Reinhardt Beauregard

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Ishgard.jpg Reinhardt Pendragon
IMG 20160609 124909.jpg
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ishgardian
Age 19
Marital Status Single
Occupation Knight Dragoon
Orientation Hetrosexual
  • Damien Beauregard (father, deceased)
  • Maria Beauregard (mother, deceased)
  • Riven Pendragon (half-sister, relation unknown)
  • Alberic Beauregard (uncle, location unknown)
  • Vahn Pendragon (older brother by adoption)

Basic Info


Stormy/windy weather


Raw foods
Overly sweet things
Anything involving arithmetics.


Alignment: Neutral Good
Vice(s): Stubborn, can act without thinking, easily annoyed, temper problem
Favorite Food: Doman noodles
Favorite Drink: Spiced cider
Favorite Color: Indigo

Appearance & Personality

Reinhardt can most often be seen in armor-even when he's off-duty. As such, it will almost always be in his dragoon colors-snow white and grey. He always will be armed, either with his Gale Bog or a Doman naginata that he received as a present.
When he finally does get out of the armor, he can often be seen wearing a white or red fitted undershirt with black pants. He also wears a gold hairpin stylized in the form of a dragon on the right side of his head.



Early Years

Born in a village in Coerthas' Western Highlands, Reinhardt's family relocated to Ishgard when he was a infant. Within three years they had been able to rise into the merchant class of the city and were doing rather well for themselves. As one of the first children born to the Beauregards during this time of prosperity, it was expected of Reinhardt to follow in his father's footsteps, but Reinhardt was more entranced by the stories of the Knights Dragoon than of learning about trade and markets. He was never without his favorite toy-a clockwork of Kain Highwind, and often gave his mother frights by jumping off the highest ledges he could find.
Against the wishes of his family, Reinhardt's father encouraged his son's interest. This would continue right up until an incident in Reinhardt's seventh year-when Reinhardt told his mother that he was starting to hear voices on the wind. At the same time he started to display signs of an emerging aetherical talent-primarily centered around wind-aether. While this would have resulted in Reinhardt getting a small degree of magical training in normal circumstances, the Beauregards were quick to tell their son to never speak of his gift-and furthermore, made arrangements for Reinhardt to be enrolled in a school for merchants' children.
It was after that incident that Reinhardt slowly became aware that something was very wrong. Late at night he would awaken to the sound of his parents arguing, or come down to breakfast in the mornings to find that his uncle had spent the night at their house. Oftentimes he was witness to his parents arguing in turns with his uncle-though he would remember that his mother often looked frightened and guilty. Friends began to distance themselves, and Reinhardt's father's business started to struggle.

The Mapmaker

Shortly after Reinhardt's eighth nameday, everything finally came to a head. One night as the family slept, an armed group of Temple Knights and Inquisitors stormed the Beauregard home, arresting everyone. The entire household was taken to the Tribunal, where they were held and questioned for several days. Separated from everyone he loved, Reinhardt lived in fear, and was questioned by the Inquisitors. It was during this time he would learn that his uncle, going under the moniker of 'The Mapmaker' had been providing detailed maps of Ishgard's defenses to Dravanian heretics. One such map had resulted in a devastating attack on Falcon's Nest, which claimed the lives of several Temple Knights and Knight Dragoons. Reinhardt's uncle had gotten wind of the impending arrest and had escaped...but now it was on the entire family to pay for his crimes.
The Beauregards were immediately ostracized, and everything they owned was taken by the Church. When they were finally released the family had no choice but to relocate to the Brume-and even there it was a struggle for them to survive. Reinhardt's mother was able to find work as a scullery maid, while Reinhardt's father became a field laborer. Reinhardt would try his best to help by taking odd messenger jobs-but more often than not the family went hungry, and Reinhardt could only watch helplessly as his parents began to turn on each other. His only solace was the labyrinth of wooden beams that made up most areas of the Brume, and whenever he wasn't working, he could be found scampering across them and practicing his jumps, learning how to follow the wind-trails that made their way though the area.
The Inquisitors were also not finished with the now-ruined family. Whenever there was a heretic attack on a convoy or a settlement and one of the Mapmaker's maps was found, they would always return. This only made life harder for Reinhardt and his parents in the Brume-now they were considered outcasts among the poorest of Ishgard's citzens. The stress and strain would also finally take their toll: Reinhardt's mother would die in an outbreak of fever when he was ten-and three months later, Reinhardt's father would fall of the edge of the Brume in a drunken stupor. His body was never found.


