again, that sword on her hip. Always looks cold when she goes out. Not chilled, you know, just... cold." — Patron at the Forgotten Knight.
"Give that woman a hammer and she can forge anything y'want. Don't seem to get tired much either. Technique's kind of rough, though she's willing to take on big orders. Been a huge help." — Brithael, Blacksmith's Guild.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"She's got an inventive mind, and a drive to constantly push the boundaries of what we think is possible. She'll go far, of that I'm certain." — Severian.
"I met that man of hers first. Tall fellow, scarred, dotes on her. I bet there's an interesting story behind those two, if you know what I mean." — Momodi Modi.
"She weren't no new hand 'round a stove. Treated every dish like new, an' learned every lesson nice'n slow. Every dish made like it was a treasure, n'matter who it was made for. Made these great little candies, too, sells 'em round 'er shop in Ul'dah." — Lyngsath Doesfalksyn.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Glioca? Diligent with her study, but something about her sets me on edge. Those eyes of hers are too old to belong to someone that young." — Cocobuki, Thaumaturge's Guild.
"Someone told me she was a lady of the evening. Can you imagine the shame of it?" — Ishgardian Noblewoman.
"She definitely knows how to work a piece of wood to an exquisite finish, that's for certain." — Beatin, Carpenter's Guild'.


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Just because I know a little magic doesn't mean I'm the one you should watch out for. My wife is an absolute monster when it comes to combat. Everyone worries about me, but she's the scary one." — A'rklonn Sargonnai.
"You're an idiot." — Anthya Sargonnai, whenever anyone mentions doing anything against Glioca..
"Oh... yeah, she came to our wedding. I can't really say I know them that well. Er, no, I don't rightly know why they were there. But! Anyroad. She seemed well enough, a bit unusual and mysterious, but kind and pleasant in the way you'd expect of someone who holds herself with that kind of poise." — J'karu Rhome.
Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure


A'rklonn Sargonnai ( ) - The Black Phoenix.
While not her first love, A'rklonn is the love of Glioca's life, and the one person in all the worlds that she'd willingly walk into the Void for if something happened to him. Despite whatever other relationships they have had, Glioca and A'rklonn have a long and lasting bond that has carried them through a marriage that's long even by ancient standards, and through the birth of their many children. While she does not openly say so frequently, she both envies her husband for some of his life experiences, and admires him for his endurance and persistence despite all the ill that has happened to him during his similarly long life. She could think of no one else she would choose to spend her eternity with.
Valistaux Sarrasin ( ) - The Eldest Child
Valistaux was the first son born to Meallaire and Vandor, and grew up in Doma. Much like his parents, he's used magical means to extend his lifespan, along with the woman he eventually married, Esirelle, a girl that Meallaire and Vandor adopted during their travels around Othard. The two have a single daughter, Charinne. The pair are still alive, working somewhere in the underground in Othard, fighting with others with a like mind against the Garleans, resisting where they can.
Vaelen Sargonnai ( ) - The Day without a Night.
One half of the twins born of Glioca and A'rklonn, Vaelen is the more impulsive of the two. There is no doubt that Glioca has a more open affection for Vaelen than Aelden, if only because of the time spent together in Vae's youth. The two regularly engage in physical training together, with Glioca passing on some of her sword techniques to Vae, and Vae constantly challenging and pushing her harder as she grows more and more proficient with physical combat with a weapon. With Vaelen comes his wife Arkhiss, a Duskwight woman who Glioca has a great deal of respect for.
Aelden Sargonnai ( ) - The Night without a Day.
The other half of the twins, Aelden is the more sedate and laid-back of the two boys. Glioca and Aelden are not as close, though they have similar hobbies and interests (the study of magic, especially). Glioca often sets Aelden to task at magical research and development of his own style of combat.
Anthya Sargonnai ( ) - The Librarian.
Glioca adores Anthya, the eldest of her adopted children. The affections between the two are often warm, sometimes teasing, sometimes competitive, but most often cooperative, especially in regards to scholarly pursuits. They share a love of books, tea, and continual expansion of knowledge.
Ellemeare Sargonnai ( ) - Unexpected Family.
The most recent of her adopted children, and in fact, the last of them, Ellemeare is a girl that they met by circumstance, who has quickly become a treasured part of the family. Glioca and Elle are perhaps not as close as they could be, but the two share a great affection and warmth as Glioca tries to help get Elle used to their rather. . . unique family ideals.
Vierdyn Faucaux ( - PC/Retainer ) - Glioca's Falcon.
No one is quite sure where the male Duskwight came from, only that he's often either at her side, or lurking about the Phoenix Estate. He takes care of much of the day to day work that Mikaelis is too busy to attend. He's a very quiet individual, and also the solicitor employed for legal matters in the Free Company. He also tends the day to day bookwork for the shop run out of the front of the Manor.
Erimmont Chevalier ( ) - The Novelist.
Glioca and Erimmont met through Nai Ruakhi, and quickly became fast friends. There is an obvious physical tension between the two, made no easier with Glio's constant teasing of him. Glio and A'rk offered Monty their couch and further, a place at the Phoenix Estate until he was ready to get back out in the world and deal with people. When he left quickly, she was worried, but the two have since met and remain almost as close as family.


