Nenanie Durendaire

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Nenanie Durendaire
Ishgardian Black Mage



Vital Information

Other Titles... Neena, Lady Durendaire

Full Name... Nenanie Bella de Durendaire

Ethnicity... Elezen: Duskwight

Gender... Female

Age... Twenty-Five

Nameday... 5th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon

Orientation... Demiromantic | Asexual

Martial Status... Single

Other Statistics

Nationality... Ishgardian

Bloodline... High House Durendaire

Place of Residence... None

Occupation... Black Mage Adventurer

Guardian Deity... Oschon, The Wanderer

Height... 6 fulms 2 ilms

Weight... 179 ponzes

Alignment... Chaotic Good

The first thing about Neena is that she is relatively quiet, especially if she is in the presence of strangers due to social anxiety. She doesn't say much unless she's spoken to, interested in the topic or in the presence of her friends. This doesn't mean she isn't listening; in fact its quite the opposite. She listens to everyone around her, even if they aren't at her table or even know she's there. Some may call it creeping and Neena won't deny that at all, but sometimes conversations are more interesting when it isn't necessarily your business, and may even get a laugh out of it. While she doesn't actually tell others that she listens to their conversation she won't deny it if they ask her. But if you want to fight with this young Black Mage, then its recommended you wear something fire resistant. For Neena isn't just a Black Mage, she's a pyromaniac Black Mage; a woman who loves fire and is her first line of offense against her enemies. If someone insults her or her friends she will attempt to, or at least contemplate, flaying them alive with no remorse or regret on the action. Not to mention she can get rather sadistic with such things, even if fire isn't involved.

To her, her enemies are the most entertaining when they see her flames, see her lack of remorse or 'morality' as some may think. When she sees their fear, she smirks, grins and revels in their questioning of her own sanity when she lets her flames blaze forth towards anything that threatens her friends and, possibly, the area she's visiting. To her its all in good fun while also progressing in her Black Magic and getting better wielding the darkness that resides within much like how her mother once did. That is about the extent of her 'insanity' thankfully enough as long as you don't count scaring her friends and setting fire to the small things like hair or clothes.

Despite being devious and often times 'insane' Neena isn't without her humanity. If you become her friend, if you earn her trust and get her to come out of her shell, she will care for you and will defend you even if things seem to go against you entirely. This is especially to those very, very close to her, that she looks up to and feel she can put her emotions and thoughts out to them without fearing her own anxiety. To those who win that sort of trust gain a love that isn't so easily thrown away or destroyed, not unless there's undeniable truth to betrayal. To her it wouldn't matter if you had a bad reputation or even killed people, if she truly cared and loved for you then you were safe from her and would often be protected by her if she feels you are in need of assistance. To those few people, she gives her thoughts to them and it would legitimately make her upset if they came to be annoyed or despise her, but won't show it unless alone with them or someone else she trusted enough to help support her in her emotional state. Because she derives support from the friends she has, Neena is often very judgmental to those who say bad things to them, often wondering how accurate their claims were or if they were out to get her friends. Unless they talk to her themselves about her friends or herself, Neena will continue to silently judge them while occasionally thinking on how to burn them alive.


Adventuring // Exploring. She loves traveling to new places and getting the lay of the land, thinking that the world, itself, is her home rather than just the cold lands of Ishgard.
Fire. Obviously being a pyro, Neena enjoys the destructive force so much that she uses it the most when summoning her magic.
Dragons. As ironic as it is, Neena adores dragons now that she knows of their plight and the exact reason they waged war so many years ago and will defend them with her life. Even if she goes against her father.
Cooking. Its one of her favorite pastimes that she has used to remember her mother. She is so dedicated she has decided to go out and gain materials for cooking instead of just buying them.
Darkness. Since she is often using the darkness within to channel her Dark Magic, Neena loves the dark and is fascinated of those that live in it, namely Voidsents.
Swords // Armor. While she loathes her father's incessant orders to have her fight with a sword, shield and armor she can't help but love the stuff, especially the way they sound.


