Hien Kurogane

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Hien Kurogane
Hien Kurogane
Gender Male
Race Au Ra
Clan Raen
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 30
Occupation Pirate, smuggler, thief, part-time bartender
Class Machinist, Archer
Place of Residence Dragonhead, Coerthas; sometimes Limsa Lominsa

Hien, a Raen originally hailing from Doma, is a smuggler and information broker, as well as occasionally petty thief. He is a member of a piratical organization known colloquially as the Debauchery Tea Party (an inside joke on their part reflecting their history as pirates who are now attempting to present themselves as legitimate traders in tea and spices). He used to run a tavern in their name until it burnt down in a recent unfortunate incident, and now currently operates from a small tavern in Coerthas, around the Dragonhead area.

Though his past few years have been spent as a pirate, Hien is himself closer to a smuggler, information broker, and chief-string-puller of the weak minded. For the DTP Hien acts as information broker and point of contact for those seeking to employ the group for shadier work than most mercenary companies would be willing to undertake. He works to gather together a collection of useful individuals whose skills in all manner of ill-deeds can be put to use for the company, whilst simultaneously building up a network of contacts, informants and skilled individuals of his own - just in case...


Dress Style: Smart but comfortable. He prefers dark, muted colors and simple clothes.

Accessories: Hien wears a pendant on a heavy silver chain, which he never takes off and certainly refuses to relinquish to anyone. He often carries a book on his person, which contains information he deems important to keep on hand and in which he is often writing notes.

Scars/Distinguishing Features: He has a scar above his left eye, left by a poorly aimed blade that he failed to dodge. Several other scars on his arms, shoulders and back come from a variety of causes. Aside from the one above his eye, the majority are not visible while dressed.

Character and Personality

Personality: Hien is a careful and calculating man, one who prefers to tie the strings which make people dance rather than force them through violence. He has an interest in knowledge, with no preference for its method of acquisition, and is usually willing to pay a price for information.

On the outside he is genial and friendly, but he tends to listen more than he talks. He doesn't like conflict or confrontation and prefers to leave the fighting to those better suited to it. The exception to this is his bar, in which he will not stand for violent outbursts and damage to the property he manages in the interests of his company. As far as he is concerned the tavern is his territory and his rules apply to all who set foot inside.

Motivations and goals: Hien is motivated mostly by the desire to find a place for himself and will fight to protect it. He is also driven by the interests of those closest to him but with a tint of self interest. For example, while he doesn't truly believe in his employer's ambition to return piracy to Limsa Lominsa, he does understand the value such things have for others, and is willing to throw his support behind it for that reason.

Positive traits: Analytical, intelligent, opportunistic, ambitious, loyal.

Flaws: Manipulative, cynical, suspicious of other people's motives, can be a dirty fighter

Skills and Preferences

Skills, interests and hobbies: Hien values information, and is an avid collector of books and scrolls as much as he is secrets and whispers. He has a deep interest in magic, aether and arcanima and a strong drive for knowledge of all kinds. He

Likes: Books, music, crowded places, chococbo racing

Dislikes: Giant toads/Nix, carbuncles, people breaking things in his bar

Fears: His biggest fear is of events in Doma eventually catching up to him. Following the razing of the city state there is the distinct possibility that surviving family members may be in Eorzea and the chance of crossing paths concerns him, as does the ultimate outcome should they catch up with him still bearing grudges.


Weapon(s) of choice: Gun, bow, sword

Fighting Style: Hien likes to be able to set up the field of battle to his own advantage, preferring only to enter into a conflict if he is sure of his chance of winning. In general, he would prefer to have someone else do the fighting, and tends to draw his own weapon only if pressed, ambushed or a close friend would be in danger if he fled.

He prefers to fight from a distance, usually wielding a bow or a gun whilst relying on and supporting allies from a safer vantage point. If called up to fight close range he can do so with a blade, but ranged weapons have long been his preference. He isn't above using a knife to threaten someone, and often carries a long blade on his person (for defense of course). In a toe-to-toe confrontation where he feels he is outmatched or unprepared, he is more likely to try to escape a conflict than engage in something he's sure to lose.

Strengths (in combat): Hien fights best when he can set up the field in advance and has allies he can rely on. He is good in a team, but not so much alone. He tends to fight dirty, and isn't afraid to use trickery, deception and generally unfair methods to win. He is stronger with ranged weapons such as the gun or bow, but can put up a decent stand in close range with a blade.

Weaknesses (in combat): Hien has little knowledge of nor training in any form of magical arts. As a result, his skills in both magical offense and defense are poor, and when faced with a competent mage he'd rather run than risk being blown to pieces. When supported by allies he will often make any enemy mage his first target on the field of battle, recognizing them as possibly the greatest threat to himself, personally, and seeking to neutralize them as fast as possible.


Place of Birth: Doma

History: Hien was born and raised in Doma but fled the city state in his mid twenties in order to escape trouble of his own making. As he left, and for personal reasons he rarely discloses, he stole an item of considerable value from his own family, carrying it with him across the seas, and which he still has on his person now. Fearing pursuit for this theft, he boarded and ship and paid the captain handsomely to ferry him as far away as they were traveling.

Unfortunately for all his plans, the merchant vessel came under attack by pirates only a few weeks into their journey.

Hien aided in the crew's defense of the ship, drawing the ire of the attacking pirate captain. As the crew faltered one by one, it became apparent that he would not be able to keep up the struggle indefinitely and the pirates were going to win out. Thus, when the first mate offered to allow him to join them if he dropped his futile defense, he agreed.

For several years he sailed under the Captain of the Bloody Cross, eventually rising in both crew and captain's esteem. As Limsa Lominsa became increasingly hostile to pirates who still raided on the seas, he suggested to Captain Cross that they look to expanding their influence inland. With his experience dealing with trade interests in Doma, he volunteered to aid them in their endeavor, and when the crew eventually voted to create a legitimate facade for them to operate behind, he was made quartermaster and manager of their land based enterprise.

Family: Hien's family name is actually Rokuyari. He took Kurogane as a pseudonym on leaving Doma.

Hien has two living uncles with whom he is not on very good terms due to past events and friction within the family. Aside from them, he hasn't had contact with anyone since leaving Doma and he has no idea who may have survived the Garlean attack on the city state, since none ever came ashore with the refugees. He has been in recent contact with his uncles, in an attempt to smooth relations with his surviving family.


Some from Doma might know his family name, Rokuyari and of the network of clans that they associated with who were rumored to be involved in the black market. However, only people from within the family will know why he fled (and you'll have to poke me oocly for that information as I'm not putting it here in its entirety).

Some on the outside might have heard rumors of a son of that group stealing something valuable and running off with it, leading to violent repercussions within the clan he left behind.

Contact Information


Hien often rents rooms above a small tavern in Dragonhead, Coerthas (not Camp Dragonhead, but the small town south of it where the where the Observatorium is). He can often be found drinking in that bar, and messages left for him there are usually delivered. Alternatively, he can be contacted via his pirate contacts in Limsa Lominsa, or by anyone seeking out the Silverleaf trading company who operate in and out of La Noscea's ports.


In game: Hien Kurogane

Hydaelyn Roleplayers RPC: Valtiere

Time Zone: EST

Feel free to contact at any time via the RPC, or add me as a friend in game. I'm always open to RP, and happy to discuss the possibility of former IC connections or new acquaintances. I am most often online in the evenings, from 10pm EST onwards, and always available through the RPC.