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Revision as of 12:51, 7 September 2016 by AmiHanami (talk | contribs)
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This character article or section of a character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?
 Iyo'a Nelhah
Placeholder person.gif
Pronounced <ee-yo-ah>
Meaning <First Son of Iyo Nelhah>
Age <30>
Nameday <27th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon>
Birthplace <Thanalan>
Race <Miqo'te>
Clan <Seeker/Keeper (Looks more like a Keeper)>
Alignment <Neutral Good>
Citizenship <Gridania>
Height <5'8>
Weight ~185 ponz
Physique <Lean Muscular>
Hair <Dark Grey>
Eyes <Light Blue>
Skin <Mocha Grey>
Facial Features <Face mostly scar-free, with the exception of a deep scar running from the edge of the right side of his lip towards his right eye.>
Piercings <Ears Pierced>
Clothing <Mostly casual wear, unless on a combat related mission.>
Keywords <Drunken Blacksmith with a weighted past.>
Hobbies <Drinking, Sparring, Socializing, Exploring new Activities>
Likes <Taverns, Alcohol, Weaponry, Cute Things>
Dislikes <Lying & Laziness>
Core Motivator <"Put back together the life I deserve.">
Fears <To die feeling unaccomplished.>
Greatest Regret <Getting married young.>
IC Profession <Rogue>
IC Soulstone <No.>
Non-combat <Smithing & Cooking>
Primary Weapon <Knives>
Secondary Weapon <Unarmed Combat/CQC>
Username <Ami Hanami>
Time Zone <EST/EDT>
Server <Balmung>
Adittional Characters <N'ikko Nelhah, Claire Coulette (played rarely)>
Free Companies <Night Blades>

**Side bar template adapted from: Infobox-roe by [MoenMoen]

**"The TMI Character Template for the Hopelessly Detail Oriented" created by [MoenMoen]

The Basics





AmiHanami's timeline according to the official Lore:Timeline Lore Timeline.

(15xx-15xx) Title for this span of years Show text

(15xx-15xx) Title for this span of years Show text


Think you might want to connect your character's background with mine? Here are some basic affiliations from Iyo'a Nehlhah's past and present that could easily be a place where they met/meet. Send me a message if you'd like to connect them ICly!


Major Events





If you'd like your character to be added to this section let me know. If we've RPed enough times, I'd be happy to do so.


Placeholder person.gif
Character Name

Relation: Mother/Father/Brother/Sister/Husband/Wife Standing: Good/Bad/Neutral/Complicated Status: Alive/Deceased/Unknown

Brief character description: lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ornare, odio et pretium volutpat, quam ligula faucibus sapien, vel ullamcorper nisl erat nec enim. In in rhoncus lacus, sed rutrum magna. Nam scelerisque nisl venenatis sem imperdiet maximus.

Placeholder person.gif
Character Name

Relation: Mother/Father/Brother/Sister/Husband/Wife Standing: Good/Bad/Neutral/Complicated Status: Alive/Deceased/Unknown

Brief character description: lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ornare, odio et pretium volutpat, quam ligula faucibus sapien, vel ullamcorper nisl erat nec enim. In in rhoncus lacus, sed rutrum magna. Nam scelerisque nisl venenatis sem imperdiet maximus.


Placeholder person.gif
Character Name

Relation: Aquaintance/Business partner/Friend/Good Friend/Best Friend/Lover/ Standing: Good/Bad/Neutral/Complicated Status: Alive/Deceased/Unknown

Brief character description: lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ornare, odio et pretium volutpat, quam ligula faucibus sapien, vel ullamcorper nisl erat nec enim. In in rhoncus lacus, sed rutrum magna. Nam scelerisque nisl venenatis sem imperdiet maximus.


Placeholder person.gif
Character Name

Relation: xx Standing: Good/Bad/Neutral/Complicated Status: Alive/Deceased/Unknown

Brief character description: lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ornare, odio et pretium volutpat, quam ligula faucibus sapien, vel ullamcorper nisl erat nec enim. In in rhoncus lacus, sed rutrum magna. Nam scelerisque nisl venenatis sem imperdiet maximus.

Open Roles

These are roles that I have in my character's background that I would love to have filled by another player. If you have a character that you think could fit a role, send me a message and let's chat! I would in no way dictate your character's developement.





PC Added

Have you heard a rumor of AmiHanami? Would you like to create one? Go ahead and do so here!