Lord Durendaire. She hates her father, loathes him even because of how he treated her and what he did to her mother, she makes it her mission to do everything he hates just to spite him.
Betrayal. If she there is one thing she can't stand is getting stabbed in the back; if she does you bet your ass she will burn you to death.
Ignorance. Sure its okay with children but to older folk who feign ignorance to what is happening to them or around them is unacceptable, don't be a dumbass and not realize the entirety of your situation!
Strangers // Crowds. Like a true Ishgardian Neena dislikes strangers and then crowds even more; this is because of her social anxiety than of narrow minded ignorance.
Snow. While not minding the cold winds and the danger being frozen to death she definitely dislikes the snow because it reminds her of Ishgard and the negative memories that usually are associated with the place.
The Archbishop // Heaven's Ward. She hates them with a burning passion, they deserve to be killed in the most painful way possible for what they did.
Ascians. To Neena they are a little more than annoyance in theory while the biggest pain in the ass in the field, she wished they'd all just die already.


Eavesdropping. If Neena hears a conversation with those large ears of hers she is definitely going to listen to the conversation to see if there is anything interesting.
Ear Twitching. Her ears often twitch when she hears something with interest or something significant to her.
High Places. Often times when she wants to think Neena will go to high places and sit to gaze upon the scenery below.
Neena is a very tall woman, but for Elezen standards she is average height. Her skin is a grey color with only white markings on her eyes, which are a light blue color. Her hair is long with a single loose braid in the back and is a wheat-blonde color. She, of course, has long lanky arms and legs along with her long ears that have black stubs attached to them. She often has a staff on her back and a small dragon on her shoulder or flying around her.
  Color Key
  ♥ In A Relationship: Neena is romantically involved with this character.
  ♥ Romantic Attraction: Neena is romantically interested in this character.
  ♥ Sexual Attraction Neena is physically interested in this character.

  ♥ Platonic Love/Family: Neena considers this person family.
  ♦ Friend: Neena considers this person her friend.
  ♦ Friendly Acquaintance: Neena considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

  ● Good Standing: Neena has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a good impression.
  ● Neutral: Neena has no specific feelings about this character.
  ● Bad Standing: Neena has no specific feelings about this character, however they left a bad impression.

  ♠ Dislike: Neena doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
  ♠ Hate: Neena consider this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
  ♠ Fear: Neena is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all cost.
  ♠ Rivalry: Neena consider this person a rival, and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.

  ♥ Family Member: This character is related by blood to Neena.
  ✔ Business: This character is either an Neena's employer, employee, or coworker.
  ✖ Deceased: This character has passed away.
  ? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: This character has one of all the color keys above, but Neena isn't fully aware of it yet.

Family (NPC)

  Lord Durendaire ( ) ( NPC ) - Father
While Neena is the child of Lord Durendaire she hates him with a passion. Not just because she is a bastard but also because he ruined her life ever since her mother was killed. He made her grow up as a male and forced her to endure sword training so that she could help defend Ishgard from Dravanian forces. He absolutely forbad magic of any kind, stripping Neena away from the very thing that she could connect with her mother. Luckily the small pranks she gave him while also naming her Chocobo 'Dravania' and running away to become a Black Mage, much to her father's anger.
  Melanie Estienne (   ♥ ) ( NPC ) - Mother
Malanie was Neena's biological mother and a mistress of Lord Durendaire. While Neena can't remember much of her mother she knew that she fell in love with her father, who was very kind to Melaine before finding out she was a Black Mage. Because Neena watched her mother be burned to death at 6 she still has Night Terrors about it occasionally. She swears by the Twelve she can hear her mother's voice through the power of the Echo.