R'tahz Tia ( ) - The Boy with a Lance.
Glioca met R'tahz at his wedding to J'karu Rhome, after being given an invitation by an elderly gentleman in Coerthas. Curiosity prompted her to attend, and the two are only casually acquainted, though Glioca got a very positive first impression of the male.
J'karu Rhome ( ) - Hugger of Cactaur.
Glioca met J'karu at her wedding to R'tahz, after being given an invitation by an elderly gentleman in Coerthas. Curiosity prompted her to attend, and the two are only casually acquainted, though Glioca got a very positive first impression of the woman. She is in the process of creating a Sabotender Bailarina plush for the female miqo'te.
Mikaelis ( - NPC/Retainer ) - One hell of a butler.
A man without a last name, Mikaelis isn't actually a Wildwood as he appears, but instead, a Voidsent contracted to Glioca and bound inside an Elezen body. The two made a bargain, and Mikaelis lost. He's now bound to follow her orders to the letter, and she's exercised this control by turning him into both a bodyguard for the Phoenix Estate, and her personal butler. It's unknown what type of Voidsent he is, and under his current contract, he can't be destroyed permanently, but instead is forced to return to her side after a number have days have passed, even if his current body is slain.
Isauld Sorel ( - NPC/Retainer ) - The Nanny
The elder of the Sorel siblings, Isauld was first hired on as a nanny for Glioca, to care for her sons, Aelden and Vaelenn when the pair were younger. She's an older woman, soft spoken and gentle. She tends to various things for Glioca in the household now, primarily inventory for things like meals, and mostly spends her time reading.
Melisine Sorel ( - NPC/Retainer ) - Business Savvy.
The younger of the Sorel siblings, Melisine was hired on to help Glioca and A'rklonn in their shop in the Goblet. She mostly tends to the day to day sales, simple things that wouldn't warrant the attention of either Sargonnai, and most mundane purchases are handled through her.
Emeraven Stormrose ( ) - That Useless Wretch.
Once upon a time, Glioca and A'rklonn were in a relationship with Emeraven. It ended quite poorly, and since then, she goes to great lengths to avoid the woman. She's moved past what happened, but it still leaves the taste of ashes in her mouth to recall what occurred.


She Who Watches
Artist: Peter Gundry
Origin: Elven Fantasy Music
Context: Main character theme.
Crann Na Beatha
Artist: Adrian von Ziegler
Origin: Celtic Music
Context: Time stretches out in an endless ocean.
Where The Shadows Cannot Reach
Artist: Adrian von Ziegler
Origin: Film Music
Context: At home over the seas.
Artist: Adrian von Ziegler
Origin: Fantasy Film Music
Context: Finding love.
Forest Children
Artist: Adrian von Ziegler
Origin: Fantasy Film Music
Context: Shoulder to shoulder, flight before destruction.
Welcome Home
Artist: Adrian von Ziegler
Origin: Fantasy Film Music
Context: A new home, a new name, a new beginning.
Desperate Battle
Artist: Szepes R. Ritsu
Origin: Unknown
Context: Blade to claw, injury and loss.
Enfin Apparu
Artist: Shiro Sagisu
Origin: Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Context: Magical combat atop the tower, facing thyself.
Artist: Szepes R. Ritsu
Origin: Unknown
Context: Fighting off the void.
Artist: K. Goulden
Origin: Final Fantasy X - People of the North Pole
Context: Through Coerthan snows.
Kami Ni Tsukaeshi Mono
Artist: Taku Iwasaki
Origin: Kuroshitsuji OST
Context: Dancing, blade in hand.



