Svanhilda Ealdgyd
 "If I should be an abandoner and a heretic, I should at least take pride in those titles. I have no regrets, no remorse. I would do it again, a thousand times over, if I had to. I would not hesitate."
Free Lance
7'3" / 336 ponze
Patron Diety
An ex-soldier who has resigned herself to a life of charity and mercenary work in the wake of the Calamity. Her friendly, easygoing demeanor masks a righteous fury and an aggressive sense of honor. Courageous and confrontational, Svanhilda is not at all afraid to speak her mind against the unjust and raise her lance in defense of the downtrodden. Those she allies herself to find themselves in the company of a loyal friend, but her unapologetic outspokenness has also earned her a number of enemies.
Basic Info
- ■ Hunting
- ■ Chocobos
- ■ Cross stitching
- ■ Floral patterns
- ■ A challenge
- ■ Dragons
- ■ Gingham
- ■ Hypocrites, Liars, and Thieves
- ■ Zealots
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Appearance & Personality
Known History
Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!
◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
- ■ "She regularly volunteers to distribute medical supplies and rations to struggling refugees. I haven't had any issues with her. She actually keeps proper inventory of what she distributes." -- Dunesfolk woman with a clipboard
- ■ "I don't think she's from around here. I don't think she's from Ul'Dah, either. Maybe she came from Limsa Lominsa?" -- Stumped Wood Wailer
- ■ "Sometimes she shows up to help cull down the beastkin populations in the Twelveswood. You could tell her to hunt anything, from squirrels to Morbols, and she would do it all the same. I've never known her to turn down an assignment." -- Wood Wailer
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
- ■ "That big lady? Listen, she's not right. I have never seen her wear a proper winter coat. Never. It was the dead middle of winter and she was wearing a sleeveless vest with nothing underneath. And SHORTS. Honest to Gods, SHORTS. That shit isn't natural. She didn't even look a bit bothered by the cold. AND IT WAS SNOWING!" -- A very disgruntled Miqo
- ■ "If you really want to see her freak out, wave a torch at her. She goes completely ballistic." -- Bar patron, The Drowning Wench
- ■ "So I heard one lady say that she cut off a dude's hand because he stole from her, and then I heard this other guy say she sleeps with stuffed animals. I don't know. Make of that what you will." -- Mostly disinterested Midlander
- ■ "I think I remember her. She showed up out of the blue right before the battle of Carteneau. She was one of the ones who actually came back afterwards. You remember the ones who came back." -- Retired Adder Lieutenant
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
- ■ "She spat right in the face of some small time crimelord who was running some kind of black market racket with, uh...medicine, I think. Literally, spat in his face and caused a huge scene. I also heard she took out the guy's three main goons at the same time. I wouldn't mess with her." - Duskwight merchant.
- ■ "I hear there's a warrant for her arrest in Ishgard." - Gossipy Adder soldier
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
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- ♥ Romantic Interest ♥ Platonic Love ● Good Standing ● Uncertain Standing ● Neutral Standing ● Poor Standing
- ♥ Gale : Svanhilda's chocobo companion. Just as big and steadfast as one would expect, Gale is no stranger to danger and often accompanies Svanhilda into treacherous areas.
- ● Helios Daima : A fragile boy, but with a good heart. It will be interesting to see what he's capable of.
- ● Flute Reyrmor : Svanhilda appreciates her moxie.
- ● Parsinald Lionborn : She has no reason to dislike him.
- ● Willas West : It's easy to find a sense of solidarity among veterans.
There's nothing here...
- Template by Bancroft Gairn