Following the death of his parents, Reinhardt was placed into a Brume orphanage. He became known for fighting with the other boys on a regular basis-as he was often the target of scorn and abuse. He continued his habit of climbing the heights of the Brume-and it was his particular skill in that area that brought him to the attention of a passing solider when he was thirteen. The man was a trainer for the Temple Knights, and seeing Reinhardt's skill with leaps and jumps, thought he would make a good candidate for Knight Dragoon training. Within a matter of days, the needed paperwork was settled and Reinhardt found himself in the Congregation's school. It seemed as if things were starting to finally look up...but unfortunately for Reinhardt, the stigma of his family name would soon darken the good fortune he'd been granted.
Several of the teachers in the Congregation's school knew of the Falcon's Nest attack, and were quick to realize the connection between Reinhardt and his uncle. Again Reinhardt found himself the outsider, and for the next several years was on the knife's edge of being thrown out due to his relation to one of Ishgard's most wanted traitors. Only his skills kept him in his class-though he was constantly passed over for any advancements. Alone with no type of comfort, Reinhardt slowly became bitter and jaded, losing his faith in Halone.

The Steps of Faith

Reinhardt participated in the battle of the Steps, and was among several groups of students from the Congregation school that survived the attack. But he came out of it badly injured-almost losing an eye to dragon-claws, several broken ribs, a broken leg, and a broken right arm. Again he would be passed over for advancement-and found himself relegated to patrols in the city. This was a bitter blow for Reinhardt, as he had hoped participation (and surviving) the Steps would have given him a chance to be permitted to take his dragoon-trials.
(it was also during this time period that Reinhardt's luck improved briefly. Seeing a chocobo that was about to be put down due to it's being unable to fight, he pleaded with the chocobo trainers for him to take it off their hands. The trainer agreed to do so, and Reinhardt was able to save the young bird. Naming her Beatrix, he was able to get her housed at the Congregation's chocobo stables.)

The Mapmaker Returns

With Ishgard's gates open to the rest of Eorzea, it was not long before there was an uptick in heretical activity. Again the Mapmaker made an appearance-and this time, his actions would result in Reinhardt's expulsion from the Congregation school. With only the clothes on his back, a spear, and Beatrix, Reinhardt found himself out in the cold snows of Central Coerthas. Disappointed, bitter, and unable to see any other options, Reinhardt decided to join the ranks of the Dravanian Horde heretics. Reports he had heard before his expulsion had spoken of a group operating in the Central Highlands, and so Reinhardt decided to seek them out. His path would take him though the Observatorium...where thanks to Beatrix, Reinhardt's luck would finally begin to turn.

The Cobalt Dragoon

On the same day Reinhardt arrived at the Observatorium, a Knight Dragoon was taking a break from his patrols. Spotting Beatrix, he complimented Reinhardt on how well-cared the chocobo seemed to be. Noticing that the younger man was dressed in the armor of a Knight-Dragoon trainee, he asked Reinhardt his reason for being outside of the city. Reinhardt's answer was guarded, but this did not sway the dragoon. Not giving the younger man any time to think, he requested that Reinhardt meet him atop the Observatorium's tower.
Reinhardt very nearly left-but old habits died hard. Besides he knew-or rather had heard of the Knight Dragoon who had made the request- Vahn Pendragon, known as the Cobalt Dragoon. So he climbed up the Observatorium tower, and was surprised to see Vahn waiting for him on one of the tower's battlements. The senior dragoon waved Reinhardt over, and asked him why he was not in the city, training. Feeling he had nothing left to lose, Reinhardt answered with some of the truth; that he had been expelled due to being blood-kin to a known heretic and traitor. Vahn seemed to mull over the answer for several moments. Then before Reinhardt could blink, the senior Dragoon had reached over, seizing Reinhardt by the back of his shirt and throwing him from the top. Shocked, Reinhardt reacted the only way he knew how-landing as best as he could and spinning around to attack Vahn, who had followed him down. After several minutes of fighting, Vahn called a halt-and informed the stunned Reinhardt that he would be taking him on as a squire that very day.
Thoughts of joining the Dravanian heretics temporarily wiped from his mind, Reinhardt found himself relocating once again. The Pendragons were an old and noble vassal family who served House Fortemps. Though as of his arrival, Reinhardt would find himself in a rather strange situation...

