Carina Roussos

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Carina Roussos
"I am not a doctor. I'm a pharmacist."
Biographical Information
Birth Name Carina Allegra Roussos
Guardian Nophica
Birthplace The Shroud
Born 6th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon [20]
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander Hyur
Family Mother [Unknown]

Father [Unknown]

Corbin J. Roussos [Brother/Deceased]

Physical Attributes
Hair Strawberry blonde
Eyes Brown
Height 5'2"
Weight 120 lbs.
Primary Weapon Paracelsus
Secondary Weapon Sword and shield
Career Information
Out-of-Character Information
Username KHMarie
Time Zone EST (gmt-5)
Free Company [[Remnant]]
Server Balmung
Job Alchemist


Work in Progress


Journal Entry: 00

In beginning of the seventh Umbral era the unthinkable happened. Fire rained down from the sky, as if the world were falling apart right before us. The chaos of the great primal Bahamut surrounded us; and for a second I thought we had already perished, and by some cruel fate of Hydaelyn, this was hell.

“What have we done to deserve this,” I whispered out, being wisped away.

A mere fifteen at the time, it was almost like a nightmare, a sick dream. Just days, weeks, years before, nothing could have shown something like this. Tensions with the Garleans had grown with the alliance, but such events were not even thoughts of mine… they didn’t matter to us.

I spent those longs days, within the woods of the Shroud, studying and collecting herbs and bugs with Corbin. My brother, my best friend, the only person who ever gave me the time of day; probably not because he wanted to, but because if he didn’t who would? It was selfish, but that didn’t change that I loved every moment I was with him. Enjoying those days, never did I think they would become distant memories so soon; if I had known I would have cherished them longer. “Rin, sit here. Sit still and stay here, please,” Corbin breathed out haggardly, coughing from the suffocating air. “CJ, don’t go, don’t leave me here,” I gripped onto him for dear life, crying out like I typically did. Though this time I had an excuse, this time I had a reason to cry. I wasn’t ready to let him go…

What if I never saw him again?

“We can still get away, maybe we can run far enough, maybe-” I stop short, choking on my own dry throat. I sobbed out some more as he struggled to pry my hands off of him. “We were going to get ourselves a baby behemoth… we can still do it… maybe this will all…”

“Carina!” he shook me frustratingly

Why was he doing this, why did he want to leave me...

“There are people suffering, and people who are dying. Lots of people. Someone has to help them,” he holds onto my shoulders, looking at me intensely, “I need you to understand that I have to do this,” he leans down, kissing my forehead softly, then staring at me with despair, “sitting around crying... it won’t fix anything, it won’t change what’s happening.” Taking the glasses off his face, he peels my weakened hold off of him, and places them in my hands, wrapping my fingers gently around them. “Hold on to these for me okay, I promise you I’ll come back for them,” he smiles bitterly, as though part of him knew that was a promise he couldn’t keep. As if he knew it was the only thing that I would hold onto. “I promise, I’ll see you again,” I watched dazed, as he stood off and ran off. Before I had a second to latch back onto him, he was running back down to where our village was. I tried screaming out to him, for him to come back. What would he do if he couldn’t see clearly, if I hadn’t been so upset… if I hadn’t cried so much… he wouldn’t have given them to me to hold onto.

Watching it all burn to nothing was the hardest part.

I ran back in, as if there was anything I could do…

I had to take him back, I couldn’t leave him there to…

The flames surrounding me nipped at my skin, biting me painfully and leaving painful marks.

I never did find him.

Eventually I succumbed to the heat. The unbearable suffering of my own skin feeling as though it were melting off my bones.

At least it would all be over soon.

Journal Entry: 01


Carina's personality can really only be explained as neurotic. Using other sources to subdue her feelings of loneliness and anger, she is typically seen as very happy, up-beat and polite. You will almost never see her cry, ever, it takes very specific circumstances to break her down. When her normal mood starts to surface, she'll start talking to herself a lot, and scratching herself anxiously. Being a preemie she has always been small, clumsy and weak; easily getting injured and ill. Her pathetic composure leads her to self-deprecation; she has little to no self-motivation and only lives her life to serve other people, most specifically her deceased brother. She has spent the past couple years since the Calamity drowning herself in her alchemic studies, and researching the disaster extensively. She lives in denial over death, and can not accept it as a possibility.

Aside for those traits she can get rather mouthy and often doesn't know how to pick fights. She doesn't fear getting injured or hurt, stating "there is nothing that could measure up to the pain I've already experienced." which has led to her getting taken advantage of quite a lot.

