Tamaya no Rio
((This pages is a work in progress! Thus, some information will be missing.))
Basic Info
Alignment - Chaotic Neutral
Elements - Primary: Fire - Secondary: Earth
Sexuality - Homosexual
Height - 5'3
Weight - Formerly weighed 127 pounds. Is weightless as a spirit
Hair - Formerly vivid red, styled in pigtails in the front
Eyes - Dark Brown
Skin - Formerly tanned and light brown, her time in the desert sun has overridden her heritage's light skin.
Build - Formerly sported a lithe build, suited for running.
Clothing - In life, she preferred to wear lightweight shirts and other baggy, somewhat revealing clothing. Tends to dress for warmer climes in deep reds and purples.
Markings - Scars: Rio bears a number of small cuts and scars where healing magic hasn't completely done the job. Her spirit also bears a number of scars taken from magical attacks.
Markings - Tattoos: Rio's trademark red heart and diamond tattoos are present on both her body and her spirit, and serve as a means of identifying her.
Languages - Rio is able to speak and write both Eorzean and Garlean fluently.
"Until Death Do Us Part"
"A Realm Reborn"
Rio van Rosch is set to reappear in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.
Voice - Loud and high pitched to the point of annoyance, Rio's voice was full of energy and life. It wasn't uncommon, however, to see Rio muttering and talking to herself.
Personality - Trusting to a fault, Rio is loyal to those that she considers friends and family, even until death. She tends to brighten and ramble on about subjects she's interested in; but isn't quite as good of a listener. She tends to cling to those who are close to her; even to the point of tailing them across the world.
Demeanor - Rio tends to walk with a bounce in her step and maintains a very in-your-face attitude. She doesn't quite understand the concept of personal space.
Religion - Rio is firmly agnostic, despite dwelling in Thal's Eternal City. She works with the Twin Gods out of a desire to return to life, instead of out of any respect for them.
Goals - To return to life and be reunited with her sisters.
Quirks and Flaws
1) Flips like a light switch between thoughtfulness and impulsivity. She'll take a long time to scheme and plan one decision, and then rush into another one without thinking for seemingly no rhyme or reason.
2) She has a often forgetful nature in regards to link pearls often forgetting to deactivate them after she is done with them.
Likes -
Dislikes -
Hates -
Fears -
1) Being alone.
2) Having misfortune befall her sisters while she's too dead to stop it.
-Immediate Family-
Perry van Rosch- Father, Whereabouts unknown. Presumed alive.
Alya van Rosch- Mother, Whereabouts unknown. Presumed alive.
-Surrogate Family-
Almaz Khaltamze - Current residence: Ishgard
Aylis Crescent- Current residence: Ishgard
Mhrii Pericamberih - Current residence: Unknown, though Mhrii serves Ishgard on the outside gathering more /difficult and questionable/ materials for the imprisoned Almaz and Aylis
Genavie Cross - Current residence: Unknown
Arydin Cerius - Current residence: Unknown, believed to be deceased
Shurin Mizune - Curremt residence: Unknown
Specialization:: A master of the Imperial Stahlfaust Martial Art, Rio prefers to let her fists do the talking on the battlefield. Launching herself into the fray by using magic to rocket forward, her strong, precise blows are aimed to cripple an opponent before finishing them off. Using enfeebling and enhancing magic to turn the tide of battle, Rio gives an all new spin to the term "Combat Mage". Her numerous machina creations also make her a highly unpredictable foe at any range.
Strengths:: Rio's unpredictability and mobility are her biggest assets on the battlefield. She takes full advantage of the element of surprise, and being caught unawares by her tends to spell certain death as her fists and magic reduce her foe to a smoldering corpse.
Weaknesses:: In larger battlefields, Rio's lessened long-range toolbox tends to serve as nothing but a liability, making her easy to disable at long range. Also, she tends to wear next to no armor, making her fragile at best, a complete glass canon at worst. She also tends to be weak against Water and Wind Magic, thanks to her elemental specialties.
Rio tends not to opt for any weapons at all, but when forced into a situation where she has to use them, Rio is a decent shot with a pistol or rifle. Also, she possesses some proficiency in the lance. Any other non-machina weapon is really a mystery to her.
Opting out of wearing armor at all, Rio usually defaults to her own lightweight clothing and relies on magic shielding to soak up hits for her. However, most of the time she approaches battle with the intention of not getting hit at all, because she doesn't quite trust her magic shields to stop blades.
Key Items and Keep Sakes
Afflictions and Sickness
Death- Rio's body is currently very deceased. The advantage of this is that she no longer suffers from any of her old afflictions. The downside? Rio is unable to use her body to interact with the physical world, and her soul is confined to the realm of Thal. There's a good chance her body is damaged beyond repair, and it was never given a proper burial so it's very likely that she's decomposed quite a bit. In other words, she's been better.
The Eternal City- Rio is currently a resident of the Eternal City; Thal's city of the dead. Despite being welcomed into paradise, Rio aims to return to Hydaelyn in order to assist her sisters. She remains in good standing with the other souls of those long departed, even if they think she's a bit weird for wanting to return.
Rio's Eorzean Affiliations will be updated upon her returning to life and reestablishing her ties with them.
Friends and Foes
Thal - The god of death, member of the twelve gods of Eorzea, and half of Nald'Thal. Rio holds a tenuous relationship with this deity, thanks to her previous intrusions upon his realm, such as contacting Annywyn Lightstrider's spirit. She is currently negotiating with him for her revival on Hydaelyn.
Aylis Crescent - One of Rio's closest sisters, and her fiancé before her death; Rio misses Aylis greatly. She remains one of Rio's greatest motivations for returning to life.
Almaz Khaltamze - A sister as well as a mother figure to Rio, Rio looks forward to seeing her again and misses her greatly.
Mhrii Pericamberih - One of Rio's sisters and a close friend to her. Rio hopes to see Mhrii again once she is restored to life.
Genavie Cross - One of Rio's sisters. Rio hadn't seen Genavie for a while even before her death, but hopes to see her again one day.
((Work in progress!))