Unorthodox in Ishgard

Vahn Pendragon was unlike many of his fellow nobles. Loyal to the Fury, he was also Reinhardt's first encounter with an Ishgardian who shared Aymeric Borel's progressive attitudes about the city. He also was in a open relationship with an outsider who had recently come to Ishgard, a librarian from Gridania's Stillgade Fane. Her name was Riven Astralyas, and she was Reinhardt's first encounter with someone from beyond the See's borders. Between them and with the support of others in House Fortemps, Reinhardt started to slowly heal from years of neglect and pain. Vahn was a strict but fair teacher, and under his training Reinhardt thrived. Six months under the senior Dragoon saw him as one of Fortemps' most skilled squires, even going so far as to be one of the select few permitted to start dragoon-patrols in the Central and Western Highlands. He also was afforded the opportunity to travel for the first time ever, as Vahn and Riven were members of a Free Company based out of Ul'dah.
While known for being a bit of a bumbling idiot (especially when it came to women), Reinhardt was generally known for being kind and thoughtful. Vahn he had started to love as an older brother, Riven as a mother, and he eventually was able to find friends among several other dragoon-squires in the other High Houses. He also started to regain his faith in Halone due to Vahn's teachings, though he struggled to deal with his anger and hate towards the Inquisition and the more corrupt of the Church.

Recent Events

The Ardently Faithful

At the time of the group's formation in Ishgard, Reinhardt had begun the final stages of his dragoon training. Upon learning of the Ardently Faithful, Reinhardt immediately sided with those who supported the Lord High Commander. However his own actions were limited, as the Pendragon family (via Riven) had declared neutrality in the situation due to their association with the Knights Dragoon. This however, did not stop Reinhardt from listening and gathering what information he could.
As the Ardently Faithful's attacks on House Fortemps worsened, and the city itself started to become unstable, Reinhardt was sent by Riven one night to find Vahn on his dragoon-patrol, tell him what was going on the city, and to ask for any orders on what he wanted done. Later on he would be one of two dragoon-squires that would bring reports of what was happening in the city to the dragoons stationed in Dravania and the Churning Mists, due to the ceasefire between the Ishgardians and Dravanians.

The Final Defense of Ishgard

Having just only passed his dragoon trials barely four suns prior to the final battle with Nidhogg, Reinhardt was on the front lines with Vahn during the fight on the Steps. To the shock of his mentor, his fellow first-year dragoons, and the senior Knights, he would distinguish himself brilliantly. He would be credited for several dragon-kills, and for his abilities in the air. Witness would report seeing Reinhardt being able to stop and twist about nimbly in the sky, and for his own dives-disabling his enemies with howling shrieks of wind moments before killing them with his spear. For that ability he was given the nickname of the 'Howling Dragoon', and was formally adopted into the Pendragon family a fortnight later.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Poor boy, he gets so flustered around women! I heard it was so bad that his lord's lady had to intervene-she sent him off on some pretext of buying items for a party, but really?! Who buys party items from Ul'dah and Limsa Lomisa? We all know what goes on there!" -Gossipy Maid
"If I see his scrawny arse bouncing on my lord's roof one more time I don't care if he's a Knight Dragoon, I'll beat him into a bloody pulp!" - Angry Steward
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"I heard his family's from the Highlands. You know-one of those tainted ones." -Snobby Dragoon-Trainee
"That boy should not even be among civilized people! He and his bloodline are nothing but sinners, and he should have been put to death at Witchdrop years ago!" -Zealous Inquisitor
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"That boy is a swiving demon when you get him in the wind! I don't know what he does, but he'll make it scream to the point where your ears bleed and you can't think to do anything!" -Senior Knight Dragoon
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"Ser Reinhardt is young, and hard headed. Possibly one of the more brash people I know, and that is saying something coming from me...But he has a lot of potential, and a good heart. While I fully intend to improve his abilities, I would say he is a fine Knight." - Aramis Dumas


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing     Poor Standing
Vahn Pendragon
Riven Pendragon
Aramis Dumas


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