Ma'sae Pohju

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Ma’sae Pohju
Race Miqo’te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'dah
Hometown Unknown
Profession Wandering Merchant, Unlicensed Alchemist, Stagehand
Free Company Tantalus Co. <<IX>>
Age 24
Server Balmung



  • Name Ma’sae Pohju
  • Known Aliases Ma’sae the Magnificent, Pohju the Potionmaster, The All-Seeing Ahju, The Wonderworking Wanderer… just about anything tacky and alliterative
  • Age 24
  • Height 5’8”
  • Race Miqo’te, Keeper of the Moon
  • Gender Male
  • Orientation Opportunist
  • Hair Color Blue-Black
  • Eye Color One black one blue


  • Adventurer’s Guild - Membership revoked due to inactivity/unpaid dues
  • Dutiful Sisters of the Edelweiss – Membership Lapsed
  • Frondale’s Phrontistry – License revoked
  • Tantalus Theatre Company – Stage Hand
  • Gentlemen Bastards – Street Gang in progress

Residences and Territories

  • Listed Residence - The Hourglass
  • Actual Residence - Anywhere convenient; lately a couch in the Prima Vista ‘basement’
  • Usual Territory - Ul’dah and the surrounding Thanalans
  • Favorite Haunts - Pearl Lane, Silver Bazaar, Forgotten Springs, Zan’rak



"Tall, dark and devilishly handsome." - Ma'sae Pohju

"The sort of face you just want to punch." – Relh’n Amarikh

"Far too good looking for manual labor." - Shion Baku

Ma'sae is tall for a miqo'te, which still leaves him far shorter than almost everyone else save for other miqo'te. And lalafel. That still counts.

His hair is a deep, deep blue that tends to look soot-black thanks to dry desert conditions. He is incredibly proud of his hair. Ma'sae spends inordinate amounts of time preening it, takes an immediate liking to any who compliment it and takes unapproved touching as a personal affront.

Like the majority of Eorzea, Ma'sae has heterochromia. Like the majority of those who peek into matters best left alone, he was not born that way. The left eye is the same blue-black of his hair while the left is a pale blue color he proudly calls 'winter moon'. Reasons for the mismatch vary wildly from account to account and generally change depending on how much he wants to impress the listener.


  • All the World is a Stage - Tends towards the dramatic even though he insists performance work isn't his calling. Anything worth doing can be done with style, in his opinion. Even if it's something as unimaginative as mucking chocobo stables.
  • Honestly Dishonest - He tries not to outright lie, and never with ill intent, but he feels the truth is subjective. The pure and simple Truth is overrated and looks better with a bit of embellishment anyways. Especially if he's trying to sell you something.
  • Shameless - Even when caught very much in the wrong he tends not to feel much remorse over it. There's also the superficial shamelessness of costume changes in public or pulling off his shirt to flustered Priestesses. Or flirting poorly with a tavern girl until he has to be physically removed from the premises.

Tricks and Talents

  • Alternative Alchemy - Ma’sae has not been formally trained in Alchemy. What he knows he picked up along the way during a childhood spent tailing along after merchant caravans. He found the Phrontistry’s approach too limiting as the good stuff isn’t even in the pages of their books. He specializes in things that explode. Fireworks, smoke bombs, sparklers and improvised incendiary events. He’s more than happy to show off his latest work but mind your eyebrows if you stand too close.
  • Back Alley Surgery - A life of finding himself on the wrong end of a blade or fist has given Ma’sae plenty of opportunity to learn to put himself back together. Adjusting dislocated joints, stitching wounds, setting bones and occasionally pulling a tooth if need be. These services are available upon request for a very reasonable rate… but dentistry is more of a hobby, really.
  • Legerdemain - Now you see it now you.... saw him slip it into his sleeve. He’ll gladly show you how fast he can make gil disappear, literally and figuratively. If you were to turn him upside down and shake him the things that would fall out of those sleeves and hidden pockets…
  • Self-Proclaimed Master of Disguise - Claims he can blend near-seamlessly with any law enforcement agency, social status or country with a bit of paint and a costume change. So far all he seems able to fool is Lux. Innocent citizens across the realm wonder why their laundry keeps vanishing from the lines.






Ma’sae is not much of a combat type. He would prefer to diffuse a situation with words or a quick getaway if all else fails. If the knives do come out, so to speak, he’s usually got a bit of steel tucked up a sleeve.

  • Fighting Not to Lose - He will usually try to parry, dodge or block to buy himself time to find an escape. In case an offensive is needed he will usually resort to non-lethal Alchemical alternatives rather than blades or blunt force.
  • Potion Roulette - Takes a potion at random from one of his pockets or pouches and throws it at his opponent. Common options are: Sleep, Blind or Paralyze
  • Run Really, Really Fast - You get the idea. Get out and come back with someone bigger/tougher to fight for you



None Known


  • Baku – Impresario of the Tantalus Company and generally A Nice Guy. Perhaps a little too trusting, especially for a leader of a misfit theater troupe, but it’s hard to imagine anyone wishing him ill. It’s like wanting to hurt a little scaly bunny. You wouldn’t do that. No one would.
  • Lux Lunseer – She saw him shirtless once so she must be entirely star-struck by now. She seems familiar but he doesn’t know why, just yet. The only actress he’s ever met who can’t actually act.


None Yet


  • Sasagan A dusty old chocobo, named for the first Sultan of Ul’dah, that has been his adventuring companion ever since he borrowed him from an unlocked stable.
  • Maxe Sahashin She called him Mister Magnificent and allowed herself to be subjected to a magic trick. That makes them besties. Formerly a Company-Mate of Tantalus.
  • Kherem Ok maybe this guy would want to hurt a cute little bunny. A former Guard of the Tantalus Company so luckily he’s sworn to protect the Maestro, Baku, but that protection doesn’t seem to extend to the rest of the troupe as so far all of Ma’sae’s work-related injuries have come from this guy. Decent sort of fellow, though a bit on the stabby side.

Plot Hooks

Coming Soon!

General RP Info

If I’m not In Duty I’m free to play. Walk Ups and /tells are welcome.

My preferred storylines are ridiculous shenanigans, fail!thievery or other comedic scenarios. Serious drama is usually reserved for characters I’ve played with a few times, at least.

Current Storylines

Coming Soon!


Common Rumors

Moderate Rumors

Rare Rumors

PC Rumors

OOC Notes

I am not my character and he is not me. I will not take it personally if our characters do not get along, in fact most find him something of an acquired taste. I do not get upset if you don’t like the direction a game is going and want to change it or stop. I have no problem discussing scenarios OOC during/before to make sure everyone’s having a good time. Fun for all is first and foremost. If you’re not having fun, what’s the point.