Pre-Calamity Carina was actually very different. Overly emotional and seen as both bratty and a cry-baby. She had a foul mouth and was very crude and never afraid to voice how she felt on something. She also easily became jealous of anyone who took away the attention of her brother from her. This alienated herself from other children, where the only person who tolerated her antics was her brother.

Even through all these negative, Carina has grown quite a bit. Learning to deal with her sufferings with the help of a friend or two, she is starting to try to find other things to occupy her time with. She has stopped subduing her feelings and is trying to naturally deal with them. She will typically seen as easier to get down, but her thinking is a lot more positive.

She is bad at approaching people, and tends to watch people interact from afar.


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
She is afraid of loud noises.
All the potions she makes taste putrid.
She's insane.
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
She's a doctor.
She is obsessed with behemoths.
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
There is something not quite right with that behemoth of hers.
She has a reputation in the darker parts of Ul'Dah.
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Physical Attraction Platonic Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

Corbin J. Roussos Also known as CJ, Carinas love for her brother surpasses anything else she cares about. There is little she wouldn't do to be with him again, even at the mercy of believing him to still be in the realm of the living, even though she knows this is impossible. She's started coming to terms with the fact he is gone, and has started trying to move on, but she still easily falls prey to those who tempt her with her his name. Not much is known about him besides what Carina praises him over.
Mother & Father The young Hyurs parents are a subject she almost exclusively never speaks of. Never brought up to her, or questioned, the only times she was asked about her parents her response typicially is that of coldness and digression, hinting at a poor standing.
Muriella Ruossos Carina's aunt from her fathers side who lives in Ul'Dah. Little is known to other about this relative of her, in fact she rarely ever speaks of her. It is implied that she lived with a relative at some point, assuming to be her aunt. Though when hinted at, Carina's typical response is that "I'd rather never be in the presence of that person again" hinting at a poor standing.
Joseph Carina's beloved pet behemoth. Bought with the money given to her by her brother almost a year after the Calamity struck, Joseph has been her only confide and friend for years. She frequently talks to him as if he could speak back, and never refers to him as her "pet", claiming it would be disrespectful to claim she owned him. Joseph is very energetic and a constant source of happiness for the young Hyur. Although the two started out with a difficult relationship, it is assumed he cares very deeply for Carina and her safety. She named him after her brothers middle name.
Sephirah Eruafnor A violent Raen with devious intentions. Having found him and his partner Kersch in an alley way outside of the Quicksand after an incident within the tavern, she convinced the two to come back to her company's house so that they could have a place to stay. She cares deeply for Sephirah, him holding very similar physical traits to her brother, and cares for his safety. While he shows her kindness and warmth with his words, his destructive behavior and dark intentions toward her has caused her a great deal of distress. She feels responsible for his actions toward others in her company, considering she was the one who brought him there.
Kersch Schwarzer Sephirahs partner. At first she felt distant with Kersch, as though he hated her presence; after returning back to the house after a long absence though, his attitude toward her had greatly improved. She worries about Kersch and how Sephirah treats him, wanting to help them both.
Serick Burwani A rather crude and self-destructive Miqo'te. Always getting himself into trouble, Carina and him hit it off sourly to begin with. His rude behavior put her off, and mostly annoyed her and although she still made the effort to be polite to him, his company usually caused her a great deal of stress. After some time around him, she began to warm up to his antics, and empathize with how he felt like he deserved what he got. After seeing other sides of him, Carina feels a very strong urge to want to spend more time with the Miqo'te and be closer to him. She often brings him food in hopes of cheering him up, or making him think better about himself. Although he typically brings it on himself, she hates how others treat him, and will often snap at people who speak poorly about him in front of her.
Orin Kai A very sultry Raen that is within the company Carina has joined. Usually being very caring, he often calls Carina cute names. Some of his actions toward her have made her grow slightly uneasy of him, but she mostly blames herself for that and not him.
Alex Fyher A good friend of Carina's, his attitude reminds her tremendously of her brother. She finds comfort in his company, and fears disappointing him because of the parallels he shares with Corbin. Alex has done a lot to try to help Carina deal with her loss, these words of support often being lost by Sephirahs temptations toward her.
Seras Dragon A rather strange Raen female. Most conversations that go on between her and Carina are that of Seras either trying to convince her to "mate" with someone, or sleep in her bed with her. When that is not going on, Carina is usually helping treat Seras medicinally for her scars and providing salves to help with her mindset.
Evey Vorai A kind hyur female, she met her first when the company was still just a camp. After going missing for awhile, she saw Evey again in Ul'Dah, and found out about her predicament. She wants to ask Evey for advice on things, but is nervous about approaching her.



Template by Bancroft Gairn Edits by IndustryThirteen
Theme Song:
TV Tropes: Break the CutieStepford Smile