Ausaux Grimand

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Ishgard.jpg Ausaux Grimand
'"Thine intention is to speak of mine past?"
Gender Male
Race Elezewn
Clan Duskwight
Citizenship Ishgard
Age Unknown
Nameday 22nd Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon
Occupation Aetheric Scholar / Former Bandit
Free Company Unaffiliated
Orientation Straight.
Server Balmung

Please Note: This is under major construction!

Basic Info


Alabathia's Spine
Coerthan winds
Aetherical studies
Lightning and thunder


Bandits attacking his lot
The Holy See
Ishgardian inquisitors

Hobbies & Talents

He appears to be quite the poet.
He seems to have a way with weaving.
He can sing rather well, though this is oft never heard.
His way of speaking is considered 'odd'.
He often is heard playing an instrument similar to a lute.


Alignment: Neutral
Favorite Food: Marmot
Favorite Drink: Water
Favorite Color: Orange


Ausaux is a tall, hauntingly handsome Elezen man. His appearance would suggest a man of nobility of some sort. Most often found in robes of black and white, he wears them proudly and occasionally can be found in other attire besides. He has long, black hair often kept well tidied with a single braid coming down the left hand side of his face. His face is sharp and could even be considered beautiful, he has curious black facial markings over his eyes with a larger tattoo over his left eye. These emphasis the wolf-like amber colour his eyes have. Much like how a hawk would gaze upon it's prey, these eyes are piercing and do not betray Ausaux' inner emotion. His body itself seems to be lean and muscular, similar to how an athlete.


Rings upon rings!
Often found wearing shark teeth around his neck.
Has both ears pierced




Often speaks in a way not often heard by denizens of Eorzea.
He carries an odd cane on occasion that appears to be made of wood.


His combat style is similar to historic highwaymen. He is aggressive when wielding his sword and shield, but most often than not he awaits for an opening, using his shield as a weapon from time to time as well. He swings hard and fast, his style itself rather elegant swift.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"He appears to have some skill in some sort of aetherial art. I don't know what it is, though..." - Ul'dahn gladiator
"The man does honest work. At least, I hope it's honest!" Maelstrom Private
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"He often brings me good work. Can't give him a bad name. If you work with him without trying to bend him over, he's a trustworthy man." - Ul'dahn trader
"That man is Ishgardian? Why isn't he in the Holy See?" Flames private
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I overheard him speaking to another man. The subject of the conversation was...chilling." - Limsa Lominsan scoundrel
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players - Feel free to make additions)


Mated/Lovers/Dating    Romantic Interest/Crush/Affectionate     Sexual Desire    Friendly     Neutral     Negative

Syznsthal Ohcblaet (Deceased) - A close ally and friend of Syhrdaeg who stayed in Eorzea. Unknown to many, Syhrdaeg was the man that managed to get Syznsthal and his fellow Circle members across the sea from Othard, onboard the Eye of the Rhotano on their second journey back from Othard.


Template by Bancroft Gairn
Theme Songs:


OOC Notes:


Please feel free to add any rumours and the like to this page!