Kiku Chiryoshi

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This Wiki page is a constant work in progress. While some OOC spoilers are presnt, many are redacted for RP, character progression, and story purposes.

Garlemald Flag.jpg 治療師の菊
Kiku Acolyte thin.png
"Maybe this was how you stayed sane in wartime: a handful of noble deeds amid the chaos."

— Scott Westerfeld, Leviathan

Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Raen
Citizenship Doman
Religion Nophica, the Matron
Age 24
Nameday 7th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon, 1558
Height/Weight 5 fulms/98 ponz
Occupation Student Healer/Therapist
Server Balmung

A philanthropic soul appearing gentle in mien, slight of stature and bookish, Kiku can be first interpreted as the quiet, meek and introverted type. Though, she's often quick to dispel such impressions with a warm greeting and a receptive, attentive gaze. Despite her reclusive heritage like most of her race and clan —and in stark contrast to her brother— she seems rather social and amiable.

Stricken with insatiable wanderlust and a deep intrigue in the unknown, Kiku is prone to haste. She hardly spares a moment to absorb and enjoy her surroundings, eagerly flitting off to the next thing or person in what may be a reckless charge. To reign in her listlessness and spare Kael'aan at least a few more headaches, she attempts to preoccupy herself by directing much of her effort to creative pursuits, intellectual studies, and everyday tasks. Of course, this only works for so long. It doesn't take much to draw her attention.



Given Name: 菊「きく, kiku」literally "chrysanthemum." Also known as "mums" or "chrysanths," these autumn blooms were widely celebrated in Doma as a symbol of longevity and rejuvenation. Drinking dew from a chrysanthemum was believed to bring one long life or even eternal youth, according to legend. White chrysanthemums also signify loyalty and devoted love and are used to honor the dead.
Alias(es): 治療師「ちりょうし, chiryōshi」literally "healer" or "therapist," and 「はな, hana」literally "flower."
Current Residence: Common Rooms – #12 Sixth Ward, The Goblet, Thanalan
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: ???
Religion: Believer in the Dawn Father and Dusk Mother, and avid follower of the Twelve, especially Nophica


Hair: Cropped, platinum blonde —nearly the same color as her horns and scales— often tied back with ribbons.
Eyes: Pale green irises with bright limbal rings.
Complexion: Fair, subtly tanned from being out in the sun.
Face: Muted, bone-white scales and horns, the right one of which is chipped somewhere along the upper edge.
Overview: Barely standing at average Auri height, Kiku appears lithe, even frail to most. Her active lifestyle, however, has helped immensely with keeping her healthy and fit for travel alongside her taller, sturdier brother. With soft skin and next to no muscle definition, she poses no physical threat worth mentioning.
Attire: Anything practical so long as it fits —even if it's a size too large. A creature of comfort, Kiku sometimes engulfs herself her own robes and shirts.





Weaknesses: Impulsive, stubborn and naive, Kiku may allow her emotions to overwhelm her when stressed, sometimes to the point of preventing her from finding her equilibrium and blinding herself from matters of logic and reason. She doesn't always look before she leaps, which has landed her and others in a great deal of trouble.





Ceremonial Dancing
Talking… a lot.


Favorite Food/Drink:
Favorite Creatures:
Least Favorite Food:
Least Favorite Creature: Primals



Kiyo 'Shokubutsu' Shokubutsugakusha (Mother, Missing)
植物学者の清「しょくぶつがくしゃのきよ, shokubutsu gakusha no kiyo
Kiyo, the Botanist; "Plant Food"
Masato Hogosha (Father, Missing)
保護者の雅人「ほごしゃのまさと, hogosha no masato
Masato, the Guardian
Kae'laan Chiryoshi (Adopted Brother)
治療師のケイレン「ちりょうしのケイレン, chiryōshi no keiren
Kael'aan, the "Healer"

Player Character Standings

Please note: The below list constantly changes.
Character names will appear on the list if Kiku has some regard of them, and they may move in categories.
If Kiku does not think much of a character or has forgotten they existed, the character's name will be removed from the list.
Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing


Kael'aan Chiryoshi
Gen Quickpaw
Blazerro Draken
Maryel (Shadowstalker) –
Misha (Jinhri) –
Taka (Vhasa) –
Kaito Kumon
Kataani (Hawkeye) –



Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
PC Rumors (Rumors written by other Player Characters. If you wish to write a rumor, just go ahead and do so, make sure it's IC!)


Born in Doma to a medicine woman and a humble sentry, Kiku grew up in a loving, comfortable environment —perhaps too comfortable. Inquisitive even as an infant, she was determined to see the world, often found attempting to slip away the very moment all eyes were taken off of her. One particular misadventure had landed her in the back of a traveling merchant's wagon and bound for the bloody eastern steppes of Othard where the many tribes of the Xaela roam. Fearing for the life of their only daughter, her parents made haste to pursue the caravan and pluck up the girl just beyond the mountain range of their people's home.
There they found a collapsed Xaelan boy, exhausted and malnourished from traveling alone. Initially, the couple was reluctant to take in the dying child for fear of what he might become with age or what wrath they might invoke if he came from a war-like tribe that yet searched for him. But as they made to leave him where he lay, Kiku began to sob uncontrollably. Whether this truly had anything to do with the boy is unknown; however, it was enough to make them reconsider.


Template by Bancroft Gairn