Player Note
I expect a clear IC / OOC division in RP. Glioca's feelings and my feelings are separate. I'm not opposed to friendships, but if an OOC relationship becomes stifling or uncomfortable, I won't hesitate to address the issue, or cut contact. Similarly, I hope that others are also as open in this regard as I am. I prefer clear lines of communication with whomever I'm RPing with, and those I'm RPing with should always feel free to send a /tell to clear up any questions.
I like to think I'm a reasonable person in terms of plots and what I'll allow to happen to my character, but I do have a few hard limits as to things I will or will not allow for my creation. Ultimately, domain over her is mine, and I've spent a great deal of time developing her. There will be certain things I refuse to role-play, either because I don't feel they'd have a positive impact on her in the plot, or because I have no interest in the direction it would take my character.
A large point of note, and I feel this is important, is that I do not believe in 'retconning' a storyline, even if it ends unfavorably for myself or my characters. Names may or may not be changed, and tidbits of information might be changed to better reflect a character's story, but I refuse to undo elements of her past that have happened. If your character was involved with Glioca in a storyline or other aspect, except those aspects to be recognized, even if negative, for the remainder of her play. If a player feels as if they need to retcon it from their story, that is their prerogative, but as a player I find it insulting to those I've played with to simply wipe out the existing history and hours of time and effort we both devoted to a story, no matter how it turned out in the end.
There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstory that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or in role-play revelation. Please keep in mind that anything that cannot be immediately observed about Glioca is considered OOC, and should not be used in-character. Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumors freely, if you want to use a Rare Rumor as a plot hook, I would ask that you send me a tell first, to make certain it's alright.
Personal RP Limits
I like to consider myself a flexible player who is willing to commit to a number of different types of scenes and role-play scenarios, but even I have my limits. If something is on the play list, assume it means yes, as long as it's within the context of the current play or ongoing plot. No's are typically a hard no, and it means don't ask, and if I'm in the mood for it, I'll be the one to initiate. This is in part because Glioca's already had such a screwed up backstory in some places, she doesn't need anymore mental anguish. She's already had a lifetime of it.
I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment. Temporary character death.
I won't play permanent character death. Anything mentally scarring. Kidnap and/or rape plots (with a very rare few exceptions.
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. While an effort was made to craft lore that was vague enough and would believably fit into what we know based on the Echo, until we have hard and fast information from SE. Changes made to make her fit more accurately within the lore will be noted below
Information added on skills in regards to Machine use (Machinist), Astrology (Astrologian), and Dark Magic (Dark Knight). Information will be adjusted as necessary after the release of Heavensward, to make it lore-compliant.
Magic Swordsmanship is a nod to Mystic Knight, from older Final Fantasy games, and has been developed through role-play. It combines different elements of the various classes presented in game, and is considered a place-holder until SE releases a similar class (not Dark Knight), or permanent, if they never do. Details may be changed accordingly if a similar class is later introduced to the game.
Any reference to 'white magic' in Glioca's wiki is considered to be white magic in the sense of conjury and healing magic, as opposed to the white magic of the Shroud. Similarly, any reference to 'black magic' refers to thaumaturgy, and not the magic of the Black.
Glioca is based on the goddess of the same name from Kru/Nexon's Dark Ages. Her story and lore was heavily modified after 13+ years of play in forum, tabletop, and MMO role-play. This iteration has been modified to fit into the FFXIV Universe, as Meallaire.
Glioca is a skilled surgeon. I don't have a medical degree. I don't always type things one hundred percent accurate to real medical knowledge.
If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion. With that said, tells are strictly used for Linkpearls, or OOC communications. I do not do general RP in /tells because I use it so heavily for these other purposes.


Potential Plot Hooks
Glioca has done and seen a lot in her history. While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm actively spamming PvE content.
She spent a brief amount of time on the sands as a Gladiator under the name The Silver Dragon. She wore full silver armor, kept her hair short at the time, and wore a silver and black mask during that time.
She owns a business, Black Phoenix Oddities, along with A'rklonn. The business is small, but can provide a wide variety of goods. She is also the head of Rising Phoenix, a company of mercenaries who take on an array of different jobs.
Among some of the things she is capable of, she is a cook, gardens and grows a number of herbs, including recreational herbs, and also brews a number of different liquors.
She is multi-talented because of her quick memory, and can do an lot of different things, though none of them with so great a proficiency as to be called a master at any one thing. The closest is healing, and anything to do with the physical body, as it's what she has been studying the longest. She's always looking to expand the list of things she is capable of, or extend her mastery of what she knows to gain a greater proficiency with it.

Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe Meallaire/Glioca either in part, or as a whole. Her background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
Action Girl This trope is self-explanatory. Glioca enjoys getting dirty in a fight, and is a very in-your-face style combatant when engaged.
Deadly Doctor Glioca has a lot of medical knowledge and uses it to great effect. While she's a healer, she also doesn't prescribe to any kind of oath that would prevent her from doing harm to others. Ironically, she was a pacifist in her youth, and hated violence.
Even the Girls Want Her This keeps happening to her, even when she is somewhat snapppish and short with other women. This was so persistent, even in other iterations of her that it was dubbed being 'Gliosexual', as women who had no interest in other women often developed an attraction to her. This actually frustrates her (and amuses her player).
Photographic Memory Glioca has a memory that is so sharp that she can look at an item, and reproduce it without much effort. She can learn a great deal in a very short amount of time, but this doesn't mean she can master everything she learns. It takes time and repetition for her to learn anything to enough effect to be considered a master in it, even if she can produce above-average results.
Beware The Nice Ones She's a very sweet and lovely woman, she wears a smile that turns scary when she closes her eyes, and has been known to frighten grown men into almost tears with it.
Silk Hiding Steel When she's not playing up her abilities, Glioca comes off as a very caring, sweet, and motherly individual. She's often soft-spoken, rarely raises her voice, and can seem almost timid. She often presents herself as a lady, but has a very hard side under her kindness. Goes along with Beware The Nice Ones.
Layout Credit
Template adapted from Bancroft Gairn, with edits by Xheja Rajhera, inspiration from D'lyhhia Lhuil, and more edits by Glioca Sargonnai. Please leave the link-backs if you use the theme for anything.