Qunbish Malqir

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 Malqir-un Qünbish
"I have much to teach."
Gender Male
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship None
Age 45
Height/Weight 7 fulms 4 ilms/ 400 ponze
Occupation Tribal leader

Qünbish (KYOON-bish) of the Malqir is one of the eldest of a people in perpetual conflict, and that he's outlived so many Xaela is a testament to his strength and cunning in itself. It's for this that he has the distinction of leading his people in this new land, having delivered one of the largest groups of a single tribe from their homeland of Othard. Wisdom and experience mark him, though he claims neither, instead letting others see and judge.



Though older than nearly any other Xaela still living, his people age well and despite his scars Qünbish is no exception. In his prime he towered over his peers and even most Roegadyn, but now old wounds have him hunched a full hand below what he once was. Still, his profile gives away his history as a warrior among his people, built thick and strong despite having long-given up the practice. Long, dull auburn hair is streaked with grey, though kept in immaculate condition; straight and smooth with a shine, often scented with holy sweetgrass.

His face is almost always painted, varied for his environments and mood, but always meaningful and relevant to his abilities and roles. Often it draws attention to his most striking feature, and at a distance it may seem that he only has one eye; the right is bright, with a golden iris and fiery red limbic ring. The left is dark, iris dilated to the point of being almost indistinguishable between his pupil and black sclera common to the Xaela. Despite the nicks and burns that mar his face, none of the scars seem to encroach on his seemingly blind eye.

A thin but prominent aquiline nose divides his face, always obvious in his profile no matter how his face is painted. An ivory crescent is always hooked through his septum, the first of his visible piercings. The others include a sharp wolf fang labret that juts out below full lips, and a glint of red agate rarely glimpsed as a stud in his tongue.

Many of his traits trend toward bestial, with several sets of long, thick canines that border on being fangs and scales that are thicker and harder than most, overgrown more of his body than is typical like some grotesque suit of armor. Though marred and warped in many places, some are as hard and dense as wood - even ritually carved and scarred in spiritually poignant places. Where black scales don't cover, leathery skin is a deep red tone similar to the Angura tribe of northeastern Othard. His skin bears intricate and distinct patterns of ink tattooed around the edges of the scales that cover his arms, describing experiences and accomplishments that only he can tell.

Abnormally large hands, gnarled by a lifetime of battle and labor, end with long nails that taper into thick talons. The points are dull, proving them as a display of status rather than a tool of violence or intimidation, and further separating him from his warrior origins. Some traits always mark him as a monster, however, including a massive tail that hangs down to his ankles; a thick and powerful limb, spiked and with scars that indicate use in battle.

Hygiene is surprisingly paramount for the tribal horse-lord, even cleaner than most cityfolk. Leathers are kept clean and never ragged, though cloth may tatter at the ends. He always smells of sweetgrass and cedar, proud to stand apart from what he considers the stench of the city and its people.


Despite the build of a warrior once renowned across the steppes for his ferocity in battle, Qünbish is almost always unarmed and unarmored, with leathers and a utility knife at most. For those attuned to the aetherical, his seemingly crippled body is compensated with a strong affinity for tribal sorcery, or ilbe as his people call it. Indistinguishable from the thaumaturgy and Black Magic of the beast tribes, though without the stigma brought on by the abuses in Eorzea it's regarded in a much higher esteem by most Xaela. This strength in the Black has many more layers, familiar as it is to those descended from the Dusk Mother.

Any other skills go unseen and mentioned only in rumor of his lost prowess.


While many Au Ra fled their homeland by sea, Qünbish led an entire khanate across land. Malqir cunning and a lifetime of experience fighting Garlean invaders allowed them to cut through Ilsebard and occupied Gyr Abania after the greater Malqir tribe finally fell to the Empire's response to the Doman rebellion. While many Malqir died and were scattered, the clan he hailed from, the Algadei, remained intact throughout the journey to Eorzea. Many died, but many more of the other tribes died on treacherous seas. Because of this, he arrived with his people months after most Au Ra, ignorant of the situation in Eorzea and far less accustomed to their ways. But they arrived intact, and he remains staunchly conservative of his ways, rejecting Eorzean culture and convenience in a proud and noble attempt to preserve his people's storied culture.

Now his khanate - the largest group of Malqir still left in the world, to his knowledge - maintains its nomadic ways, shifting camp from one part of Eorzea to another, always respecting the land they tread upon. The natives of these new lands may come at odds, but strategy and intellect tend to prevail. If not in preventing conflict, then in resolving it decisively.

Malqir tradition gave him at least half a dozen children, and even a scant few grandchildren, scattered across just as many wives. He's had neither in many cycles, with only one known child that survived Othard and their exodus to Eorzea. All Malqir are his children now, each afforded fatherly regard as he teaches and protects them, both his chief concerns as their leader.


It's a land of rumors, and many circulate.


Players can add on freely.

  • "I've seen him in the city from time to time, but never for long and he's always sneering at everything like his shit don't stink."
  • "Damned if I know how, but that behemoth of his has better manners than most chocobos. Won't even mess on the road."
  • "Among our people, Qaraa Behemat was a legendary warrior who carved bloody swaths through the invaders with blade and spell. He died five turns past and rose again, drinking the soul of his murderer. That is his legacy."
  • "Not terribly gifted in the Eorzean tongue. Seemed nice enough for such a scary-looking bloke, if a little slow in the head."
  • "There's something off about him. Doesn't act like a monster, but he looks like one. And more importantly, feels like one. That aura is just empty."
  • "He's fucked if he ever goes to Ishgard. They might be more familiar with Au Ra now, but those scales and fangs? And the size of him? The Temple Knights might not touch him, but the other xenophobes surely will."
  • "He's sired many children, and nearly all had the marks of greatness. Only one survived war in Othard, and though he'll never admit it, we all know it was the wrong one."
  • "Qunbish? That Malqir leader... I know of him. Patient, that one. Tempers Dotharl and previous Aldahr alike... I am afraid it will be the death of him one day. " Hinako Mori