Kinono Kino

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Kinono Kino
Kino pose.png
Gender Female
Race Lalafell
Clan Mixed (physically dunesfolk)
Citizenship Ul'dahn
Age 25
Height 3 fulms 1.5 ilms
Weight 42 ponz
Profession Adventurer
Patron Deity Nophica
Server Balmung

Kinono Kino is an adventurer and explorer, and recently widowed mother.


Kinono is just over 3 fulms tall. Her hair is a natural shade of dark red, and will vary in length. She will typically dress in light, airy clothes, but prefers to avoid dresses and skirts, as well as jewelry. When working or training, she will wear medium-to-heavy armor. She will commonly wear glasses as well.

General History

Pre-Calamity/The Calamity

Kinono sketch.png

Kinono Kino was born in Ul'dah and grew up along the routes and within the towns and outposts within Thanalan. She is the sole daughter of two self-reliant and only modestly successful traders. Opting to never settle down, and thus never dig unnecessarily into profits or waste too much time settled, the family lived nearly always travelling, stopping for only suns or weeks at a time to unload stock and resupply before moving on.

So their daughter was brought along with them, growing up from infancy along these trade routes, outposts, and the occasional stop in Ul'dah. Her mother tried her best to school her, teaching her to read and write, as well math, geography, and a scant bit of history, all in the hopes of raising her to embrace the same travelling merchant lifestyle that they had come to call their own. Unfortunately for the young woman's parents, this would never come to be.

The young merchant-in-training made her dislike of the profession well known to the couple, so when she disappeared one night (along with a smattering of goods and supplies) while their cart had been travelling, and just as she was to come of-age in a few moons, they did not take it as much of a surprise. Instead of breaking from their schedule to look for the girl, they decided that she would return to them in time when she realized how large and dangerous the world was while she was on her own.

The young woman ran away in the dead of night, though it was not only a prescribed career she ran from. She made her way through the desert over a period of days, surviving off the small amount of supplies and valuables she had relieved her parents of and (being unable to hunt for herself) whatever floral seemed succulent enough to eat or be drunk from. Not many of these plants were actually deemed suitable for consumption. Despite the arid land, dangerous monsters, beastmen , and dream flower-fueled missteps, she was able to find passage cheaply (thanks to a not-entirely lawful crew) to Limsa Lominsa after making it to Vesper Bay.

She was discovered in a cargo crate under the inspection of the Arcanist's Guild. The captain of the ship claimed no knowledge of her presence, naming her a stowaway. Kinono Kino was offered sanctuary with the guild, on the grounds that she work enough to pay for her own inn room and food. Showing a marked knack for the keeping of inventory and numbers, she had no trouble at all earning her keep at Mealvan's Gate.It was shortly after this profession change that the Calamity occurred. This did little to change her resolve though; she had found a home and work which didn't require a lifelong investment. She had steady quarters, steady food, steady scenery, and for a time she was happy.

Ever Since

Five years pass by in this way, and world news she heard around the city begins to make her feel anxious. Tales of primals stirring and of the Empire's renewed offensive, as well as general malaise and restlessness regarding her work, fueled her desire to become an adventurer. It was a simple matter to obtain an arcamina book with which to channel aether given her profession, but a less simple matter to maintain a practice schedule. Despite the ease with which the usage came to her, she lacked the patience for study and practice. While she quit her work at Mealvan's and sought employ with the Adventurer's Guild instead, it wasn't long before she dropped the usage of arcanima almost completely in favor of more martial, and in her eyes, visceral weapons, though she enjoyed taking on more menial tasks that adventuring offered, she always sought to find something bigger to strive for.

During her work and training, she met another lalafell named Babazan Papazan, and after quite a while of platonic companionship, started dating. A few moons later resulted in a pregnancy, and saw them married on the third sun of the First Astral Moon. During her long pregnancy, she gave up the dangerous usage of martial weapons and began again training in magic, finding renewed patience and interest in the study when she was no longer able to physically exert herself as she had been. Their daughter, Kibaba Kiba, was born on the twenty-fifth Sun of the third Astral Moon.

Her husband, Babazan Papazan, passed away only a couple short moons later due to a form of Voidal-poisoning that had affected him his entire life, leaving Kinono a widow.

Since then, she has taken up residence in the Artificers, Inventors, and Manufacturers free company hall, where she continues to live with her infant daughter. Her continued grief and regret over being unable to help her husband has inspired her to seek out, and train as, a dark knight.


Welcome Kino.png

Kinono is typically bright and cheerful, always willing to lend an ear or hand where applicable. She loves jokes, and her recent experiences have landed her a very warm, and nurturing nature, to peers and children alike. She is nearly always cordial and polite, typically considering her words very carefully.

Her daughter is the most important thing in her life, and she would do anything and forsake all else if it meant protecting her.

Despite her usually friendly and welcoming nature, Kinono possess a powerful disdain for the Void, and will actively deter or confront those she believes to be allied with or sympathetic to Voidkin or their cultists in any way.


Kino smile.JPG
  • Nicknames: Kino, Kicks, Kiks, Little Mountain
  • Age: 25
    • Nameday: 12th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
  • Gender: Female
    • Sexuality: Bisexual
    • Marital Status: In a relationship
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Height: 3 fulms, 1.5 ilms
  • Weight: 42 ponz
  • Body: Average
  • Hair: Long, deep red textured with darker strands.
  • Eyes: Pale blue
  • Skin: Pale midtone
  • Clothing: Ranging from loose and free-flowing, to full armor suitable for battle.


  • Quick learner
  • Agile
  • Talented and skilled in arcanima
  • All the typical advantages of being short and lightweight


  • Physically weak, unless she’s channeling aether (which tires her quickly)
  • Impatient
  • All the typical disadvantages of being short and lightweight

Other Notes


Kinono Kino was named in plainsfolk style, despite taking on more dunesfolk traits physically. She doesn't find this particularly odd, and usually doesn't bring it up unless someone asks. She is used to have her name shortened, to the point that she will typically introduced herself as just "Kino" or offer, "most people call me Kino," especially when speaking to a non-lalafell.


Kinono adheres to the Twelve, favoring particularly Nophica, Nymeia, and Nald’thal.


  • Any time she’s apart from her daughter, she keeps a linkpearl in her ear to constantly monitor her while she sleeps. Occasionally, Kinono will trail off mid-sentence or zone out in group settings to focus on listening to her.
  • She still wears her wedding ring, despite losing her husband moons ago.
  • Rather than curtsy as the lalafell emote shows, Kino bows when first meeting someone in a more masculine way, forward with one hand over her stomach.

Known Haunts

  • The Goblet, Ul’dah, Thanalan
  • The Black Shroud, though she rarely ever enters Gridania.
  • Limsa Lominsa

Possible Connections

  • Extended family is never out of the question, and neither would close family for that matter, though her parents are accounted for.
  • Someone that Kinono met prior to the Calamity while she was with her parents as a travelling merchant.
  • Someone that Kinono worked or trained with at Mealvan’s Gate/the Arcanist’s Guild.
  • Any sort of adventurer Kino may have met/teamed up with/competed against while completing leves or other jobs.
  • Pretty much anything! If you’re someone who wants to RP with me, I’m sure we can work something out.

A Big Thanks

To L'yhta Mahre for the wiki template. Thanks L'yhta!