  Madam Seraphine ( ) - Best Friend // Surrogate Mother
To say that Neena adores Sera is an extreme understatement. She absolutely loves her. Ever since she was a child Sera had already been the prized servant of the Durendaire household for many years and was ordered by Lord Durendaire to keep watch over his children. This especially included Neena due to her night terrors after her mother died and the fact she always was getting in trouble with, mostly, her father. Since Neena lacked a positive female figure in her life the child instantly attached herself to the Handmaiden and saw her the mother that she never had. Even after finding out Sera's true nature when only 11 years old she stayed by her side, protected her from being found out by the public. Even now with Sera's newest change Neena loves her unconditionally, she is her best friend, her mother and her most cherished loved one.
  Lyngbakr Lyngwintsyn ( ) - Father-Like Figure
When first meeting 'Ser Captain' Neena didn't think that he wouldn't really be any more than a friend. Someone to talk to every now and again. But ever since Sera was freed from her shackles of servitude Neena finds herself talking and hanging out with the 'pirate' more and more. Its even gone so far as to say she started to see him as a father-like figure to her person, a person she can emotionally depend on, to show her troubled emotions to. While currently she only sees him as a friend Neena believes in time she will, just like Sera, see him like a father. Until then she will be satisfied in scary the living shit out of him by playing fire around him and sneaking up on him with her dragon.
  Typhos Highwind ( ) - Fellow Warrior of Light
Being someone who can hear the wracking of Hydaelyn's words, Neena was glad to know she wasn't the only one subjugated to the torture. But while she was almost unwillingly carrying out the will of the Mother Crystal, Typhos was doing the exact opposite: he was doing whatever he could to help the world out. But even with his hero mannerisms and thoughts Neena likes him, and almost cheers him on with his pursuit of romance with Sera. The only thing that's a bit annoying is his stubbornness and 'goody-two shoes' attitude that pops upon a bit more often than not.
  Eadric Miller ( ) - Adorable Farm Boy
To be honest one would think that Neena would despise someone so weak, helpless and unable to have a spine. But actually its the exact opposite, she sort of adores him. She think his mannerisms, naivete and skittishness are really, really cute. So much in fact that she possibly likes him for the fact that he acts like Lord Francel, someone whom she thinks is adorable and used to have a crush on in the past. Of course she has no romantic attraction or want from the boy, but she can't help but compare the two often.
  Elf Alred ( ? ) - Allagan Scholar?
She's only met this guy twice and she really isn't sure how to feel about him. He's so laid back but he knows about the Allagan stuff in the Crystal Tower. He even offered to tell Neena and her friends about the Voidsent stuff within the structure. He seems to have a hidden agenda but isn't afraid to make allies of everyone. For right now Neena thinks of him as an ally, but is keeping an eye on him just in case.
  Oliver Amaranth (  ●   ? ) - Child With A Bow
When it comes to Oliver Neena has no idea truly what to think about him. They haven't interacted much and the times she has observed him she noticed him being very rude and childish in his rash behavior and words. She isn't sure if he know who Neena, herself, is but one of these days she's determined to let him know why she knows best for Sera since everyone else seems to acknowledge why. For right now she has negative thoughts on the man and thinks that he is nothing but a threat to Sera; often referring to him, in her own mind, the same title Sera gave him when she reverted back to her true form; the "Child With A Bow".

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Every time I see someone talk I swear I see her ears move."
"When there is a lot of people she looks ready to freeze up and faint!"
"She's so eerily quiet, I swear she stares right into my soul!"
"People seem to see her around everywhere, like she doesn't stay in one place for too long."

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"That magic of her is unnatural, nothing like thaumaturgy!"
"She seems to have a noble air around her when she stands in place."
"I saw her small dragon turn into a large one once!"
"I've noticed she hangs around The Wench a lot while sitting and staring into space.
"She has been seen around the Culinarian Guild a lot, but she doesn't seem like the type to cook."

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"I saw her staring sadly at House Fortemps, it was almost like she had lost something dear."
"People say she's the bastard daughter of some big shot in Ishgard, but I've never heard of an Ishgardian mage."

◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
Feel free to add your own rumors here!

The Adventurers of a Reluctant Warrior of Light
The Beginning
Context: Blurb
Mother's Path
Context: Blurb
Context: Blurb
Dawn of a New Era
Context: Blurb
Beloved Mother-Servant
Context: Blurb
Romantic Feelings
Context: Blurb
Context: Blurb
Context: Blurb
The Dragon Whisperer
Context: Blurb

Entire playlist can be found here.
Songs used set a mood, lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. The following links will take you to Youtube. Please mind your speakers.
Character Theme
Character Theme/Voice Claim


Personal RP Limits
What I'll RP blurb
Permission Needed blurb
What I Won't RP blurb
Author Notes

Character Notes

Interesting Things On Neena
Things not stated in the wiki or things that I simply forgot to put in at the last minute.
Plot Hooks

I'm really thankful for being able to use these wikis as inspiration and they deserve the credit for their work!

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Backround and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits and relationship color keys by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Altering various names/fonts/sizes of the text Nenanie Durendaire.

Please remember to link back when using this wiki. Thank you. NOTE THIS IS STILL WIP